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In general, there are no specific or consensus definitions of PS. In fact, some use the term product safety to describe the same set of activities and principles. The general principles involved and the specific elements of a definition vary from private organizations to government agencies to advocacy groups. However, an analysis of publicly available documents can give a clear sense of the common elements and lead one to an understanding of the principles involved.

Without a common definition, it is still true that every day we each see examples of PS in action. We often take them for granted. Examples include ingredient labels on food and other packaging; warning labels on alcoholic beverages and tobacco products; and tamper‐resistant packaging, recycling bins, and public service commercials. The common element in each is producer responsibility, or stewardship, by the product's manufacturer. In some instances, there may be regulatory requirements driving actions but in many cases there are no specific regulations or requirements defining specific actions needed and being taken to accomplish PS.

Although there are examples of PS in many industries, for the purpose of the chapter the focus will be on the chemical production industry. This is where the author believes IHs have the highest potential to be involved and forms the basis for the premise of this chapter.

Many of the major chemical manufacturing, processing, and distribution companies are committed to performance programs through their trade associations. These include the American Chemistry Council (ACC) Responsible Care® program, the Chemical Industry Association of Canada (CIAC) Responsible Care program, The National Paint and Coatings Responsible Coatings program, and the NACD Responsible Distribution Program. In recent years multiple associations around the world have also developed PS programs. All of these programs define elements and expectations for PS.

In North America, PS in the chemical manufacturing industry is exemplified, defined, and managed in the ACC and the CIAC Responsible Care programs. Both associations have a PS Code of Management Practice.

Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Program Management and Specialty Areas of Practice

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