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Critical Thinking 3.2


In 2018 the Gallup Organization found, for the 17th year in a row, that the public consider nursing to be the most ethical profession. By ethics, we mean the study of morality from a range of perspectives (American Nurses Association (ANA), 2015). In 2016 the Hastings Center produced a Report titled: Nurses at the Table: Nursing, Ethics, and Health Policy (Ulrich, Grady, Hamric, & Berlinger, 2016), sponsored by the American Academy of Nursing. The Report implied that nurses were uniformly ethical. In contrast to this, historian Lynn Dunphy (2001) wrote about nurses who cared for children with polio who were in external pressure ventilators, “iron lungs,” during the polio outbreaks of the mid‐twentieth century. These ventilators were metal tubes in which the patient's body was placed, and only the patient's head was outside the tube. Dunphy quoted a former patient: “…she [the nurse] told me to stop crying. She said she would turn my respirator off if I didn't stop crying. When she did, I passed out immediately” (p. 20). Dunphy wrote that stories like that abounded in her interviews.

Do you think that this was unusual nursing behavior?

Have you ever seen nurses behave with questionable ethics?

What would you do if you saw such behavior today?

Kelly Vana's Nursing Leadership and Management

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