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Encoding of speech in the inner ear and auditory nerve


Let us begin our journey by reminding ourselves about how speech sounds are generated, and what acoustic features are therefore elementary aspects of a speech sound that need to be encoded. When we speak, we produce both voiced and unvoiced speech sounds. Voiced speech sounds arise when the vocal folds in our larynx open and close periodically, producing a rapid and periodic glottal pulse train which may vary from around 80 Hz for a low bass voice to 900 Hz or above for a high soprano voice, although glottal pulse rates of somewhere between 125 Hz to 300 Hz are most common for adult speech. Voiced speech sounds include vowels and voiced consonants. Unvoiced sounds are simply those that are not produced with any vibrating of the vocal folds. The manner in which they are created causes unvoiced speech sounds to have spectra typical of noise, while the spectra of voiced speech sounds exhibit a harmonic structure, with regular sharp peaks at frequencies corresponding to the overtones of the glottal pulse train. Related to these differences in the waveforms and spectra is the fact that, perceptually, unvoiced speech sounds do not have an identifiable pitch, while voiced speech sounds do have a clear pitch of a height that corresponds to their fundamental frequency, which corresponds to the glottal pulse rate. Thus, we can sing melodies with voiced speech sounds, but we cannot whisper a melody.

When we speak, the different types of sound sources, whether unvoiced noises or voiced harmonic series, are shaped by resonances in the vocal tract, which we must deftly manipulate by dynamically changing the volume and the size of the openings of a number of cavities in our throat, mouth, and nose, which we do by articulatory movements of the jaw, soft palate, tongue, and lips. The resonances in our vocal tracts impose broad spectral peaks on the spectra of the speech sounds, and these broad spectral peaks are known as formants. The dynamic pattern of changing formant frequencies encodes the lion’s share of the semantic information in speech. Consequently, to interpret a speech stream that arrives at our ears, one might think that our ears and brains will chiefly need to examine the incoming sounds for broad peaks in the spectrum to identify formants. But, to detect voicing and to determine voice pitch, the brain must also look either for sharp peaks at regular intervals in the spectrum to identify harmonics or, alternatively, for periodicities in the temporal waveform. Pitch information provided by harmonicity or, equivalently, periodicity is a vital cue to help identify speakers, gain prosodic information, or determine the tone of a vowel in tonal languages like Chinese or Thai, which use pitch contours to distinguish between otherwise identical homophonic syllables. Encoding information about these fundamental features, formants, and harmonicity or periodicity, is thus an essential job of the inner ear and auditory nerve. They do this as they translate incoming sound waveforms into a tonotopically organized pattern of neural activity, which represents differences in acoustic energy across frequency bands by means of a so‐called rate–place code. Nerve fibers that are tuned to systematically different preferred, or characteristic, frequencies are arranged in an orderly array. Differences in firing rates across the array encode peaks and valleys in the frequency spectrum, which conveys information about formants and, to a lesser extent, harmonics.

This concept of tonotopy is quite central to the way all sounds, not just speech sounds, are usually thought to be represented along the lemniscal auditory pathway. All the stations of the lemniscal auditory pathway shown in Figure 3.1, from the cochlea to the primary auditory cortex, contain at least one, and sometimes several tonotopic maps, that is, arrays of frequency‐tuned neurons arranged in a systematic array from low to high preferred frequency. It is therefore worth examining this notion of tonotopy in some detail to understand its origin, and to ask what tonotopy can and cannot do to represent fundamental features of speech.

In the mammalian brain, tonotopy arises quite naturally from the way in which sounds are transduced into neural responses by the basilar membrane and organ of corti in the cochlea. When sounds are transmitted from the ear drum to the inner ear via the ossicles, the mechanical vibrations are transmitted to the basilar membrane via fluid‐filled chambers of the inner ear. The basilar membrane itself has a stiffness gradient, being stiff at the basal end, near the ossicles, and floppy at the far end, the apex. Sounds transmitted through the far end have little mechanical resistance from the stiffness of the basilar membrane, but have to displace more inert fluid column in the inner ear. Sounds traveling through the near end face less inertia, but more stiffness. The upshot of this is that one can think of the basilar membrane as a bank of mechanical spring‐mass filters, with filters tuned to high frequencies at the base, and to increasingly lower frequencies toward the apex. Tiny, highly sensitive hair cells that sit on the basilar membrane then pick up these frequency‐filtered vibrations and translate them into electrical signals, which are then encoded as trains of nerve impulses (also called action potentials or spikes) in the bundles of auditory nerve fibers that connect the inner ear to the brain. Thus, each nerve fiber in the auditory nerve is frequency tuned, and the sound frequency it is most sensitive to is known as its characteristic frequency (CF).

The cochlea, and the basilar membrane inside it, is curled up in a spiral, and the organization of the auditory nerve mirrors that of the basilar membrane: inside it we have something that could be described as a rate–place code for sounds, where the amount of sound energy at the lowest audible frequencies (around 50 Hz) is represented by the firing rates of nerve fibers right at the center, and increasingly higher frequencies are encoded by nerve fibers that are arranged in a spiral around that center. Once the auditory nerve reaches the cochlear nuclei, this orderly spiral arrangement unwraps to project systematically across the extent of the nuclei, creating tonotopic maps, which are then passed on up the auditory pathway by orderly anatomical connections from one station to the next. What this means for the encoding of speech in the early auditory system is that formant peaks of speech sounds, and maybe also the peaks of harmonics, should be represented by systematic differences in firing rates across the tonotopic array. The human auditory nerve contains about 30,000 such nerve fibers, each capable of firing anywhere between zero and several hundred spikes a second. So there are many hundreds of thousands of nerve impulses per second available to represent the shape of the sound spectrum across the tonotopic array. And, indeed, there is quite a lot of experimental evidence that systematic firing‐rate differences across this array of nerve fibers is not a bad first‐order approximation of what goes on in the auditory system (Delgutte, 1997), but, as so often in neurobiology, the full story is a lot more complicated.

Thanks to decades of physiological and anatomical studies on experimental animals by dozens of teams, the mechanisms of sound encoding in the auditory nerve are now known in sufficient detail that it has become possible to develop computer models that can predict the activity of auditory nerve fibers to arbitrary sound inputs (Zhang et al., 2001; Heinz, Colburn, & Carney, 2002; Sumner et al., 2002; Meddis & O’Mard, 2005; Zhang & Carney, 2005; Ferry & Meddis, 2007), and here we shall use the model of Zilany, Bruce, and Carney (2014) to look at the encoding of speech sounds in the auditory nerve in a little more detail.

The left panel of Figure 3.2 shows the power spectrum of a recording of the spoken vowel [ɛ], as in head (IPA [hɛːd]). The spectrum shows many sharp peaks at multiples of about 145 Hz – the harmonics of the vowel. These sharp peaks ride on top of broad peaks centered around 500, 1850, and 2700 Hz – the formants of the vowel. The right panel of the figure shows the distribution of firing rates of low spontaneous rate (LSR) auditory nerve fibers in response to the same vowel, according to the auditory nerve fiber model by Zilany, Bruce, and Carney (2014). Along the x‐axis we plot the CF of each nerve fiber, and along the y‐axis we expect the average number of spikes the fiber would be expected to fire per second when presented with the vowel [ɛ] at a sound level of 65 dB SPL (sound pressure level), the sort of sound level that would be typical during a calm conversation with a quiet background.

Figure 3.2 A power spectrum representing an instantaneous spectrogram (left) and a simulated distribution of firing rates for an auditory nerve fiber (right) for the vowel [ɛ] in head [hɛːd].

Comparing the spectrogram on the left with the distribution of firing rates on the right, it is apparent that the broad peaks of the formants are well reflected in the firing rate distribution, if anything perhaps more visibly than in the spectrum, but that most of the harmonics are not. Indeed, only the lowest three harmonics are visible; the others have been ironed out by the fact that the frequency tuning of cochlear filters is often broad compared to the frequency interval between individual harmonics, and becomes broader for higher frequencies. Only the very lowest harmonics are therefore resolved by the rate–place code of the tonotopic nerve fiber array, and we should think of tonotopy as well adapted to representing formants but poorly adapted to representing pitch or voicing information. If you bear in mind that many telephones will high‐pass filter speech at 300 Hz, thereby effectively cutting off the lowest harmonic peak, there really is not much information about the harmonicity of the sound left reflected in the tonotopic firing‐rate distribution. But there are important additional cues to voicing and pitch, as we shall see shortly.

The firing rates of auditory nerve fibers increase monotonically with increasing sound level, but these fibers do need a minimum‐threshold sound level, and they cannot increase their firing rates indefinitely when sounds keep getting louder. This gives auditory nerve fibers a limited dynamic range, which usually covers 50 dB or less. At the edges of the dynamic range, the formants of speech sounds cannot be effectively represented across the tonotopic array because the neurons in the array either fire not at all (or not above their spontaneous firing rates), or because they all fire as fast as they can. However, people can usually understand speech well over a very broad range of sound levels. To be able to code sounds effectively over a wide range of sound levels, the ear appears to have evolved different types of auditory nerve fibers, some of which specialize in hearing quiet sounds, with low thresholds but also relatively low‐saturation sound levels, and others of which specialize in hearing louder sounds, with higher thresholds and higher saturation levels. Auditory physiologists call the more sensitive of these fiber types high spontaneous rate (HSR) fibers, given that these auditory nerve fibers may fire nerve impulses at fairly elevated rates (some 30 spikes per second or so), even in the absence of any external sound, and the less sensitive fibers the LSR fibers, which we have already encountered, and which fire only a handful of spikes per second in the absence of sound. There are also medium spontaneous rate fibers, which, as you might expect, lie in the middle between HSR and LSR fibers in sensitivity and spontaneous activity. You may, of course, wonder why these auditory nerve fibers would fire any impulses if there is no sound to encode, but it is worth bearing in mind that the amount of physical energy in relatively quiet sounds is minuscule, and that the sensory cells that need to pick up those sounds cannot necessarily distinguish a very quiet external noise from internal physiological noise that comes simply from blood flow or random thermal motion inside the ear at body temperature. Auditory nerve fibers operate right at the edge of this physiological noise floor, and the most sensitive cells are also most sensitive to the physiological background noise, which gives rise to their high spontaneous firing rate.

Figure 3.3 Firing‐rate distributions in response to the vowel [ɛ] in head [hɛːd] for low spontaneous rate fibers (left) and high spontaneous rate fibers (right) at three different sound intensities.

To give you a sense of what these different auditory nerve fiber types contribute to speech representations as different sound levels, Figure 3.3 shows the firing‐rate distributions for the vowel [ɛ], much as in the right panel of Figure 3.2, but at three different sound levels (from a very quiet 25 dB SPL to a pretty loud 85 dB SPL, and for both LSR and HSR populations. As you can see, the LSR fibers (left panel) hardly respond at all at 25 dB, but the HSR fibers show clear peaks at the formant frequencies already at those very low sound levels. However, at the loud sound levels, most of the HSR fibers saturate, meaning that most of them are firing as fast as they can, so that the valleys between the formant peaks begin to disappear. One interesting consequence of this division of labor between HSR and LSR fibers for representing speech at low and high sound levels respectively is that it may provide an explanation why some people, particularly among the elderly, may complain of an increasing inability to understand speech in situations with high background noise. Recent work by Kujawa and Liberman (2015) has shown that, perhaps paradoxically, the less sound‐sensitive LSR fibers are actually more likely to be damaged during prolonged noise exposure. Patients with such selective fiber loss would still be able to hear quiet sounds quite well because their HSR fibers are intact, but they would find it very difficult to resolve sounds in high sound levels when HSR fibers are saturating and the LSR fibers that should encode spectral contrast at these high levels are missing. It has long been recognized that our ability to hear speech in noise tends to decline with age, even in those elderly who are lucky enough to retain normal auditory sensitivity (Stuart & Phillips, 1996), and it has been suggested that cumulative noise‐induced damage to LSR fibers such as that described by Kujawa and Liberman in their mouse model may pinpoint a possible culprit. Such hidden hearing loss, which is not detectable with standard audiometric hearing tests that measure sensitivity to probe tones in quiet, can be a significant problem, for example by taking all the fun out of important social occasions, such as lively parties and get‐togethers, which leads to significant social isolation. However, some recent studies have looked for, but failed to find, a clear link between greater noise exposure and poorer reception of speech in noise (Grinn et al., 2017; Grose, Buss, & Hall, 2017), which would suggest that perhaps the decline in our ability to understand speech in noise as we age may be more to do with impaired representations of speech in higher cortical centers than with impaired auditory nerve representations.

Of course, when you listen to speech, you don’t really want to have to ask yourself whether, given the current ambient sound levels, you should be listening to your HSR or your LSR auditory nerve fibers in order to get the best representation of speech formants, and one of the jobs of the auditory brainstem and midbrain circuitry is to combine information across these nerve fiber populations so that representations at midbrain and cortical stations will automatically adapt to changes both in mean sound level and in sound‐level contrast or variability, so that features like formants are efficiently encoded whatever the current acoustic environment happens to be (Dean, Harper, & McAlpine, 2005; Rabinowitz et al., 2013; Willmore et al., 2016).

As we saw earlier, the tonotopic representation of speech‐sound spectra in the auditory nerve provides much information about speech formants, but not a great deal about harmonics, which would reveal voicing or voice pitch. We probably owe much of our ability to nevertheless hear voicing and pitch easily and with high accuracy to the fact that, in addition to the small number of resolved harmonics, the auditory nerve delivers a great deal of so‐called temporal fine structure information to the brain. To appreciate what is meant by that, consider Figure 3.4, which shows the waveform (top), a spectrogram (middle) and an auditory nerve neurogram display (bottom) for a recording of the spoken word ‘head.’ The neurogram was produced by computing firing rates of a bank of LSR auditory nerve fibers in response to the sound as a function of time using the model by Zilany, Bruce, and Carney (2014). The waveform reveals the characteristic energy arc remarked upon by Greenberg (2006) for spoken syllables, with a relatively loud vowel flanked by much quieter consonants. The voicing in the vowel is manifest in the large sound‐pressure amplitude peaks, which arise from the glottal pulse train at regular intervals of approximately 7 ms, that is at a rate of approximately 140 Hz. This voice pitch is also reflected in the harmonic stack in the spectrogram, with harmonics at multiples of ~140 Hz, but this harmonic stack is not apparent in the neurogram. Instead we see that the nerve fiber responses rapidly modulate their firing rates to produce a temporal pattern of bands at time intervals which either directly reflect the 7 ms interval of the glottal pulse train (for nerve fibers with CFs below 0.2 kHz or above 1 kHz) or at intervals that are integer fractions (harmonics) of the glottal pulse interval. In this manner auditory nerve fibers convey important cues for acoustic features such as periodicity pitch by phase locking their discharges to salient features of the temporal fine structure of speech sounds with sub‐millisecond accuracy.

Figure 3.4 Waveform (top), spectrogram (middle), and simulated LSR auditory nerve‐fiber neurogram of the spoken word head [hɛːd].

As an aside, note that it is quite common for severe hearing impairment to be caused by an extensive loss of auditory hair cells in the cochlea, which can leave the auditory nerve fibers largely intact. In such patients it is now often possible to restore some hearing through cochlear implants, which use electrode arrays implanted along the tonotopic array to deliver direct electrical stimulation to the auditory nerve fibers. The electrical stimulation patterns delivered by the 20‐odd electrode contacts provided by these devices are quite crude compared to the activity patterns created when the delicate dance of the basilar membrane is captured by some 3,000 phenomenally sensitive auditory hair cells, but because coarsely resolving only a modest number of formant peaks is normally sufficient to allow speech sounds to be discriminated, the large majority of deaf cochlear implant patients do gain the ability to have pretty normal spoken conversations – as long as there is little background noise. Current cochlear implant processors are essentially incapable of delivering any of the temporal fine structure information which we have just described via the auditory nerve, and consequently cochlear implant users miss out on things like periodicity pitch cues, which may help them separate out voices in a cluttered auditory scene. A lack of temporal fine structure can also affect the perception of dialect and affect in speech, as well as melody, harmony, and timbre in music.

The Handbook of Speech Perception

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