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Woodcarving Illustrated






Mountain Man

“This mountain man is made from

some old cedar I found in the house that

my wife and I moved into,” said



of Paxton, Ill. Corey carved the

figure for a family friend, whom the

piece resembles.


Brad Brown

of Surrey,

B.C., calls his carving a

zombified lion. Brad carved

the 4" by 12" work from a

piece of salvaged cedar.

Ocelot Mirror

Michele Parsons

of Union Mills, N.C.,


Reflecting on Ocelots

, 2" by 16" by

20", as a donation to a zoo’s fundraiser. The

frame is carved from basswood. Michele

woodburned the markings on the ocelots,

and then finished them with acrylic washes

and lacquer.

Driftwood Spirit

Robert Dowling Jr.

of Hampden, Me., is a

professional artist who

recently traded his canvases

for a carving knife. Under

the tutelage of the Easy

Bleeders carving club, Robert

is learning to transform

driftwood and other found

wood into wood spirits. He

said, “As I learn more about

the art of woodcarving and

the more carvings I create,

I am finding myself carving

more than painting.”

Woodcarving Illustrated Issue 71 Summer 2015

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