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Woodcarving Illustrated




Enjoyed Layered Relief

I would like to thank



magazine. I enjoy each

and every issue and have found

many of the projects very exciting

and challenging. I especially

enjoyed the “Creating a Layered

Relief Carving” project submitted

by Wayne Culley (Fall 2012, Issue

60). It was an exceptionally positive

carving experience for me, and I

am just a little past a novice carver.

The idea behind this project was

In November 2012, I

taught a class on carving

with a pocketknife to

Cub Scout Pack 79 in

Glenmoore, Pa. The

Scouts were completing

the requirements for

the Boy Scouts of

America Whittling

Chip Certification. This

certification grants a

Bear Cub Scout the

right to carry and use

a pocketknife. My son

Robert, grandson Reese,

and granddaughter Juliet

also attended.

Norman Provost

Easton, Pa.


J.E. Greyzck of Remus, Mich., and Dixielee

Vineyard of Corryton, Tenn., are the winners

drawn from the correct entries received for


Holiday 2012 (Issue 61). The fox was

hidden on page 22, in the lead photo of the

spiral ornament article.

Find the fox in this issue, and contact us with

the page number and location. Two readers

randomly selected from all correct replies

will receive a $25 Fox Chapel Publishing gift

certificate. Entries must be received by March

25, 2013, to be eligible.

NOTE: With his feet on

the “ground,” the contest fox faces left (other

foxes in


don’t count).

Send your entry to

Woodcarving Illustrated


Attn: Find the Fox, 1970 Broad Street,

East Petersburg, Pa. 17520, or enter online

under the contests link at www.


Teaching Carving

from our


very appealing and I am wondering

if Mr. Culley has published a book

with more of his work. What a thrill

it would be to have several of these

projects available. The members of

our neighborhood carving club have

really liked my carving and two of

them are starting their own.

Charles Beckert

North Ogden, Utah

Editor’s note: We are not aware

of a book of Mr. Culley’s patterns,

but we will share your kind words

with him. You might also enjoy

another simple relief project, the

“Heartfelt Home Door Topper” on

page 60 of this issue.

Wayne Culley’s layered

relief project appeared



Fall 2012

(Issue 60).

Norman Provost recently shared his hobby by teaching

carving to Cub Scouts, including his grandkids.

We’d love to hear from you! Send

us your comments and ideas

on woodcarving to: From Our

Mailbag, Woodcarving Illustrated,

1970 Broad St., East Petersburg,

PA 17520, or e-mail: editors@


Woodcarving Illustrated Issue 71 Summer 2015

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