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Pfleiderer, G.; Battegay, M. (Basel); Lindpaintner, K. (Newark, Del.)

Medical Perspectives

Evolving Therapy and Prognosis in HIV - How Knowing One’s Medical Fate in Advance Can Change Dramatically

Battegay, M. (Basel)

Related to Human Cognition: Is Personalization Feasible and Desirable?

Papassotiropoulos, A. (Basel)

Ethical and Juridical Perspectives

Ethical Decision-Making on Genetic Diagnosis Facing the Challenges of Knowing One’s Medical Fate in Advance

Brahier, G. (Zurich)

Mastering Familial Genetic Knowledge: Shared or Secret? Issues of Decision-Making in Predictive Genetic Testing

Brüninghaus, A. (Hamburg); Porz, R. (Bern)

Predictive Medicine - Changes in Our View of Ourselves and Others

Birnbacher, D. (Düsseldorf)

Current Challenges for the Law: Disclosure Dilemmas in Predictive Medicine

Dörr, B.S. (Zurich)

Religious Perspectives

Fate and Judaism - Philosophical and Clinical Aspects

Gesundheit, B. (Jerusalem)

Modern Medicine and My Future Life: A Christian-Theological Perspective

Pfleiderer, G. (Basel)

Karma, Contingency, and the ‘Point of No Return’: Predictive Medicine and Buddhist Perspectives

Schlieter, J. (Bern)

Author Index

Subject Index

Knowing One's Medical Fate in Advance

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