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Hunger1 statistics


1) 870 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. This number has fallen by 130 million since 1990, but progress slowed after 2008.

(Source: State of Food Insecurity in the World, FAO, 2012)

2) The vast majority of hungry people (98 percent) live in developing countries, where almost 15% of the population is undernourished.

(Source: State of Food Insecurity in the World, FAO, 2012)

3) Asia and the Pacific have the largest share of the world’s hungry people (some 563 million) but the trend is downward.

(Source: State of Food Insecurity in the World, FAO, 2012)

4) Women make up a little over half of the world’s population, but they account for over 60 percent of the world’s hungry.

(Source: Strengthening efforts to eradicate hunger…, ECOSOC, 2007)

5) 66 million primary-school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world, with 23 million in Africa alone.

(Source: Two Minutes to Learn About School Meals, WFP, 2012)

1The term “hunger” is commonly used to refer to “food insecurity”

The Road to Good Nutrition

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