Читать книгу The Road to Good Nutrition - Группа авторов - Страница 14


How to Use this Book

The Road to Good Nutrition presents a snapshot of current thinking about the world’s contemporary nutrition challenges. Written with the general reader in mind, it examines the topic of nutrition from many angles, providing insights and opinions from some of the world’s leading experts in the field and backing up their arguments with extensive graphical information and up-to-the-minute photographs.

As will be seen from the Executive Summary, this book presents a coherent set of arguments which may be read in sequential form from cover to cover, starting with an analysis of the hugely damaging effects of stunting and concluding with a call to concerted action in the here and now. Conversely, the book’s chapters may be read individually, and in non-sequential order, by the reader wishing to focus on this or that specific aspect of the subject.

Each chapter follows approximately the same format, with key messages highlighted at the outset, a personal conclusion from the author, and a list of publications and websites for further study of the chapter topic. Graphics have been used from a wide variety of sources to interpret and enrich the flow of the narrative. These have been recreated in the house style of the book and their source acknowledged. Case studies, stories and thought pieces have likewise been quoted from a variety of sources and their original publication details provided. Where necessary in view of the constraints of space, these have been abridged, but they have not been otherwise re-edited or re-formulated. In presenting such a wide variety of graphic and written material to complement the main argumentation of the book, we hope to provide the general reader with an impression of the global nature of nutrition and of the need for multi-sectoral solutions worldwide. The Editorial Board gratefully acknowledges the use of all material drawn from the public realm and re-presented in this volume.

The book’s individual chapters are supplemented by a list of key definitions and, in Chapter Thirteen, an overview of key scientific and policy milestones, plus a list of key organizations in the world of nutrition. The index will also help the reader to navigate around what is by any measure a complex and multi-faceted subject.

Given the global nature of nutrition and the rapid evolution of current thinking in this field, a book such as The Road to Good Nutrition can never be complete or comprehensive. It may, however, function as a guidebook for those wishing to find out more about this topic, and will hopefully encourage many readers to take an active part in this global journey themselves.


Key Definitions

Executive Summary

Chapter 1

Preventing Stunting: Why it Matters, What it Takes

Martin Bloem

Chapter 2

Food Security and Nutrition: Linkages and Complementarities

Marie Ruel

Chapter 3

Hidden Hunger in the Developed World

Hans Konrad Biesalski

Chapter 4

The Obesity Crisis

Eileen Kennedy

Chapter 5

The Economic Cost of Malnutrition

John Hoddinott

Chapter 6

Best Practice in Nutrition

Victoria Quinn

Chapter 7

How to Improve Nutrition via Effective Programming

Werner Schultink

Chapter 8

Taming Volatile Food Prices: A Prerequisite for Improving Nutrition:

Joachim von Braun

Chapter 9

Making Nutrition Good Politics: The Power of Governance

Stuart Gillespie

Chapter 10

The Power of Advocacy

Tom Arnold

Chapter 11

The Power of Innovation

Alain Labrique, Marguerite B Lucea, Alan Dangour

Chapter 12

Speaking Up for Nutrition: The Role of Civil Society

Asma Lateef

Chapter 13

The Evolving World of Nutrition

Saskia de Pee


Now is the Time

Patrick Webb

Profiles of Contributors and Editorial Board members



The Road to Good Nutrition

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