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Touraine, P.; Polak, M. (Paris)

General Concepts

Challenges of the Transition from Pediatric Care to Care of Adults: “Say Goodbye, Say Hello”

Touraine, P.; Polak, M. (Paris)

“Child-Adult” Transition – Adolescence: When Illness Appears…

Malivoir, S. (Paris/Bobigny); Gueniche, K. (Paris/Boulogne-Billancourt)

Specific Illnesses

Transition of Care from Childhood to Adulthood: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Bachelot, A. (Paris)

Transition of Care from Childhood to Adulthood: Turner Syndrome

Conway G. (London)

Growth Hormone Deficiency in the Transition Age

Loche, S. (Genova); Di Iorgi, N.; Patti, G.; Noli, S.; Giaccardi, M.; Olivieri, I. (Cagliari); Ibba, A. (Genova); Maghnie, M. (Cagliari)

Management of Hypothalamic Obesity during Transition from Childhood to Adulthood

Bretault, M. (Boulogne-Billancourt); Carette, C.; Barsamian C.; Czernichow, S. (Paris)

Transitions in Care from Pediatric to Adult Health Care Providers: Ongoing Challenges and Opportunities for Young Persons with Diabetes

Garvey, K.; Laffel, L. (Boston, MA)

Transition of Care from Childhood to Adulthood: Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Dwyer, A.A. (Chestnut Hill, MA); Pitteloud, N. (Lausanne)

The Transition from Paediatric to Adult Care for Youths with Thyroid Diseases: Outcome Issues and Challenges

Léger, J. (Paris)

Transition in Pediatric and Adolescent Hypogonadal Girls: Gynecological Aspects, Estrogen Replacement Therapy, and Contraception

Pedersen, A.T.; Cleemann, L.; Main, K.M.; Juul, A. (Copenhagen)

Fertility Preservation in Endocrine Disorders during Transition for Girls

Bénard, J. (Bondy/Bobigny); Sermondade, N. (Bondy); Grynberg, M. (Bondy/Bobigny/Paris)

Fertility Preservation in Klinefelter Syndrome Patients during the Transition Period

Rives, N.; Rives, A.; Rondanino, C.; Castanet, M.; Cuny, A.; Sibert, L. (Rouen)

Author Index

Subject Index

Transition of Care

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