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In Figs. 2.1b–2.3b, 2.6b–2.8b, 2.10b–2.15b, and 2.17b, black lines indicate what exists today; green lines show what was recorded by the Mond photographs in 1915; blue lines specify previous layers of decoration.
0.1. | External view of the tomb of Menna, Sheikh Abd al-Qurna. (Melinda Hartwig) |
0.2. | Wall key of the tomb chapel of Menna (TT 69), Sheikh Abd al-Qurna. (Melinda Hartwig) |
1.1. | Ground plan of the tomb chapel of Menna (TT 69). (Kai-Christian Bruhn) |
1.2. | Tomb chapel of Menna sections. (Kai-Christian Bruhn) |
1.3. | TT 69 and surrounding tombs, Sheikh Abd al-Qurna. (Kai-Christian Bruhn) |
1.4. | Right exterior entrance-wall of the tomb chapel. (Melinda Hartwig) |
1.5. | The old wooden bracing system in place around 1920–21 on the right wing of the Broad Hall Ceiling (BHC). Photography by the Egyptian Expedition, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. |
1.6. | Remains of entrance step to TT 69. (Melinda Hartwig) |
1.7a–1.7b. | Structure and elevation of the forecourt walls of TT 69. (Pieter Collet) |
1.8. | Tomb-chapel measurements of TT 69. (Pieter Collet and Melinda Hartwig) |
1.9. | TT 69 plan and burials recorded by Robert Mond in 1903–1904. (R. Mond, “Report of Work in the Necropolis of Thebes during the Winter of 1903–1904,” 24). |
1.10. | Menna’s staff, Egyptian Museum, Cairo, JE 36802. Image © The Egyptian Museum, Cairo. |
1.11. | Statue bust of Henuttawy. JE 36550. Image © The Egyptian Museum Cairo. (Etienne Dri-oton, Encyclopédie photographique de l’art. Le musée du Caire, no. 88.) |
1.12. | Necropolis of Khokha (Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography, vol. 1, part 1, 2nd ed., pl. iv). © Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. |
1.13. | Necropolis of Sheikh Abd al-Qurna, North (Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography, vol. 1, part 1, 2nd ed., pl. iv). © Griffith Institute, University of Oxford. |
1.14. | Family Tree of Menna. (Melinda Hartwig) |
2.1a. | Menna and Henuttawy walking into the tomb. Thickness, Entrance Door Right (EDR). (Katy Doyle) |
2.1b. | Menna and Henuttawy walking into the tomb. Thickness, Entrance Door Right (EDR). (Pieter Collet) |
2.2a. | Menna adoring Amun-Re, and Henuttawy walking out of the tomb. Thickness, Entrance Door Left (EDL). (Katy Doyle) |
2.2b. | Menna adoring Amun-Re, and Henuttawy walking out of the tomb. Thickness, Entrance Door Left (EDL). (Pieter Collet) |
2.3a. | The agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle) |
2.3b. | The agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Pieter Collet) |
2.4. | Grain winnowing, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle) |
2.5. | Visitor’s graffito dating to the Eighteenth Dynasty (Translation and Photoshop file Dr. Hana Navratilova, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague) |
2.6a. | Osiris wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle) |
2.6b. | Osiris wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Pieter Collet) |
2.7a. | Left focal wall with Menna and Henuttawy seated on the left, Broad Hall Far Left (BHFL). (Katy Doyle) |
2.7b. | Left focal wall with Menna and Henuttawy seated on the left, Broad Hall Far Left (BHFL). (Pieter Collet) |
2.8a. | Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Katy Doyle) |
2.8b. | Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Pieter Collet) |
2.9. | Pigment recipes from the first phase of the Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Katy Doyle) |
2.10a. | False-door stela with a cavetto cornice and offering text, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Katy Doyle) |
2.10b. | False-door stela with a cavetto cornice and offering text, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Pieter Collet) |
2.11a. | Right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Katy Doyle) |
2.11b. | Right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Pieter Collet) |
2.12a. | Menna and Henuttawy leaving the tomb for the Valley Festival on the left thickness from the Broad Hall to the inner hall, Inner Door Left (IDL). (Katy Doyle) |
2.12b. | Menna and Henuttawy leaving the tomb for the Valley Festival on the left thickness from the Broad Hall to the inner hall, Inner Door Left (IDL). (Pieter Collet) |
2.13a. | A graffito of boats. Inner-Right thickness, Inner Door Right (IDR). (Katy Doyle) |
2.13b. | A graffito of boats. Inner-Right thickness, Inner Door Right (IDR). (Pieter Collet) |
2.14a. | Burial procession and Weighing of the Heart wall, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Katy Doyle) |
2.14b. | Burial procession and Weighing of the Heart wall, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Pieter Collet) |
2.15a. | Funerary rites, and fishing and fowling, and the Voyage to Abydos wall, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Katy Doyle) |
2.15b. | Funerary rites, and fishing and fowling, and the Voyage to Abydos wall, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Pieter Collet) |
2.16. | Ultraviolet (UV) photograph of a girl, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Katy Doyle) |
2.17a. | Niche wall with the remains of a double statue of Menna and Henuttawy, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Katy Doyle) |
2.17b. | Niche wall with the remains of a double statue of Menna and Henuttawy, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Pieter Collet) |
2.18. | Ceiling imitating colorful reed matting, Broad Hall Ceiling (BHC). (Katy Doyle) |
2.19. | Ceiling imitating colored reed matting, Long Hall Ceiling (LHC). (Katy Doyle) |
3.1. | XRF and VIS spectrometer coupled in the same translation system. (Katy Doyle) |
3.2. | Stellarnet(r) spectrometer. (Katy Doyle) |
3.3. | Raman spectrometer. (Katy Doyle) |
3.4. | CIELab color representation system. (Renata García-Moreno) |
3.5. | X-ray fluorescence (XRF) device with its translation system. (Katy Doyle) |
3.6. | PCA plot of reds and oranges. (Renata García-Moreno) |
3.7. | XRF spectra of different whites. (Renata García-Moreno) |
3.8. | Intonaco and different types of whites found. Right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Katy Doyle) |
3.9. | White area showing a significant amount of arsenic. Shrine wall, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Katy Doyle) |
3.10. | UV-vis images of huntite white on a painted horse after identification by Raman spectroscopy. (Katy Doyle) |
3.11. | White, rough retouches are frequently found on the skirts from the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle) |
3.12. | UV-vis light shows the ancient retouching of Menna’s arm, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle) |
3.13. | Black areas consisted of carbon black for the ox’s head, and Egyptian blue mixed with carbon black for the grapes. Right focal wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle) |
3.14. | Characteristic UV-vis spectra of deep Egypt-ian blue. (Renata García-Moreno) |
3.15. | Representation of Osiris, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle) |
3.16. | PCA plot showing the different mixtures of yellow iron oxides and arsenic (As) components in the tomb of Menna. (Renata García-Moreno) |
3.17. | Different yellow areas seen under UV light. Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Katy Doyle) |
3.18. | CIELab a* b* values for the skin hues of different figures in the tomb. (Renata García-Moreno) |
3.19. | PCA plot of Menna’s skin hues. (Renata García-Moreno) |
3.20. | PCA plot of Henuttawy’s skin hues. (Renata García-Moreno) |
3.21. | Laboratory painting reconstructions under UV light using a gypsum background. (Katy Doyle) |
4.1. | Bianca Madden working on the condition report of the Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Melinda Hartwig) |
4.2. | Digitized condition survey and survey key of the Osiris wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Douglas Thorp) |
4.3. | Raking-light photograph showing the incised outline and lost green pigment on the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Bianca Madden) |
4.4. | Deterioration between 1915 (the time of the Mond photographs) and 2009. Left focal wall, Broad Hall Far Left (BHFL). (Douglas Thorp) |
4.5. | Partially removed fill, showing extensive scrape marks and ‘halo’ effect from previous repairs. (Bianca Madden) |
4.6. | Raking-light image showing the presence of Paraloid B72(tm). (Andreas Paasch) |
4.7. | The excavated ceiling square during the conservation investigation. (Melinda Hartwig) |
4.8. | Conservation cleaning and consolidation kit. (Bianca Madden) |
4.9. | Paraloid B72(tm) removal in progress by conservator Sarah Livermore. (Bianca Madden) |
4.10. | False-door stela wall, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Andreas Paasch) |
4.11. | Testing sandstone powders and sands with conservator Cristina Beretta. (Melinda Hartwig) |
4.12. | Mark Perry removing the old fill on the burial procession and Weighing of the Heart wall, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Melinda Hartwig) |
4.13. | Cristina Beretta and Mark Perry cutting back the final layer of mortar for the new fill on Long Hall Left (LHL). (Melinda Hartwig) |
4.14. | The finished and repaired square section on the Long Hall Ceiling (LHC). (Melinda Hartwig) |
4.15. | The shrine before cleaning and reintegration, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Melinda Hartwig) |
4.16. | The shrine after cleaning and reintegration, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Melinda Hartwig) |
5.1. | Color correction by taking two identical photographs, one with a color chart and one without. (Katy Doyle) |
5.2. | Photograph with ten rectification points. (Katy Doyle) |
5.3. | Kai Bruhn locating each rectification point on the wall. (Katy Doyle) |
5.4. | Three-dimensional point-cloud of the tomb chapel walls. (Katy Doyle) |
5.5. | Rectification of the image to the 3-D point-cloud, using PhotoPlan (Kubit software) and AutoCAD. (Katy Doyle) |
5.6. | Screen shot of Hugin. (Katy Doyle) |
5.7. | Stitched image showing an error in the overlap of two images. (Katy Doyle) |
5.8. | Final digital file of the Osiris wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle) |
6.1. | Painting ground in the tomb of Menna. (Kirstin Leterme) |
6.2. | The intersection of the two walls, the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL) and the Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Kirstin Leterme) |
6.3. | Different types of grids on Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme) |
6.4. | Different systems of proportioning on Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme) |
6.5. | Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL), showing only the important figures drawn on grids. (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme) |
6.6. | The only proportional grid on Long Hall Right (LHR). (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme) |
6.7. | Horizontal lines were used to organize the composition. (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme) |
6.8. | Figure of female offerer, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.9. | The ‘reserve’ technique. (Kirstin Leterme) |
6.10. | White background under a microscope, showing a very thin, slightly bluish-gray wash with fine granules visible. (Katy Doyle) |
6.11. | Method of applying color for the figure of Henuttawy, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.12. | Method of applying color for the figure of Henuttawy, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.13. | Raking-light photograph illustrating the plaits of Menna’s wig, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle) |
6.14. | Transparency of clothing, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.15. | Transparency of Henuttawy’s garments, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle) |
6.16. | Stone vessels painted over an underlayer of white to bring out the luminosity of the pigments, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.17. | Seated, male-figure hieroglyph, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.18a– | On major figures, the line drawn by Outline |
6.18b. | Scribe 1 pauses before the rounding of the nose. In minor figures, the outline is sharper and more abbreviated. (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.19a– | In major figures, Outline Scribe 2 is characterized |
6.19b. | by rounded noses and well-articulated lips. In minor figures, Outline Scribe 2 is characterized by long noses and huge eyes. (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.20. | Outline Scribe 3 is characterized by thin, expert line-work, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.21a– | Outline Scribe 4 has a very shaky, sketchy line, |
6.21b. | with frequent corrections. (Melinda Hartwig) |
6.22. | Menna’s skin-tone recipe. (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig) |
6.23. | The figure of Henuttawy in UV light on Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Andreas Paasch) |
6.24. | Under UV light the official’s clothing, boat cabin, and an ancient drip on the far right of the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL), all show a layer of yellowish brown. (Andreas Paasch) |
6.25. | Raking-light photograph of the offering table on the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle) |
6.26. | Pigment recipes used for the figures of Menna and Henuttawy, Broad Hall Far Left (BHFL). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig) |
6.27. | Beeswax coating on the figures of Menna and Henuttawy, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Andreas Paasch) |
6.28. | Pigment recipe used for the skin of four female offering bearers, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig) |
6.29. | Pigment recipes on the right half of the false-door stela wall, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig) |
6.30. | Pigment recipe of the unguent stain on the clothing, as analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig) |
6.31. | Different pigment recipes used on the right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig) |
6.32. | Raking-light photograph of the offering table on the right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Andreas Paasch) |
6.33. | Menna and Henuttawy with colorimetery and XRF graphs for four points, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Photoshop file R. García-Moreno) |
6.34. | UV photograph of Menna and Henuttawy, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Andreas Paasch) |
6.35. | The coffin of Menna seen in UV light, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Andreas Paasch) |
6.36. | Tracing the work process from the pigment mixtures found in the skin of the offering bringers, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig) |
6.37. | UV photograph of Osiris seated in his kiosk, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Andreas Paasch). |
7.1. | Grain field, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Melinda Hartwig) |
7.2. | Beeswax coating on Henuttawy seen in visible light, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Melinda Hartwig) |
7.3. | Two fish on an offering plate, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Andreas Paasch) |
3.1. | Identified pictorial materials. |
5.1. | Recorded color variances. |
6.1. | Stages of visual analysis of painted decoration. |