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Illustrations and Tables


In Figs. 2.1b–2.3b, 2.6b–2.8b, 2.10b–2.15b, and 2.17b, black lines indicate what exists today; green lines show what was recorded by the Mond photographs in 1915; blue lines specify previous layers of decoration.


0.1. External view of the tomb of Menna, Sheikh Abd al-Qurna. (Melinda Hartwig)
0.2. Wall key of the tomb chapel of Menna (TT 69), Sheikh Abd al-Qurna. (Melinda Hartwig)
1.1. Ground plan of the tomb chapel of Menna (TT 69). (Kai-Christian Bruhn)
1.2. Tomb chapel of Menna sections. (Kai-Christian Bruhn)
1.3. TT 69 and surrounding tombs, Sheikh Abd al-Qurna. (Kai-Christian Bruhn)
1.4. Right exterior entrance-wall of the tomb chapel. (Melinda Hartwig)
1.5. The old wooden bracing system in place around 1920–21 on the right wing of the Broad Hall Ceiling (BHC). Photography by the Egyptian Expedition, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
1.6. Remains of entrance step to TT 69. (Melinda Hartwig)
1.7a–1.7b. Structure and elevation of the forecourt walls of TT 69. (Pieter Collet)
1.8. Tomb-chapel measurements of TT 69. (Pieter Collet and Melinda Hartwig)
1.9. TT 69 plan and burials recorded by Robert Mond in 1903–1904. (R. Mond, “Report of Work in the Necropolis of Thebes during the Winter of 1903–1904,” 24).
1.10. Menna’s staff, Egyptian Museum, Cairo, JE 36802. Image © The Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
1.11. Statue bust of Henuttawy. JE 36550. Image © The Egyptian Museum Cairo. (Etienne Dri-oton, Encyclopédie photographique de l’art. Le musée du Caire, no. 88.)
1.12. Necropolis of Khokha (Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography, vol. 1, part 1, 2nd ed., pl. iv). © Griffith Institute, University of Oxford.
1.13. Necropolis of Sheikh Abd al-Qurna, North (Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography, vol. 1, part 1, 2nd ed., pl. iv). © Griffith Institute, University of Oxford.
1.14. Family Tree of Menna. (Melinda Hartwig)
2.1a. Menna and Henuttawy walking into the tomb. Thickness, Entrance Door Right (EDR). (Katy Doyle)
2.1b. Menna and Henuttawy walking into the tomb. Thickness, Entrance Door Right (EDR). (Pieter Collet)
2.2a. Menna adoring Amun-Re, and Henuttawy walking out of the tomb. Thickness, Entrance Door Left (EDL). (Katy Doyle)
2.2b. Menna adoring Amun-Re, and Henuttawy walking out of the tomb. Thickness, Entrance Door Left (EDL). (Pieter Collet)
2.3a. The agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle)
2.3b. The agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Pieter Collet)
2.4. Grain winnowing, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle)
2.5. Visitor’s graffito dating to the Eighteenth Dynasty (Translation and Photoshop file Dr. Hana Navratilova, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague)
2.6a. Osiris wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle)
2.6b. Osiris wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Pieter Collet)
2.7a. Left focal wall with Menna and Henuttawy seated on the left, Broad Hall Far Left (BHFL). (Katy Doyle)
2.7b. Left focal wall with Menna and Henuttawy seated on the left, Broad Hall Far Left (BHFL). (Pieter Collet)
2.8a. Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Katy Doyle)
2.8b. Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Pieter Collet)
2.9. Pigment recipes from the first phase of the Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Katy Doyle)
2.10a. False-door stela with a cavetto cornice and offering text, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Katy Doyle)
2.10b. False-door stela with a cavetto cornice and offering text, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Pieter Collet)
2.11a. Right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Katy Doyle)
2.11b. Right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Pieter Collet)
2.12a. Menna and Henuttawy leaving the tomb for the Valley Festival on the left thickness from the Broad Hall to the inner hall, Inner Door Left (IDL). (Katy Doyle)
2.12b. Menna and Henuttawy leaving the tomb for the Valley Festival on the left thickness from the Broad Hall to the inner hall, Inner Door Left (IDL). (Pieter Collet)
2.13a. A graffito of boats. Inner-Right thickness, Inner Door Right (IDR). (Katy Doyle)
2.13b. A graffito of boats. Inner-Right thickness, Inner Door Right (IDR). (Pieter Collet)
2.14a. Burial procession and Weighing of the Heart wall, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Katy Doyle)
2.14b. Burial procession and Weighing of the Heart wall, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Pieter Collet)
2.15a. Funerary rites, and fishing and fowling, and the Voyage to Abydos wall, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Katy Doyle)
2.15b. Funerary rites, and fishing and fowling, and the Voyage to Abydos wall, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Pieter Collet)
2.16. Ultraviolet (UV) photograph of a girl, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Katy Doyle)
2.17a. Niche wall with the remains of a double statue of Menna and Henuttawy, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Katy Doyle)
2.17b. Niche wall with the remains of a double statue of Menna and Henuttawy, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Pieter Collet)
2.18. Ceiling imitating colorful reed matting, Broad Hall Ceiling (BHC). (Katy Doyle)
2.19. Ceiling imitating colored reed matting, Long Hall Ceiling (LHC). (Katy Doyle)
3.1. XRF and VIS spectrometer coupled in the same translation system. (Katy Doyle)
3.2. Stellarnet(r) spectrometer. (Katy Doyle)
3.3. Raman spectrometer. (Katy Doyle)
3.4. CIELab color representation system. (Renata García-Moreno)
3.5. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) device with its translation system. (Katy Doyle)
3.6. PCA plot of reds and oranges. (Renata García-Moreno)
3.7. XRF spectra of different whites. (Renata García-Moreno)
3.8. Intonaco and different types of whites found. Right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Katy Doyle)
3.9. White area showing a significant amount of arsenic. Shrine wall, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Katy Doyle)
3.10. UV-vis images of huntite white on a painted horse after identification by Raman spectroscopy. (Katy Doyle)
3.11. White, rough retouches are frequently found on the skirts from the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle)
3.12. UV-vis light shows the ancient retouching of Menna’s arm, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle)
3.13. Black areas consisted of carbon black for the ox’s head, and Egyptian blue mixed with carbon black for the grapes. Right focal wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle)
3.14. Characteristic UV-vis spectra of deep Egypt-ian blue. (Renata García-Moreno)
3.15. Representation of Osiris, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle)
3.16. PCA plot showing the different mixtures of yellow iron oxides and arsenic (As) components in the tomb of Menna. (Renata García-Moreno)
3.17. Different yellow areas seen under UV light. Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Katy Doyle)
3.18. CIELab a* b* values for the skin hues of different figures in the tomb. (Renata García-Moreno)
3.19. PCA plot of Menna’s skin hues. (Renata García-Moreno)
3.20. PCA plot of Henuttawy’s skin hues. (Renata García-Moreno)
3.21. Laboratory painting reconstructions under UV light using a gypsum background. (Katy Doyle)
4.1. Bianca Madden working on the condition report of the Valley Festival wall, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Melinda Hartwig)
4.2. Digitized condition survey and survey key of the Osiris wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Douglas Thorp)
4.3. Raking-light photograph showing the incised outline and lost green pigment on the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Bianca Madden)
4.4. Deterioration between 1915 (the time of the Mond photographs) and 2009. Left focal wall, Broad Hall Far Left (BHFL). (Douglas Thorp)
4.5. Partially removed fill, showing extensive scrape marks and ‘halo’ effect from previous repairs. (Bianca Madden)
4.6. Raking-light image showing the presence of Paraloid B72(tm). (Andreas Paasch)
4.7. The excavated ceiling square during the conservation investigation. (Melinda Hartwig)
4.8. Conservation cleaning and consolidation kit. (Bianca Madden)
4.9. Paraloid B72(tm) removal in progress by conservator Sarah Livermore. (Bianca Madden)
4.10. False-door stela wall, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Andreas Paasch)
4.11. Testing sandstone powders and sands with conservator Cristina Beretta. (Melinda Hartwig)
4.12. Mark Perry removing the old fill on the burial procession and Weighing of the Heart wall, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Melinda Hartwig)
4.13. Cristina Beretta and Mark Perry cutting back the final layer of mortar for the new fill on Long Hall Left (LHL). (Melinda Hartwig)
4.14. The finished and repaired square section on the Long Hall Ceiling (LHC). (Melinda Hartwig)
4.15. The shrine before cleaning and reintegration, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Melinda Hartwig)
4.16. The shrine after cleaning and reintegration, Long Hall Far (LHF). (Melinda Hartwig)
5.1. Color correction by taking two identical photographs, one with a color chart and one without. (Katy Doyle)
5.2. Photograph with ten rectification points. (Katy Doyle)
5.3. Kai Bruhn locating each rectification point on the wall. (Katy Doyle)
5.4. Three-dimensional point-cloud of the tomb chapel walls. (Katy Doyle)
5.5. Rectification of the image to the 3-D point-cloud, using PhotoPlan (Kubit software) and AutoCAD. (Katy Doyle)
5.6. Screen shot of Hugin. (Katy Doyle)
5.7. Stitched image showing an error in the overlap of two images. (Katy Doyle)
5.8. Final digital file of the Osiris wall, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle)
6.1. Painting ground in the tomb of Menna. (Kirstin Leterme)
6.2. The intersection of the two walls, the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL) and the Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Kirstin Leterme)
6.3. Different types of grids on Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme)
6.4. Different systems of proportioning on Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme)
6.5. Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL), showing only the important figures drawn on grids. (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme)
6.6. The only proportional grid on Long Hall Right (LHR). (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme)
6.7. Horizontal lines were used to organize the composition. (Photoshop file Kirstin Leterme)
6.8. Figure of female offerer, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Melinda Hartwig)
6.9. The ‘reserve’ technique. (Kirstin Leterme)
6.10. White background under a microscope, showing a very thin, slightly bluish-gray wash with fine granules visible. (Katy Doyle)
6.11. Method of applying color for the figure of Henuttawy, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Melinda Hartwig)
6.12. Method of applying color for the figure of Henuttawy, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Melinda Hartwig)
6.13. Raking-light photograph illustrating the plaits of Menna’s wig, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle)
6.14. Transparency of clothing, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Melinda Hartwig)
6.15. Transparency of Henuttawy’s garments, Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Katy Doyle)
6.16. Stone vessels painted over an underlayer of white to bring out the luminosity of the pigments, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Melinda Hartwig)
6.17. Seated, male-figure hieroglyph, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Melinda Hartwig)
6.18a– On major figures, the line drawn by Outline
6.18b. Scribe 1 pauses before the rounding of the nose. In minor figures, the outline is sharper and more abbreviated. (Melinda Hartwig)
6.19a– In major figures, Outline Scribe 2 is characterized
6.19b. by rounded noses and well-articulated lips. In minor figures, Outline Scribe 2 is characterized by long noses and huge eyes. (Melinda Hartwig)
6.20. Outline Scribe 3 is characterized by thin, expert line-work, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Melinda Hartwig)
6.21a– Outline Scribe 4 has a very shaky, sketchy line,
6.21b. with frequent corrections. (Melinda Hartwig)
6.22. Menna’s skin-tone recipe. (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig)
6.23. The figure of Henuttawy in UV light on Broad Hall Small Left (BHSL). (Andreas Paasch)
6.24. Under UV light the official’s clothing, boat cabin, and an ancient drip on the far right of the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL), all show a layer of yellowish brown. (Andreas Paasch)
6.25. Raking-light photograph of the offering table on the agricultural wall, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Katy Doyle)
6.26. Pigment recipes used for the figures of Menna and Henuttawy, Broad Hall Far Left (BHFL). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig)
6.27. Beeswax coating on the figures of Menna and Henuttawy, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Andreas Paasch)
6.28. Pigment recipe used for the skin of four female offering bearers, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig)
6.29. Pigment recipes on the right half of the false-door stela wall, Broad Hall Small Right (BHSR). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig)
6.30. Pigment recipe of the unguent stain on the clothing, as analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig)
6.31. Different pigment recipes used on the right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig)
6.32. Raking-light photograph of the offering table on the right focal wall, Broad Hall Far Right (BHFR). (Andreas Paasch)
6.33. Menna and Henuttawy with colorimetery and XRF graphs for four points, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Photoshop file R. García-Moreno)
6.34. UV photograph of Menna and Henuttawy, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Andreas Paasch)
6.35. The coffin of Menna seen in UV light, Long Hall Right (LHR). (Andreas Paasch)
6.36. Tracing the work process from the pigment mixtures found in the skin of the offering bringers, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Photoshop file Melinda Hartwig)
6.37. UV photograph of Osiris seated in his kiosk, Long Hall Left (LHL). (Andreas Paasch).
7.1. Grain field, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Melinda Hartwig)
7.2. Beeswax coating on Henuttawy seen in visible light, Broad Hall Near Right (BHNR). (Melinda Hartwig)
7.3. Two fish on an offering plate, Broad Hall Near Left (BHNL). (Andreas Paasch)



3.1. Identified pictorial materials.
5.1. Recorded color variances.
6.1. Stages of visual analysis of painted decoration.
The Tomb Chapel of Menna (TT 69)

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