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3.3.3 Russia
ОглавлениеThe United States and China are busy competing with each other to become the leader in the field of artificial intelligence. The Russian government also understands the importance of robotics in warfare. Nobody would call Russia’s administration and budgetary organization especially deft, nor its protection industry especially developed. Without a doubt, Russia trails the Western economies in such key areas as correspondence hardware, microelectronics, innovative control frameworks, and other key advances. However, in specific areas of the field of unmanned military frameworks, Russia might be creeping in front of its opposition in planning and testing a wide assortment of frameworks and conceptualizing their future use.
Before the eventual fate of war is acknowledged in combat zones, it is formed in labs and practice ranges. As Russia’s Ministry of Defense iterates design around the Marker unmanned ground vehicle, the Ministry of Defense is learning the opening plays of future robot fights. In the first half of 2020, Russia is expected to test robot swarms guided by armed humans in exercises to learn exactly how the nation should prepare for robot warfare in the future [16]. The Russian Ministry of Defense is bringing two robot tank designs in-house, following advancements from industry in developing these forms [17]. The Ministry of Defense has asked those involved in different military-mechanical endeavors to provide recommendations which will be surveyed ahead of schedule one year from now by the military’s Combined Arms Academy. The Russian state news agency has written that the initiative is intended to address “the virtual absence of a unified concept for the use of military robotics by the Russian armed forces” [18]. Figure 3.4 shows some advanced autonomous military robots.
Figure 3.4 Some advanced Russian military robots.