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List of Tables
Оглавление1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Key potential advantages of an IPD meta‐analysis project compared w...Table 2.2 Signalling questions to help decide when aggregate data are insuffi...
2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Consent sought to collaborate in an IPD analysis of predictive fact...
3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Excerpt from a data dictionary developed for an IPD meta‐analysis o...Table 4.2 Excerpt from a data dictionary developed for an IPD meta‐analysis p...Table 4.3 Example of items to include in a data transfer guide when requestin...Table 4.4 Domains in the Risk of Bias 2 tool91 (RoB 2) of particular relevanc...Table 4.5 Alleviating potential bias in trials that stopped early for perceiv...Table 4.6 Excerpt of a RoB2 table for an IPD meta‐analysis of adjuvant chemot...
4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Example of hypothetical IPD for one trial similar to those received...Table 5.2 Basic format of the regression model to be fitted separately within...Table 5.3 Example of aggregate data calculated for each trial in the first st...
5 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Basic format of the GLMM for one‐stage IPD meta‐analysis models of ...Table 6.2 Software for fitting one‐stage IPD meta‐analysis via the GLMM or su...
6 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Comparison of summary results from ML estimation of one‐stage and t...Table 8.2 Summary results from an IPD meta‐analysis of 10 randomised trials e...Table 8.3 Summary treatment effect results for the hypertension data to illus...Table 8.4 One‐stage and two‐stage REML results for the prognostic effect of s...Table 8.5 Summary results from one‐stage and two‐stage IPD meta‐analyses of 1...
7 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Title and Introduction sections of the PRISMA‐IPD Checklist as rep...Table 10.2 Methods section of the PRISMA‐IPD Checklist as reported by Stewart...Table 10.3 Results and discussion sections of the PRISMA‐IPD Checklist as rep...
8 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Summary of completion of the CheckMAP tool for an IPD meta‐analysi...
9 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Trial characteristics used in the power calculations of an IPD met...
10 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Summary results for the 10 trials included in the meta‐analysis of...Table 13.2 Bivariate and multivariate results for the IPD meta‐analysis of 10...Table 13.3 Results from two‐stage and one‐stage bivariate meta‐analysis of SB...Table 13.4 Results from one‐stage bivariate IPD meta‐analysis of 10 randomise...Table 13.5 Summary results following REML estimation of a two‐stage multivari...
11 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Trials in the thrombolytic network meta‐analysis summarised in ter...Table 14.2 Summary results from the thrombolytics network meta‐analysis compa...Table 14.3 Results reported by Donegan et al.191 after estimation of network ...Table 14.4 Baseline covariate summaries from the UNCOVER and FIXTURE trials. ...
12 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Cross classification of index test results and reference standard ...Table 15.2 Typical statistical measures of test accuracy in a single studyi...Table 15.3 Summary of 23 studies used by Riley et al. in an IPD meta‐analysis...
13 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Selected items of the CHARMS‐PF* checklist to be extracted when id...
14 Chapter 17Table 17.1 Domains and signalling questions within the first three domains of...Table 17.2 Selected items from the CHARMS checklist to be extracted when iden...Table 17.3 Relevant statistics to be estimated in the first stage of a two‐st...Table 17.4 Coefficients of eight prediction models for diagnosing DVT in pati...Table 17.5 Trivariate random‐effects meta‐analysis results for calibration (a...Table 17.6 Model parameter estimates for the fitted DVT model obtained in eac...Table 17.7 Trivariate meta‐analysis results* for the calibration and discrimi...Table 17.8 Preliminary version of the TRIPOD‐CLUSTER statement extended to si...
15 Chapter 18Table 18.1 Summary of five IPD studies from the IPPIC network that were used ...Table 18.2 Example of sporadically missing predictors (previous pre‐eclampsia...Table 18.3 Summary statistics for participants with complete data, and for pa...Table 18.4 A summary of the results at each stage of the multiple imputation ...Table 18.5 Description of variables and missing data (NA) in the simulated IP...Table 18.6 Key advantages and limitations of the multilevel joint modelling a...