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Succession at Elliðaárvogur Near Reykjavík


About 5 km east of Reykjavík an interglacial succession comprises layers of sand and fine gravel with shells of marine shallow water molluscs. Lake deposits with organic remains are also found (Thorkelsson 1935; Einarsson 1981). Seeds and fruits were identified by K. Jessen who recorded E. nigrum, Menyanthes trifoliata, M. alterniflorum, Potamogeton sp., Carex sp. and Scirpus sp. He also found spicules of Spongilla lacustris. K.L. Henriksen identified insect remains and recorded the beetles N. rufescens, Patrobus septentrionis, Pterostichus diligens, Hydroporus sp., Agabus solieri, Tachinus collaris and Byrrhus fasciatus. Fossil cladocerans were identified by Einarsson (1981) who found seven to eight species that all occur in Iceland at present. In contrast, one of the beetles (Hydroporus sp. non Hydroporus nigrita) and one of the vascular plants (Scirpus sp.) do not occur in Iceland at present. The age of the Elliðaárvogur beds is uncertain, but a last interglacial age is possible (LIGA members 1991; Leifur Símonarson and Jón Eiriksson, personal communication, 2013).

Biogeography in the Sub-Arctic

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