| PAGE |
Abbey Buildings, The Arrangement of, | 658 |
Abraham and Sarah, | 101 |
Abyssinian Ladies, Dress of the, | 491 |
Abyssinian Lady, Tattooed, | 495 |
Advertisement, an American, | 111 |
Advertisements, Curious, | 406, 447, 455, 478 |
—— in the last Century, | 207 |
—— of a Dying-speech Book, | 116 |
—— New Style of, | 249 |
—— a Pudding as an, | 228 |
—— of a Fleet Parson, | 116 |
A False Find, | 31 |
A Female Sampson, | 62 |
A Fine Old Soldier, | 314 |
A Floating City, | 308 |
A Funeral appropriately conducted, | 235 |
Aged Persons, instances of many Dying, | 283 |
Ages of Celebrated Men, | 102 |
A Great Marvel seen in Scotland, | 138 |
A Happy Family, | 28 |
A Harmless Eccentric, | 186 |
Albertus Magnus, Receipts from, | 91 |
Ale Too Strong, | 267 |
Alexandria, Pharos at, | 274 |
Algerine Invasion of Ireland, | 176 |
A Last Chance, | 103 |
All Humbugs, | 85 |
A Lucky Find, | 6 |
A Man in a Vault Eleven Days, | 69 |
—— Carries his House on his Head, | 290 |
—— Selling his own Body, | 95 |
—— aged One Hundred Years, | 256 |
A Monster, | 287 |
Ambassador, French, Entry into London, | 262 |
—— why Held by the Arms, | 162 |
Amphitheatres, | 102 |
Amulets worn by Egyptian Females, | 120 |
—— Brotche, | 332 |
Amusements in the 15th Century, | 254 |
—— in 1743, Popular, | 56 |
An apparent Singularity accounted for, | 93 |
An Eccentric Tourist, | 139 |
Ancients, Credulity of the, | 144 |
Anglo-Saxons, Sepulchral Barrow of, | 26 |
Animals, Food of, | 24 |
—— Communication between, | 294 |
Animation, Suspended, | 374 |
Anne Boleyn, Execution of, | 375 |
Antimony, | 570 |
Antipathies, | 391 |
—— Unaccountable, | 196 |
Antiquities, Egyptian, | 642 |
Apollo, Oracles of, in France, | 675 |
Arabian Horses, | 291 |
Arabs, Horses of the, | 498 |
Archbishop, an, Washing Feet, | 5 |
Arch, A Beautiful, | 433 |
A remarkable Old Man, | 214 |
Armlet, Ancient, | 425 |
Armour, Ancient, Curious Piece of, | 341 |
Arms, Abyssinian, | 509 |
Artists, Duration of Life amongst, | 196 |
A Sea above the Sky, | 81 |
Ash, the Shrew, | 397 |
Ass, The, | 116 |
Assiduity and Perseverance, | 304 |
Attar of Roses, Origin of, | 343 |
Attar of Roses, | 298 |
A Woman takes the Lighted Match, | 40 |
—— Defends a Post singly, | 52 |
Authors, some Learned, Amusements of, | 137 |
A Unique Library, | 211 |
Aztec Children, | 37 |
Babes of Bethlehem, The, | 660 |
Bagpipes, Irish, | 505 |
Ballot, Origin of the, | 673 |
Bandoliers, | 560 |
Bank, A Mattrass for a, | 323 |
Banner, The Templars', called Beauseant, | 564 |
Banquets of the Ancients, | 439 |
Bara, a Machine used in Sicily, | 415 |
Barbers, | 94 |
Barometer, Incident connected with, | 136 |
Bartholomew Fair in 1700, Handbill of, | 148 |
Bastille of Paris, Storming of the, | 194 |
Bazaar, a Turkish, | 614 |
Bear, a Shaved, | 17 |
Beard, Care of the, | 503 |
Beau Brummell (a) of the 17th Century, | 61 |
Bective Abbey, | 392 |
Bedesmen in the time of Henry VII., | 593 |
Bedford Missal, The, | 407 |
Bee, The Queen, | 25 |
Bees, Obedient to Training, | 95 |
Beggars, Severe Enactment against, | 302 |
—— selected as Models by Painters, | 281 |
Bell, The Great, of Burmah, | 559 |
—— of Rouen, | 650 |
Bells, | 193 |
—— of the Ancients, | 279 |
—— of St. Mura, | 411 |
Bell-Shrine, an Ancient, | 347 |
Bellows, Primitive Pair of, | 637 |
Bible, | 118, 372, 490 |
—— Bunyan's, | 121 |
—— Summary of the, | 169 |
—— used by Charles I. on the Scaffold, | 271 |
Billy in the Salt-box, | 181 |
Birds, The Ear of, not to be Deceived, | 228 |
Blind Jack, | 23 |
—— Granny, | 70 |
—— Workman, | 155 |
Boat, Burmese, | 667 |
Bobart, Jacob, | 22 |
Boiling to Death, | 663 |
Bolton Abbey, Origin of, | 273 |
Bombardier Beetle, The, | 68 |
Bones, Adaptation of to Age, | 52 |
Book-shaped Watch, | 328 |
Boots an object of Honour, | 232 |
Boydell, Alderman, | 9 |
Brama, the Hindoo Deity, | 555 |
Bramins, Philosophy of the, | 371 |
Brank, The, | 2 |
Brass Medal, of our Saviour, | 241 |
Breakfasting Hut in 1745, | 158 |
Bribery, | 141 |
Bricks of Babylon, The, | 612 |
Bridge, Old London, The Gate of, | 561 |
—— Chinese, | 439 |
—— Suspension, at Freybourg, | 166 |
Britannia Tubular Bridge, | 172 |
British Islands, Size of the, | 245 |
Brooch, Ancient Scandinavian, | 401 |
Bruce, Lord Edward, Case containing the Heart of, | 215 |
Brunswick, House of, Anecdote of the, | 459 |
Buckinger, Matthew, | 53 |
Buddist Temples, Instruments used in, | 621 |
Bumper, | 153 |
Bunyan's, John, Tomb, | 156 |
Burial Places of Distinguished Men, | 390 |
Burmah, Elephant God of, | 537 |
Bust, Etrurian, An Ancient, | 677 |
Byng, Admiral, Execution of, | 182 |
Cader Idris, | 118 |
Cagots, The, | 638 |
Calculation, Interesting, | 474 |
Cambridge Clods, | 20 |
Camden Cup, | 250 |
Camel, as a Scape-Goat, | 522 |
Cameleon, The Eye of the, | 479 |
Candles in the Church, | 449 |
Cannon, Ancient, raised from the Sea, | 40 |
—— at the Siege of Constantinople, | 69 |
—— First Iron, | 320 |
Canute, The Discovery of the Body of, | 176 |
Cardinals, Colour of the Hat for, | 234 |
Cards, Games with, in the 16th Century, | 618 |
Carfax Conduit, | 333 |
Carronades, | 149 |
Carrara, Francis, Cruelty of, | 504 |
Carriage, Turkish, | 655 |
Cascade des Pelerines, | 135 |
Cat, Instinct in a, | 353 |
Catacombs at Rome, | 87 |
Cataract, Extraordinary, | 223 |
Cat-Clock, A, | 631 |
Cats, White, | 51 |
—— with Knotted Tails, | 238 |
Caves, The Hawthornden, | 382 |
Chaffinch Contest, | 651 |
Chalice, Iona, The Golden, | 422 |
Changes of Fortune, | 371 |
Chaplain, Instructions to a, | 458 |
Chapter-House in Henry VIIth's time, | 599 |
Charing Cross, Autobiography of, | 128 |
Charity instead of Pomp, | 407 |
—— Rewarded by a Mendicant, | 257 |
Charlemagne, Clock presented to, | 145 |
Charles I., Anecdote relative to, | 174 |
—— II., Privy Purse, Expenses of, | 234 |
Cherry Tree, | 458 |
Chess, in India, How it Originated, | 305 |
Chieftain, Ancient Scottish, | 500 |
Chilcott, the Giant, | 71 |
Child, Test of Courage in a, | 132 |
Children of Aged Parents, | 319 |
China, Origin of the Great Wall of, | 233 |
Chinese Dainties, | 91 |
—— Ivory Balls, | 144 |
—— Method of Fishing, | 315 |
—— Punishment of the Kang, | 134 |
—— Ladies, Small Feet of, | 475 |
—— Mirrors, | 425 |
—— School, | 525 |
—— Therapeutics, | 369 |
Chocolate, Early use of, | 52 |
Christmas Customs, Bygone, | 14, 19 |
Christening, Novel Mode of Celebrating a, | 393 |
Chronology of Remarkable Events, | 218 |
Church of Donore, James II. and the, | 557 |
Cigars, Extraordinary Fashion in, | 274 |
Circumstance, a Curious, | 430 |
—— Extraordinary, | 15 |
Cistern of Majolica Ware, | 597 |
Clock at Hernhuth, Watchmen Imitating, | 20 |
—— Wonderful, | 167 |
Clocks, Early, | 171 |
Clonmacnois, Ruins of, | 289 |
Coachmen of the Time of Charles II., | 257 |
Cock Fighting at Schools, | 219 |
Coffee, | 153 |
Coffee and Tea, | 122 |
Coffee-house in London, the First, | 4 |
—— Attractions in 1760, | 41 |
Coin, The First, with Britannia on it, | 468 |
Coinage, Variations in the, | 650 |
Coincidences, some Curious, | 434 |
Collars, Stone, Ancient, | 665 |
Column at Cussi, | 533 |
Comb, Curious Indian, | 657 |
Conecte, Thomas, | 433 |
Confectionary Art in 1660, | 373 |
Conjuring, Public Taste for in 1718, | 122 |
Conway Church, Inscription in, | 112 |
Coral Reefs, | 73 |
Coronations, Prices for Seats at, | 160 |
—— Expenses at, | 283 |
Corpulent Man, | 78 |
Corpulence, Cure for, | 80 |
Cost of Articles in the 14th Century, | 330 |
Costume, Ancient Female, | 71, 78 |
Costumes, | 395, 437, 536, 544, 547, 630, 651 |
Couteau-de-Chasse, Ancient, | 633 |
Cranmer's (Archbishop) Dietary, | 137 |
Credulity, Extraordinary Instance of, | 311 |
Cricket-Matches, Extraordinary, | 408 |
Criminal, a Rich and Cruel, | 450 |
Criminals, Old Custom Relating to, | 598 |
Cromwell's Bridge at Glengariff, | 648 |
Cross of Cong, The, | 457 |
—— —— Muiredach, | 369 |
—— Ordeal of the, | 463 |
Crown of Charlemagne, | 377 |
Cucking-Stool, The, | 1 |
Cupid, The, of the Hindoos, | 230 |
Curious Feats, | 181, 239 |
—— Law, | 8 |
—— Manuscript, | 214 |
Curiously-shaped Vessel, | 376 |
Curiously-shaped Drinking Cups, | 413 |
Curiosities, Strange, | 457 |
Custom, Means of attracting, | 683 |
Customs, Singular Local, | 653 |
Daffeys' Elixir, | 173 |
Dagger, An Ancient, | 673 |
Dagobert, Ancient Chair of, | 421 |
Dance, Curious Provincial in France, | 679 |
Dances, Fashionable of the last Century, | 220 |
Dancing Rooms, | 57 |
Dead, Fashions for the, | 523 |
Dead Bodies, Preservation of, | 251, 280, 638 |
Death, Boiling to, | 663 |
—— Lunar Influence in, | 346 |
—— Pressing to, | 515 |
Decorative Drinking Vessel, | 336 |
Della Robbia Ware, | 601 |
Demons, Bribing the, | 531 |
Dervishes, Dancing, | 669 |
Desolation, Scene of, | 329 |
Destitute Cats, Asylum for, | 280 |
Dial and Fountain in Leadenhall Street, | 553 |
Dilemma, | 499 |
Dinner, an Egyptian, | 537 |
—— in China, | 596 |
—— Party in the 17th Century, | 609 |
Diogenes in a Pithos, not Tub, | 101 |
Disorders Cured by Fright, | 307 |
Dispute and appropriate Decision, | 140 |
Dog (A) Extinguishing a Fire, | 20 |
—— Combination of Instinct and Force, | 284 |
—— A Sensible, Refusing to Bait a Cat, | 76 |
—— Persevering, | 80 |
—— Friendship, | 84 |
—— A Piscatorial, | 367 |
—— Sensible, | 376 |
—— in Japan, | 622 |
—— Figures of on Ancient Tombs, | 682 |
Dog-wheel, The Old, | 101 |
Dole in consequence of a Dream, | 503 |
Doles, | 399 |
Down among the Dead Men, | 185 |
Dress, Forty years ago, | 212 |
Dress in London, | 18, 114, 253, 295 |
—— Fastidiousness at an Old Age, | 243 |
—— of the Ancient Britons, | 79 |
Drinking Bouts in Persia, | 547 |
Drinks, Intoxicating, Antiquity of, | 611 |
Dropping Wells, | 142 |
Druids' Seat, | 464 |
Drunkenness, the Offspring of, | 666 |
Duns in the Mahratta Country, | 379 |
Dyaks of Borneo, | 275 |
Ears, Character Indicated by, | 65 |
Earthenware, English, | 575 |
Earthquake Panic, | 520 |
—— Swallowed up by an, | 329 |
—— at Lisbon, | 200 |
—— Nottingham, in 1816, | 280 |
Earthquakes, | 398, 432 |
East India House, the First, | 206 |
Eating for a Wager, | 4 |
Eccentric Englishman, An, | 438 |
Eccentrics, a Couple of, | 318 |
Echo, Extraordinary, | 341 |
Eddystone Lighthouse, | 108 |
Edicts against Fiddlers, | 328 |
Eel, Large, | 10 |
Egypt, | 491 |
—— Pyramids of, | 130 |
Egyptian Toys in the British Museum, | 129 |
Elephant Detects a Robber, An, | 99 |
Elephants Frightened at Pigs, | 9 |
Energy, A Triumph of, | 193 |
England before the Romans, | 86 |
Englishman, A Fat, | 28 |
Epitaph, an Inculpatory, | 268 |
Etna, Mount, Great Eruption of, | 451 |
—— Changes of, | 406 |
Europa, Ruins of, | 567 |
Exchequer-bills, Origin of, | 676 |
Execution, in 1793, | 84 |
Extraordinary Tree, | 183 |
Extravagance at Elections, | 149 |
—— Oriental, | 499 |
Eyam, The Desolation of, | 226 |
Fallacy of the Virtues of a Seventh Son, | 315 |
False Accusers, Punishing, | 230 |
Farmers, Illustrious, | 304 |
Fashionable Disfigurement, | 213 |
Fayence, The, of Henry II. of France, | 591 |
Feasts, Anglo-Saxon, | 517 |
Federation, Fête of the, | 288 |
Female Intrepidity, Extraordinary, | 248 |
Ferrers, Earl, Execution of, | 107 |
Figg, Champion, | 113 |
Finger Rings, Porcelain, | 486 |
Fire at Burwell, Cambridgeshire, | 293 |
Fire-arms in the Tower of London, | 29 |
Fire-engines, When first made, | 223 |
Fish, Shooting, | 432 |
—— High Price of, in London, | 312 |
—— Extraordinary Ponds and, | 561 |
—— Tame, | 659 |
—— Wonderful, | 542 |
Fishermen, Bulgarian, | 497 |
Fleet Marriages, about 1740, | 299 |
Floods, the Morayshire, | 126 |
Flying Coach, | 228 |
Fog of 1783, The Great, | 414 |
Font at Kilcarn, The, | 417 |
Food of the Ancients, | 450 |
Foot-Racing in 1699, | 457 |
Foreigners in London in 1567, | 371 |