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Abbey Buildings, The Arrangement of, 658
Abraham and Sarah, 101
Abyssinian Ladies, Dress of the, 491
Abyssinian Lady, Tattooed, 495
Advertisement, an American, 111
Advertisements, Curious, 406, 447, 455, 478
—— in the last Century, 207
—— of a Dying-speech Book, 116
—— New Style of, 249
—— a Pudding as an, 228
—— of a Fleet Parson, 116
A False Find, 31
A Female Sampson, 62
A Fine Old Soldier, 314
A Floating City, 308
A Funeral appropriately conducted, 235
Aged Persons, instances of many Dying, 283
Ages of Celebrated Men, 102
A Great Marvel seen in Scotland, 138
A Happy Family, 28
A Harmless Eccentric, 186
Albertus Magnus, Receipts from, 91
Ale Too Strong, 267
Alexandria, Pharos at, 274
Algerine Invasion of Ireland, 176
A Last Chance, 103
All Humbugs, 85
A Lucky Find, 6
A Man in a Vault Eleven Days, 69
—— Carries his House on his Head, 290
—— Selling his own Body, 95
—— aged One Hundred Years, 256
A Monster, 287
Ambassador, French, Entry into London, 262
—— why Held by the Arms, 162
Amphitheatres, 102
Amulets worn by Egyptian Females, 120
—— Brotche, 332
Amusements in the 15th Century, 254
—— in 1743, Popular, 56
An apparent Singularity accounted for, 93
An Eccentric Tourist, 139
Ancients, Credulity of the, 144
Anglo-Saxons, Sepulchral Barrow of, 26
Animals, Food of, 24
—— Communication between, 294
Animation, Suspended, 374
Anne Boleyn, Execution of, 375
Antimony, 570
Antipathies, 391
—— Unaccountable, 196
Antiquities, Egyptian, 642
Apollo, Oracles of, in France, 675
Arabian Horses, 291
Arabs, Horses of the, 498
Archbishop, an, Washing Feet, 5
Arch, A Beautiful, 433
A remarkable Old Man, 214
Armlet, Ancient, 425
Armour, Ancient, Curious Piece of, 341
Arms, Abyssinian, 509
Artists, Duration of Life amongst, 196
A Sea above the Sky, 81
Ash, the Shrew, 397
Ass, The, 116
Assiduity and Perseverance, 304
Attar of Roses, Origin of, 343
Attar of Roses, 298
A Woman takes the Lighted Match, 40
—— Defends a Post singly, 52
Authors, some Learned, Amusements of, 137
A Unique Library, 211
Aztec Children, 37
Babes of Bethlehem, The, 660
Bagpipes, Irish, 505
Ballot, Origin of the, 673
Bandoliers, 560
Bank, A Mattrass for a, 323
Banner, The Templars', called Beauseant, 564
Banquets of the Ancients, 439
Bara, a Machine used in Sicily, 415
Barbers, 94
Barometer, Incident connected with, 136
Bartholomew Fair in 1700, Handbill of, 148
Bastille of Paris, Storming of the, 194
Bazaar, a Turkish, 614
Bear, a Shaved, 17
Beard, Care of the, 503
Beau Brummell (a) of the 17th Century, 61
Bective Abbey, 392
Bedesmen in the time of Henry VII., 593
Bedford Missal, The, 407
Bee, The Queen, 25
Bees, Obedient to Training, 95
Beggars, Severe Enactment against, 302
—— selected as Models by Painters, 281
Bell, The Great, of Burmah, 559
—— of Rouen, 650
Bells, 193
—— of the Ancients, 279
—— of St. Mura, 411
Bell-Shrine, an Ancient, 347
Bellows, Primitive Pair of, 637
Bible, 118, 372, 490
—— Bunyan's, 121
—— Summary of the, 169
—— used by Charles I. on the Scaffold, 271
Billy in the Salt-box, 181
Birds, The Ear of, not to be Deceived, 228
Blind Jack, 23
—— Granny, 70
—— Workman, 155
Boat, Burmese, 667
Bobart, Jacob, 22
Boiling to Death, 663
Bolton Abbey, Origin of, 273
Bombardier Beetle, The, 68
Bones, Adaptation of to Age, 52
Book-shaped Watch, 328
Boots an object of Honour, 232
Boydell, Alderman, 9
Brama, the Hindoo Deity, 555
Bramins, Philosophy of the, 371
Brank, The, 2
Brass Medal, of our Saviour, 241
Breakfasting Hut in 1745, 158
Bribery, 141
Bricks of Babylon, The, 612
Bridge, Old London, The Gate of, 561
—— Chinese, 439
—— Suspension, at Freybourg, 166
Britannia Tubular Bridge, 172
British Islands, Size of the, 245
Brooch, Ancient Scandinavian, 401
Bruce, Lord Edward, Case containing the Heart of, 215
Brunswick, House of, Anecdote of the, 459
Buckinger, Matthew, 53
Buddist Temples, Instruments used in, 621
Bumper, 153
Bunyan's, John, Tomb, 156
Burial Places of Distinguished Men, 390
Burmah, Elephant God of, 537
Bust, Etrurian, An Ancient, 677
Byng, Admiral, Execution of, 182
Cader Idris, 118
Cagots, The, 638
Calculation, Interesting, 474
Cambridge Clods, 20
Camden Cup, 250
Camel, as a Scape-Goat, 522
Cameleon, The Eye of the, 479
Candles in the Church, 449
Cannon, Ancient, raised from the Sea, 40
—— at the Siege of Constantinople, 69
—— First Iron, 320
Canute, The Discovery of the Body of, 176
Cardinals, Colour of the Hat for, 234
Cards, Games with, in the 16th Century, 618
Carfax Conduit, 333
Carronades, 149
Carrara, Francis, Cruelty of, 504
Carriage, Turkish, 655
Cascade des Pelerines, 135
Cat, Instinct in a, 353
Catacombs at Rome, 87
Cataract, Extraordinary, 223
Cat-Clock, A, 631
Cats, White, 51
—— with Knotted Tails, 238
Caves, The Hawthornden, 382
Chaffinch Contest, 651
Chalice, Iona, The Golden, 422
Changes of Fortune, 371
Chaplain, Instructions to a, 458
Chapter-House in Henry VIIth's time, 599
Charing Cross, Autobiography of, 128
Charity instead of Pomp, 407
—— Rewarded by a Mendicant, 257
Charlemagne, Clock presented to, 145
Charles I., Anecdote relative to, 174
—— II., Privy Purse, Expenses of, 234
Cherry Tree, 458
Chess, in India, How it Originated, 305
Chieftain, Ancient Scottish, 500
Chilcott, the Giant, 71
Child, Test of Courage in a, 132
Children of Aged Parents, 319
China, Origin of the Great Wall of, 233
Chinese Dainties, 91
—— Ivory Balls, 144
—— Method of Fishing, 315
—— Punishment of the Kang, 134
—— Ladies, Small Feet of, 475
—— Mirrors, 425
—— School, 525
—— Therapeutics, 369
Chocolate, Early use of, 52
Christmas Customs, Bygone, 14, 19
Christening, Novel Mode of Celebrating a, 393
Chronology of Remarkable Events, 218
Church of Donore, James II. and the, 557
Cigars, Extraordinary Fashion in, 274
Circumstance, a Curious, 430
—— Extraordinary, 15
Cistern of Majolica Ware, 597
Clock at Hernhuth, Watchmen Imitating, 20
—— Wonderful, 167
Clocks, Early, 171
Clonmacnois, Ruins of, 289
Coachmen of the Time of Charles II., 257
Cock Fighting at Schools, 219
Coffee, 153
Coffee and Tea, 122
Coffee-house in London, the First, 4
—— Attractions in 1760, 41
Coin, The First, with Britannia on it, 468
Coinage, Variations in the, 650
Coincidences, some Curious, 434
Collars, Stone, Ancient, 665
Column at Cussi, 533
Comb, Curious Indian, 657
Conecte, Thomas, 433
Confectionary Art in 1660, 373
Conjuring, Public Taste for in 1718, 122
Conway Church, Inscription in, 112
Coral Reefs, 73
Coronations, Prices for Seats at, 160
—— Expenses at, 283
Corpulent Man, 78
Corpulence, Cure for, 80
Cost of Articles in the 14th Century, 330
Costume, Ancient Female, 71, 78
Costumes, 395, 437, 536, 544, 547, 630, 651
Couteau-de-Chasse, Ancient, 633
Cranmer's (Archbishop) Dietary, 137
Credulity, Extraordinary Instance of, 311
Cricket-Matches, Extraordinary, 408
Criminal, a Rich and Cruel, 450
Criminals, Old Custom Relating to, 598
Cromwell's Bridge at Glengariff, 648
Cross of Cong, The, 457
—— —— Muiredach, 369
—— Ordeal of the, 463
Crown of Charlemagne, 377
Cucking-Stool, The, 1
Cupid, The, of the Hindoos, 230
Curious Feats, 181, 239
—— Law, 8
—— Manuscript, 214
Curiously-shaped Vessel, 376
Curiously-shaped Drinking Cups, 413
Curiosities, Strange, 457
Custom, Means of attracting, 683
Customs, Singular Local, 653
Daffeys' Elixir, 173
Dagger, An Ancient, 673
Dagobert, Ancient Chair of, 421
Dance, Curious Provincial in France, 679
Dances, Fashionable of the last Century, 220
Dancing Rooms, 57
Dead, Fashions for the, 523
Dead Bodies, Preservation of, 251, 280, 638
Death, Boiling to, 663
—— Lunar Influence in, 346
—— Pressing to, 515
Decorative Drinking Vessel, 336
Della Robbia Ware, 601
Demons, Bribing the, 531
Dervishes, Dancing, 669
Desolation, Scene of, 329
Destitute Cats, Asylum for, 280
Dial and Fountain in Leadenhall Street, 553
Dilemma, 499
Dinner, an Egyptian, 537
—— in China, 596
—— Party in the 17th Century, 609
Diogenes in a Pithos, not Tub, 101
Disorders Cured by Fright, 307
Dispute and appropriate Decision, 140
Dog (A) Extinguishing a Fire, 20
—— Combination of Instinct and Force, 284
—— A Sensible, Refusing to Bait a Cat, 76
—— Persevering, 80
—— Friendship, 84
—— A Piscatorial, 367
—— Sensible, 376
—— in Japan, 622
—— Figures of on Ancient Tombs, 682
Dog-wheel, The Old, 101
Dole in consequence of a Dream, 503
Doles, 399
Down among the Dead Men, 185
Dress, Forty years ago, 212
Dress in London, 18, 114, 253, 295
—— Fastidiousness at an Old Age, 243
—— of the Ancient Britons, 79
Drinking Bouts in Persia, 547
Drinks, Intoxicating, Antiquity of, 611
Dropping Wells, 142
Druids' Seat, 464
Drunkenness, the Offspring of, 666
Duns in the Mahratta Country, 379
Dyaks of Borneo, 275
Ears, Character Indicated by, 65
Earthenware, English, 575
Earthquake Panic, 520
—— Swallowed up by an, 329
—— at Lisbon, 200
—— Nottingham, in 1816, 280
Earthquakes, 398, 432
East India House, the First, 206
Eating for a Wager, 4
Eccentric Englishman, An, 438
Eccentrics, a Couple of, 318
Echo, Extraordinary, 341
Eddystone Lighthouse, 108
Edicts against Fiddlers, 328
Eel, Large, 10
Egypt, 491
—— Pyramids of, 130
Egyptian Toys in the British Museum, 129
Elephant Detects a Robber, An, 99
Elephants Frightened at Pigs, 9
Energy, A Triumph of, 193
England before the Romans, 86
Englishman, A Fat, 28
Epitaph, an Inculpatory, 268
Etna, Mount, Great Eruption of, 451
—— Changes of, 406
Europa, Ruins of, 567
Exchequer-bills, Origin of, 676
Execution, in 1793, 84
Extraordinary Tree, 183
Extravagance at Elections, 149
—— Oriental, 499
Eyam, The Desolation of, 226
Fallacy of the Virtues of a Seventh Son, 315
False Accusers, Punishing, 230
Farmers, Illustrious, 304
Fashionable Disfigurement, 213
Fayence, The, of Henry II. of France, 591
Feasts, Anglo-Saxon, 517
Federation, Fête of the, 288
Female Intrepidity, Extraordinary, 248
Ferrers, Earl, Execution of, 107
Figg, Champion, 113
Finger Rings, Porcelain, 486
Fire at Burwell, Cambridgeshire, 293
Fire-arms in the Tower of London, 29
Fire-engines, When first made, 223
Fish, Shooting, 432
—— High Price of, in London, 312
—— Extraordinary Ponds and, 561
—— Tame, 659
—— Wonderful, 542
Fishermen, Bulgarian, 497
Fleet Marriages, about 1740, 299
Floods, the Morayshire, 126
Flying Coach, 228
Fog of 1783, The Great, 414
Font at Kilcarn, The, 417
Food of the Ancients, 450
Foot-Racing in 1699, 457
Foreigners in London in 1567, 371
Ten Thousand Wonderful Things

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