Fortune, Change of, | 371 |
Fox Killed by a Swan, | 4 |
Francis I., Funeral Oration of, | 363 |
Franklin's Celebrated Letter to Strahan, | 39 |
Frederick the Great at Table, | 579 |
French Dress, | 102 |
—— Assignats, the Origin, | 253 |
Friars, Preaching, | 221 |
Frost Fairs, | 67 |
—— Extraordinary, | 209 |
Funeral, an Eccentric, | 395 |
—— Jar, | 481 |
—— Obsequies, Strange, | 108 |
Game Preserves at Chantilly, | 362 |
Gamblers, Chinese, Playing for Fingers, | 593 |
Gambling, Legalised, | 141 |
—— Extraordinary, | 359 |
Gaming, a National Taste for, | 267 |
Gander, an Old, | 27 |
Garden, an Egyptian, | 349 |
—— at Kenilworth, when in its Prime, | 641 |
—— Love of, | 419 |
—— Sacred, | 420 |
—— The Hanging, of Babylon, | 558 |
Garrick's Cup, | 232 |
Gauntlet of Henry, Prince of Wales, | 661 |
George II., Proclamation for, | 200 |
Georgians as Topers, | 511 |
Giant Tree, | 229 |
Gibraltar, Siege of, | 6 |
Gigantic Bones, | 248 |
Glaives, | 504 |
Glove Money, | 503 |
Gloves, Anne Boleyn's, | 600 |
—— Origin of "Pin Money", | 275 |
Grace Knives, | 641 |
Graham Island, | 443 |
Graves of the Stone Period, | 363 |
Greek Vases, | 501 |
Gretna Green Marriages, | 159 |
Grey Man's Path, The, | 528 |
Grinning for a Wager, | 13 |
Groaning Boards, | 66 |
Groat, a Castle for a, | 470 |
Grotto, Remarkable, and Story connected with it, | 625 |
Guillotine, Decapitation by the, | 8 |
Gun, Celebrated, | 568 |
Gunpowder, Making a Candlestick of, | 249 |
Hackney Coach, The Earliest, | 211 |
Hair, Ancient, Quantity and Colour of the, | 4 |
—— Price of Human, | 242 |
—— Remarkable Preservation of, | 122 |
—— Transplantation of, | 40 |
—— Turned Grey by Fright, | 327 |
—— Two of the Fathers, on False, | 24 |
Hamster Rat, The, | 265 |
Handbills, Distributing, | 178 |
—— from Peckham Fair, in 1726, | 72 |
Hanging a Mayor, | 140 |
"Happy Dispatch" in Japan, The, | 578 |
Head Breaker, A., | 338 |
Head-dress, Monstrous, | 242 |
—— Ornament, Antique, | 393 |
Hejirs, The, | 222 |
Helmet, Early English, | 632 |
—— of Sir John Crosby, | 520 |
Henry I., Dream of, | 26 |
—— II., Stripped when Dead, | 39 |
—— V., Cradle of, | 416 |
—— the VIIIth's Chair, | 488 |
—— VIII., Curious Extracts from the Household Book of Lady Mary, Daughter of, | 399 |
Highlander, A Remarkable, | 238 |
Highwaymen in 1782, | 5 |
Hindoo Computation, | 507 |
—— Rites, Cruelty of, | 627 |
Historical Anecdote, | 156 |
Holy Water Sprinkler, | 532 |
Homer in a Nutshell, | 127 |
Hooking a Boy Instead of a Fish, | 319 |
Hoops, in 1740, | 6 |
Horse, A, Getting himself Shod, | 76 |
Horse-race, Indenture of a, | 52 |
Horses of the Arabs, | 498 |
Horses, Different Sorts of, in the 16th Century, | 634 |
—— Feeding one another, | 368 |
—— Vicious, Novel Way of Curing, | 174 |
Hot Cross Buns, | 251 |
House, Novel Way of Designating a, | 539 |
—— of Hens' Feathers, | 646 |
Household Rules of the 16th Century, | 518 |
How Distant Ages are Connected, | 200 |
Hudson, Jeffery, the Dwarf of the Court of Charles I., | 472 |
"Humbug," Origin of the Term, | 97 |
Hume, David, on his own Death, | 215 |
Hundred Families' Lock, | 435 |
Hunting Party, a Regal, | 391 |
Husband, Novel way of Purchasing a, | 275 |
Hydra, Extraordinary Reproductive Power of the, | 490 |
Ice, Ground, | 506 |
Ignorance and Fear, | 290 |
Impostor, An, | 50 |
Impudence or Candour? Which is it? | 239 |
Incense Chariot, An Ancient, | 513 |
Incremation, Instance of, | 353 |
Indian Jugglers, European Balancing, | 293 |
Inhumanity, Extraordinary Instances of, | 436 |
Innkeeper's Bill in 1762, | 431 |
Insects, Wonderful Formation of the Eye in, | 467 |
Insect Life, Minuteness of, | 338 |
Instinct of Animals, | 410 |
Insurance Agent, Canvass of an, | 465 |
Interesting and Fanciful Relique, | 243 |
Inventors, The Perils of, | 141 |
Irrigation, Turkish Machine for, | 349 |
"It's much the same Now", | 94 |
James II. and the Church of Donore, | 557 |
James II., Spent by the Corporation of Coventry at the Entertainment of, in his Progress through Coventry, | 378 |
Javanese, Superstition of the, | 244 |
Jenny's Whim, | 174 |
Jewel, A Curious, which belonged to James I., | 456 |
Jews, Wealth of the, | 359 |
Johnson, Dr., A Visit to the Residence of, | 48 |
Joy, William, the English Sampson, | 176 |
Judas Iscariot, Legends of, | 339 |
Judges attending Public Balls, | 303 |
—— Salaries, | 446 |
Jugglers in Japan, | 529 |
—— of Modern Egypt, | 342 |
Kildare, Death of the Earl of, | 172 |
Killed by eating Mutton and Pudding, | 73 |
King Edward I., Household Expenses of, | 231 |
—— Fine for Insulting a, | 149 |
—— of Kippen, The, | 139 |
—— John and Pope Innocent, | 463 |
King-Maker, Warwick the, | 527 |
King's Bed, Ceremonial for Making the, | 562 |
—— Cock Crower, The, | 137 |
—— Dishes with the Cook's Name, | 235 |
—— Stone, The, at Kingston, | 461 |
Kitchen, Spacious, | 383 |
Knight's Costume of the 13th Century, | 480 |
Knives and Forks, | 133 |
Knox, John, The Pulpit of, at St. Andrews, | 269 |
Lady, Origin of the Word, | 147 |
Lagmi, and the Use made of it, | 623 |
Lambeth Wells, the Apollo Gardens, | 272 |
Lamps, Roman, | 437 |
Land, Change in the Value of, | 196 |
Landslip at Colebroke, Shropshire, | 184 |
Lantern, Curious, | 100 |
Lauderdale, The Duchess of, | 403 |
Law of the Mozcas, | 454 |
Law and Order in the Streets of London, | 131 |
Laws, a Hundred years ago, Severity of, | 234 |
Leadenhall Street, Old Dial and Fountain in, | 553 |
Legend, A Superstitious, | 351 |
Legends among Savage Nations, | 146 |
Length of Life without Bodily Exercise, | 274 |
Lepers, Treatment of, in England, | 493 |
Leprosy, Lazars, and Lazar Houses, | 169 |
Letter, Extraordinary, | 322 |
Lettsom's (Dr.) Reasons, | 71 |
Lewson, The Eccentric Lady, | 221 |
Life, An Eventful, | 427 |
—— in Death, | 443 |
Lighting the Streets, Bequests for, | 310 |
Lightning, Calmuc's Opinion of, | 63 |
Living, Style of, among the Nobility of the 15th Century, | 533 |
—— in the 16th Century, | 357 |
Lizards, Swallowing, | 41 |
Loaf Sugar, | 166 |
Locomotives, the First, | 96 |
Locusts, | 151 |
London Localities in the 16th Century, | 526 |
London Water Carrier in Olden Time, | 258 |
—— in 1756, State of, | 147 |
London Resorts a Hundred Years Ago, | 197 |
Longevity, | 269 |
Long Meg and her Daughters, | 394 |
Lord Mayor's Feast in 1663, | 551 |
Lotteries, | 619 |
Louis XVI., Execution of, | 258 |
Luther's (Martin) Tankard, | 149 |
Luxury in 1562, | 418 |
Lynch's Castle, Galway, | 581 |
Mackarel, Price of, | 576 |
Madness, Sudden Recovery from, | 168 |
Madyn, the Capital of Persia, Magnificence of, when invaded by the Saracens A.D. 636, | 554 |
Magic Rain Stone, | 168 |
Magician's Mirror and Bracelet, | 344 |
Magnet, The Summers' or Loadstone, | 41 |
Magnificence of Former Times, | 111 |
Magpie Stoning a Toad, | 92 |
Mahomet, Personal Appearance of, | 571 |
Mail, Ancient suit of, | 483 |
Malady, Extraordinary, | 670 |
Mandrin, the Smuggler, | 167 |
Manners, Ancient, of the Italian, | 585 |
Man without Hands, | 77 |
Manufacture, One of the Effects of, | 142 |
Marat, Funeral of, | 375 |
Marriage Custom, Curious, | 543 |
—— Lottery, | 91 |
—— Vow, | 419 |
Mary, Queen of Scots, her First Letter to English, | 370 |
Mary Queen of Scots, her Candlestick, | 436 |
Maternal Affection in a Dumb Woman, | 140 |
May-pole in the Strand, | 534 |
—— Fate of the Last, in the Strand, | 682 |
May-poles, | 100 |
Mecca, The Black Stone at, | 550 |
Medmenham Abbey, | 429 |
Memento-Mori Watch, | 285 |
Mental Affection, A Curious, | 335 |
Merman, A, | 16 |
Mexican Tennis, | 375 |
Michaelmas-day, Origin of eating Goose on, | 198 |
Military Hats in Olden Time, | 75 |
Mill at Lissoy, | 469 |
Miraculous Escape, | 266 |
Misers, Two, | 459 |
Missal, The Bedford, | 163 |
Mob Wisdom, | 294 |
Monasteries, Libraries of destroyed, | 334 |
Monkeys Demanding their Dead, | 415 |
Monkish Prayers, | 383 |
Monks, Gluttony of the, | 347 |
—— and Friars, | 680 |
Monsey (Dr.) bequeaths his own Body, | 93 |
Monsoons, | 179 |
Monument, Rock-cut, of Asia Minor, | 441 |
Monuments, Wayside, | 587 |
Mosque of Omar, | 316 |
Mother Mapp, the Bone Setter, | 158 |
Mountains, Height of, | 148 |
Mouth, Character of the, | 106 |
M.P.'s and Mayors, Privateers, | 176 |
Mulgrave, Origin of the House of, | 602 |
Mullet and Turbot, with the Romans, | 488 |
Mummy Cases, | 409 |
Murderess, a Young but Cruel, | 392 |
Music, Effect of, on a Pigeon, | 64 |
—— of the Hindoos, | 683 |
—— —— —— Sea, | 351 |
Musical Instrument, A Curious, | 628 |
Musical Instruments, Burmese, | 629 |
—— —— Egyptian, | 404 |
Names, Strange Custom about, | 295 |
Naora, The, | 635 |
Narrow Escape, | 121 |
Nature, Wonderful Provision of, | 55 |
Nebuchadnezzar, Gold Mask of, | 105 |
Necklace, Ancient Jet, | 529 |
Negro, Bill of Sale for a, in 1770, | 39 |
Nell Gwynne's Looking-Glass, | 237 |
Never Sleeping in a Bed, | 331 |
Newspapers, Vacillating, | 514 |
New South Wales, Dances of the Natives of, | 225 |
Newton, A Visit to the Observatory of, | 10 |
New Zealand, The Wingless Bird of, | 307 |
Norman Caps, | 44 |
North American Indian War Dispatch, | 45 |
Nose, Effect of a New, | 102 |
Nostrums, | 63 |
Nun, The First English, | 330 |
Nut Crackers, Ancient, | 236 |
Oaks, Extraordinary, | 310, 426, 466, 455 |
—— Remarkable, | 405 |
Old Age, Dying of, at Seventeen Years, | 47 |
Old Books, | 360 |
Old London Signs, | 118 |
Opera, The First, | 567 |
Opium, Best Position for Smoking, | 675 |
Oræfa Mountain, in Ireland, | 356 |
Ornaments, Personal Antique, | 293, 400, 447, 452 |
Orthography in the Sixteenth Century, | 17 |
Pagoda, The Great Shoëmadoo, | 572 |
Pailoos, Chinese, | 625 |
Panama, Isthmus of, Passage through, | 148 |
Paper, | 619 |
Papyrus, The, | 82 |
Parental Authority, Too Much, | 513 |
Paris Garden at Blackfriars, | 465 |
Parlour Dogs, | 320 |
Passport, A Traveller's, | 679 |
Pastimes, Popular, | 514 |
Pâtés de Foies Gras, | 142 |
Peacocks, | 366 |
Pear-Tree, Great, | 454 |
Pearls, British, | 363 |
—— Fondness of the Romans for, | 208 |
Pedestrian Feat, Wonderful, | 327 |
Peg Tankards, | 43 |
Penn, Tea Service which belonged to, | 201 |
Penny Post, Origin of the, | 47 |
Pennsylvania Journal, | 63 |
Perfumes, | 253 |
Persecution, | 430 |
—— in the Reign of Queen Mary, | 587 |
Perseverance rewarded by Fortune, | 287 |
Persia, Drinking Bouts in, | 547 |
Personal Charms Disclaimed, | 118 |
Peru, Condor in, | 170 |
Peruvian Bark, | 51 |
Pest-house, during the Plague, in Tothill Fields, | 573 |
Pestilence, The Black, | 402 |
Peter the Great at Zaandam, | 544 |
Physic, A Friend to, | 267 |
Physick for the Poor, Choice Receipts for, | 117 |
Pigeon Catching near Naples, | 437 |
Pig, Roast, Advertisement of, in 1726, | 46 |
Pike, An Old, | 667 |
Pilgrim Fathers, Chair belonging to, | 186 |
Pillory for Eating Flesh in Lent, | 68 |
Plague in England, The, | 183 |
—— Corpse Bearers during the, | 283 |
Plantagenets, Yellow Hair in the Time, | 103 |
Plate, Use of, in the time of Henry VIII., | 523 |
Platypus, the Duck-billed, | 273 |
Playbill, Curious, | 227 |
—— in the time of William III., | 530 |
Ploughing and Threshing, Ancient, | 66 |
Poets, English, Fates of the Families of, | 471 |
Pogonias Vocal Fish, | 478 |
Poison Cup, The, | 485 |
Poisoning the Monarch, | 12 |
Police, London, Disgraceful State of, | 193 |
Pont du Gard, Great Aqueduct of, | 312 |
Pope's Chair, | 577 |
Porcelain, Anecdote in, | 517 |
Port Coon Cave, | 516 |
Poet Haste One Hundred Years ago, | 182 |
"Postman," The, Paragraph from, in 1697, | 219 |
Pottery in China, Art of, | 321 |
Powerscourt Fall, Phenomenon at the, | 304 |
Prayers, Unusual Locality for Saying, | 171 |
Praying by Machinery, | 314 |
—— by Wheel and Axle, | 539 |
Pre-Adamite Bone Caverns, | 199 |
Precocious Children, | 64 |
Presence of Mind—Escape from a Tiger, | 330 |
Priests in Burmah, Knavery of the, | 266 |
—— of Sikkim, | 663 |
Prince of Wales, Origin of the Crest of the, | 115 |
Prince Rupert, at Everton, | 291 |
Prolific Author, | 320 |
Proteus Anguinus, The, | 152 |
Psalm, Value of a Long, | 512 |
Pterodactylus, The, | 360 |
Pulpit, Refreshments for the, | 262 |
Punishing by Wholesale, | 680 |
Punishment, Ancient Instrument of, | 680 |
—— Russian, | 654 |
—— and Torture, Ancient Instruments of, | 58, 88 |
Puritan Zeal, | 579 |
Purple, Tyrian, | 643 |
Quackery in the Olden Time, | 671 |
Queen Elizabeth, Banquets of, | 414 |
—— —— Dresses of, | 501 |
—— —— Old Verses on, | 204 |
—— —— saddle of, | 340 |
—— —— State Coach of, | 128 |
—— —— 's Laws, | 151 |
Raffaelle, Tomb of, | 568 |
Raffle, A, in 1725, | 47 |
Raleigh, Sir Walter, Residence of, | 160 |
Ranelagh, | 204 |