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Fortune, Change of, 371
Fox Killed by a Swan, 4
Francis I., Funeral Oration of, 363
Franklin's Celebrated Letter to Strahan, 39
Frederick the Great at Table, 579
French Dress, 102
—— Assignats, the Origin, 253
Friars, Preaching, 221
Frost Fairs, 67
—— Extraordinary, 209
Funeral, an Eccentric, 395
—— Jar, 481
—— Obsequies, Strange, 108
Game Preserves at Chantilly, 362
Gamblers, Chinese, Playing for Fingers, 593
Gambling, Legalised, 141
—— Extraordinary, 359
Gaming, a National Taste for, 267
Gander, an Old, 27
Garden, an Egyptian, 349
—— at Kenilworth, when in its Prime, 641
—— Love of, 419
—— Sacred, 420
—— The Hanging, of Babylon, 558
Garrick's Cup, 232
Gauntlet of Henry, Prince of Wales, 661
George II., Proclamation for, 200
Georgians as Topers, 511
Giant Tree, 229
Gibraltar, Siege of, 6
Gigantic Bones, 248
Glaives, 504
Glove Money, 503
Gloves, Anne Boleyn's, 600
—— Origin of "Pin Money", 275
Grace Knives, 641
Graham Island, 443
Graves of the Stone Period, 363
Greek Vases, 501
Gretna Green Marriages, 159
Grey Man's Path, The, 528
Grinning for a Wager, 13
Groaning Boards, 66
Groat, a Castle for a, 470
Grotto, Remarkable, and Story connected with it, 625
Guillotine, Decapitation by the, 8
Gun, Celebrated, 568
Gunpowder, Making a Candlestick of, 249
Hackney Coach, The Earliest, 211
Hair, Ancient, Quantity and Colour of the, 4
—— Price of Human, 242
—— Remarkable Preservation of, 122
—— Transplantation of, 40
—— Turned Grey by Fright, 327
—— Two of the Fathers, on False, 24
Hamster Rat, The, 265
Handbills, Distributing, 178
—— from Peckham Fair, in 1726, 72
Hanging a Mayor, 140
"Happy Dispatch" in Japan, The, 578
Head Breaker, A., 338
Head-dress, Monstrous, 242
—— Ornament, Antique, 393
Hejirs, The, 222
Helmet, Early English, 632
—— of Sir John Crosby, 520
Henry I., Dream of, 26
—— II., Stripped when Dead, 39
—— V., Cradle of, 416
—— the VIIIth's Chair, 488
—— VIII., Curious Extracts from the Household Book of Lady Mary, Daughter of, 399
Highlander, A Remarkable, 238
Highwaymen in 1782, 5
Hindoo Computation, 507
—— Rites, Cruelty of, 627
Historical Anecdote, 156
Holy Water Sprinkler, 532
Homer in a Nutshell, 127
Hooking a Boy Instead of a Fish, 319
Hoops, in 1740, 6
Horse, A, Getting himself Shod, 76
Horse-race, Indenture of a, 52
Horses of the Arabs, 498
Horses, Different Sorts of, in the 16th Century, 634
—— Feeding one another, 368
—— Vicious, Novel Way of Curing, 174
Hot Cross Buns, 251
House, Novel Way of Designating a, 539
—— of Hens' Feathers, 646
Household Rules of the 16th Century, 518
How Distant Ages are Connected, 200
Hudson, Jeffery, the Dwarf of the Court of Charles I., 472
"Humbug," Origin of the Term, 97
Hume, David, on his own Death, 215
Hundred Families' Lock, 435
Hunting Party, a Regal, 391
Husband, Novel way of Purchasing a, 275
Hydra, Extraordinary Reproductive Power of the, 490
Ice, Ground, 506
Ignorance and Fear, 290
Impostor, An, 50
Impudence or Candour? Which is it? 239
Incense Chariot, An Ancient, 513
Incremation, Instance of, 353
Indian Jugglers, European Balancing, 293
Inhumanity, Extraordinary Instances of, 436
Innkeeper's Bill in 1762, 431
Insects, Wonderful Formation of the Eye in, 467
Insect Life, Minuteness of, 338
Instinct of Animals, 410
Insurance Agent, Canvass of an, 465
Interesting and Fanciful Relique, 243
Inventors, The Perils of, 141
Irrigation, Turkish Machine for, 349
"It's much the same Now", 94
James II. and the Church of Donore, 557
James II., Spent by the Corporation of Coventry at the Entertainment of, in his Progress through Coventry, 378
Javanese, Superstition of the, 244
Jenny's Whim, 174
Jewel, A Curious, which belonged to James I., 456
Jews, Wealth of the, 359
Johnson, Dr., A Visit to the Residence of, 48
Joy, William, the English Sampson, 176
Judas Iscariot, Legends of, 339
Judges attending Public Balls, 303
—— Salaries, 446
Jugglers in Japan, 529
—— of Modern Egypt, 342
Kildare, Death of the Earl of, 172
Killed by eating Mutton and Pudding, 73
King Edward I., Household Expenses of, 231
—— Fine for Insulting a, 149
—— of Kippen, The, 139
—— John and Pope Innocent, 463
King-Maker, Warwick the, 527
King's Bed, Ceremonial for Making the, 562
—— Cock Crower, The, 137
—— Dishes with the Cook's Name, 235
—— Stone, The, at Kingston, 461
Kitchen, Spacious, 383
Knight's Costume of the 13th Century, 480
Knives and Forks, 133
Knox, John, The Pulpit of, at St. Andrews, 269
Lady, Origin of the Word, 147
Lagmi, and the Use made of it, 623
Lambeth Wells, the Apollo Gardens, 272
Lamps, Roman, 437
Land, Change in the Value of, 196
Landslip at Colebroke, Shropshire, 184
Lantern, Curious, 100
Lauderdale, The Duchess of, 403
Law of the Mozcas, 454
Law and Order in the Streets of London, 131
Laws, a Hundred years ago, Severity of, 234
Leadenhall Street, Old Dial and Fountain in, 553
Legend, A Superstitious, 351
Legends among Savage Nations, 146
Length of Life without Bodily Exercise, 274
Lepers, Treatment of, in England, 493
Leprosy, Lazars, and Lazar Houses, 169
Letter, Extraordinary, 322
Lettsom's (Dr.) Reasons, 71
Lewson, The Eccentric Lady, 221
Life, An Eventful, 427
—— in Death, 443
Lighting the Streets, Bequests for, 310
Lightning, Calmuc's Opinion of, 63
Living, Style of, among the Nobility of the 15th Century, 533
—— in the 16th Century, 357
Lizards, Swallowing, 41
Loaf Sugar, 166
Locomotives, the First, 96
Locusts, 151
London Localities in the 16th Century, 526
London Water Carrier in Olden Time, 258
—— in 1756, State of, 147
London Resorts a Hundred Years Ago, 197
Longevity, 269
Long Meg and her Daughters, 394
Lord Mayor's Feast in 1663, 551
Lotteries, 619
Louis XVI., Execution of, 258
Luther's (Martin) Tankard, 149
Luxury in 1562, 418
Lynch's Castle, Galway, 581
Mackarel, Price of, 576
Madness, Sudden Recovery from, 168
Madyn, the Capital of Persia, Magnificence of, when invaded by the Saracens A.D. 636, 554
Magic Rain Stone, 168
Magician's Mirror and Bracelet, 344
Magnet, The Summers' or Loadstone, 41
Magnificence of Former Times, 111
Magpie Stoning a Toad, 92
Mahomet, Personal Appearance of, 571
Mail, Ancient suit of, 483
Malady, Extraordinary, 670
Mandrin, the Smuggler, 167
Manners, Ancient, of the Italian, 585
Man without Hands, 77
Manufacture, One of the Effects of, 142
Marat, Funeral of, 375
Marriage Custom, Curious, 543
—— Lottery, 91
—— Vow, 419
Mary, Queen of Scots, her First Letter to English, 370
Mary Queen of Scots, her Candlestick, 436
Maternal Affection in a Dumb Woman, 140
May-pole in the Strand, 534
—— Fate of the Last, in the Strand, 682
May-poles, 100
Mecca, The Black Stone at, 550
Medmenham Abbey, 429
Memento-Mori Watch, 285
Mental Affection, A Curious, 335
Merman, A, 16
Mexican Tennis, 375
Michaelmas-day, Origin of eating Goose on, 198
Military Hats in Olden Time, 75
Mill at Lissoy, 469
Miraculous Escape, 266
Misers, Two, 459
Missal, The Bedford, 163
Mob Wisdom, 294
Monasteries, Libraries of destroyed, 334
Monkeys Demanding their Dead, 415
Monkish Prayers, 383
Monks, Gluttony of the, 347
—— and Friars, 680
Monsey (Dr.) bequeaths his own Body, 93
Monsoons, 179
Monument, Rock-cut, of Asia Minor, 441
Monuments, Wayside, 587
Mosque of Omar, 316
Mother Mapp, the Bone Setter, 158
Mountains, Height of, 148
Mouth, Character of the, 106
M.P.'s and Mayors, Privateers, 176
Mulgrave, Origin of the House of, 602
Mullet and Turbot, with the Romans, 488
Mummy Cases, 409
Murderess, a Young but Cruel, 392
Music, Effect of, on a Pigeon, 64
—— of the Hindoos, 683
—— —— —— Sea, 351
Musical Instrument, A Curious, 628
Musical Instruments, Burmese, 629
—— —— Egyptian, 404
Names, Strange Custom about, 295
Naora, The, 635
Narrow Escape, 121
Nature, Wonderful Provision of, 55
Nebuchadnezzar, Gold Mask of, 105
Necklace, Ancient Jet, 529
Negro, Bill of Sale for a, in 1770, 39
Nell Gwynne's Looking-Glass, 237
Never Sleeping in a Bed, 331
Newspapers, Vacillating, 514
New South Wales, Dances of the Natives of, 225
Newton, A Visit to the Observatory of, 10
New Zealand, The Wingless Bird of, 307
Norman Caps, 44
North American Indian War Dispatch, 45
Nose, Effect of a New, 102
Nostrums, 63
Nun, The First English, 330
Nut Crackers, Ancient, 236
Oaks, Extraordinary, 310, 426, 466, 455
—— Remarkable, 405
Old Age, Dying of, at Seventeen Years, 47
Old Books, 360
Old London Signs, 118
Opera, The First, 567
Opium, Best Position for Smoking, 675
Oræfa Mountain, in Ireland, 356
Ornaments, Personal Antique, 293, 400, 447, 452
Orthography in the Sixteenth Century, 17
Pagoda, The Great Shoëmadoo, 572
Pailoos, Chinese, 625
Panama, Isthmus of, Passage through, 148
Paper, 619
Papyrus, The, 82
Parental Authority, Too Much, 513
Paris Garden at Blackfriars, 465
Parlour Dogs, 320
Passport, A Traveller's, 679
Pastimes, Popular, 514
Pâtés de Foies Gras, 142
Peacocks, 366
Pear-Tree, Great, 454
Pearls, British, 363
—— Fondness of the Romans for, 208
Pedestrian Feat, Wonderful, 327
Peg Tankards, 43
Penn, Tea Service which belonged to, 201
Penny Post, Origin of the, 47
Pennsylvania Journal, 63
Perfumes, 253
Persecution, 430
—— in the Reign of Queen Mary, 587
Perseverance rewarded by Fortune, 287
Persia, Drinking Bouts in, 547
Personal Charms Disclaimed, 118
Peru, Condor in, 170
Peruvian Bark, 51
Pest-house, during the Plague, in Tothill Fields, 573
Pestilence, The Black, 402
Peter the Great at Zaandam, 544
Physic, A Friend to, 267
Physick for the Poor, Choice Receipts for, 117
Pigeon Catching near Naples, 437
Pig, Roast, Advertisement of, in 1726, 46
Pike, An Old, 667
Pilgrim Fathers, Chair belonging to, 186
Pillory for Eating Flesh in Lent, 68
Plague in England, The, 183
—— Corpse Bearers during the, 283
Plantagenets, Yellow Hair in the Time, 103
Plate, Use of, in the time of Henry VIII., 523
Platypus, the Duck-billed, 273
Playbill, Curious, 227
—— in the time of William III., 530
Ploughing and Threshing, Ancient, 66
Poets, English, Fates of the Families of, 471
Pogonias Vocal Fish, 478
Poison Cup, The, 485
Poisoning the Monarch, 12
Police, London, Disgraceful State of, 193
Pont du Gard, Great Aqueduct of, 312
Pope's Chair, 577
Porcelain, Anecdote in, 517
Port Coon Cave, 516
Poet Haste One Hundred Years ago, 182
"Postman," The, Paragraph from, in 1697, 219
Pottery in China, Art of, 321
Powerscourt Fall, Phenomenon at the, 304
Prayers, Unusual Locality for Saying, 171
Praying by Machinery, 314
—— by Wheel and Axle, 539
Pre-Adamite Bone Caverns, 199
Precocious Children, 64
Presence of Mind—Escape from a Tiger, 330
Priests in Burmah, Knavery of the, 266
—— of Sikkim, 663
Prince of Wales, Origin of the Crest of the, 115
Prince Rupert, at Everton, 291
Prolific Author, 320
Proteus Anguinus, The, 152
Psalm, Value of a Long, 512
Pterodactylus, The, 360
Pulpit, Refreshments for the, 262
Punishing by Wholesale, 680
Punishment, Ancient Instrument of, 680
—— Russian, 654
—— and Torture, Ancient Instruments of, 58, 88
Puritan Zeal, 579
Purple, Tyrian, 643
Quackery in the Olden Time, 671
Queen Elizabeth, Banquets of, 414
—— —— Dresses of, 501
—— —— Old Verses on, 204
—— —— saddle of, 340
—— —— State Coach of, 128
—— —— 's Laws, 151
Raffaelle, Tomb of, 568
Raffle, A, in 1725, 47
Raleigh, Sir Walter, Residence of, 160
Ranelagh, 204
Ten Thousand Wonderful Things

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