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Ranz des Vaches, 173
Rats, Destructive Force of, 463
Ravilliac, Execution of, 132
Receipts, Quaint, 153
Red Sea, Luminous Appearance of the, 454
Regiments, The Modern Names of, 639
Reichstadt, The Duke de, 435
Relics, 393
—— A Group of, 261
—— Rescued, 618
Remarkable Events and Inventions, 145
Revenge, New Mode of, 423
Rheumatism, Strange Cure for the, 201
Rhinoceros, First in Europe, 655
Richardson, the Showman, 251
Ringing the Changes, 192
Rings, Calcinated, 408
Rites, Hindoo, Cruelty of, 627
Roads in 1780, 327
Rock of Cashel, 352
Romans in Britain, Dress of Native Females at that Period, 86
Rouen, The Great Bell of, 650
Royal Touch, The, 42
Royal Giants, Specimens of, 121
—— Prisoner, Expenses of, 260
Sack Pot, Old English, 521
Sacro Catino, The, 608
Sadler's Wells, 112
Saint George, Tomb of, 281
Saint Lawrence, 464
Sálagrám, Hindoo Adoration of the, 589
Sand Columns in Africa, 610
Sandwiches, Origin of the, 563
Sardonyx Ring, with Cameo Head of Queen Elizabeth, in the possession of Rev. Lord Thynne, 373
Scape Goat, Camel as a, 190
Sceptre, Ivory, of Louis XII., 476
School, Chinese, 525
School Expenses in the Olden Time, 427
Science and Perseverance, Triumphs of, 123
Scottish Wild Cattle, 278
Scriptural Antiquities, 215
Sea, Phosphorescence of the, 418
Sea Serpent, Immense, 42
Sea-Urchin, Wonderful Construction of, 475
Second Sight, 65
Seeing Two Generations, 211
Self-Nourishment, 315
Selkirk and the Dancing Goats, 22
Sepulchral Vase from Peru, 320
Sermons, Anecdotes in, 147
Serpent, Anecdote of a, 85
Seven, The Number, 354
Sèvres Porcelain, Prices of, 487
Sex, Change of, 189
"Sforza," Origin of the Title, 554
Shakspeare's Jug, 575
Sham Prophets, 319
Sharks, The Queen's, 203
Sheba, The Queen of, 518
Sheep Killer, Hunting a, 268
Shell Fish, in 1675, Price of, 178
Shetland, The Noss in, 324
Shield, Ancient Danish, 420
Shilling, Cutting a Wife off with a, 359
Shocking Depravity, 117
Shoes, Long-toed, Origin of, 646
Shrine, Curious Figures on a, 202
Shrine of St. Sebald at Nuremberg, 271
Simoom, The, 662
Skin, Human, a Drum made of, 398
Slave Advertisements, 25
Slave Trade, Iniquities of the, 175
Slaves, Recent Prices of, 435
Sleep, Protracted, 483
—— State of the Mind during, 350
Sleeper, An Extraordinary, 28
Smoking, Attachment to, 322
Snake Charmers, 299
Snakes, Power of Fascination in, 64
Snow Storm, Memorable, 327
Snuff Boxes, Ancient, 209
Snuff, Time Wasted in taking, 512
Something like a Feast, 129
Somnambulism, 72
Sound, Phenomena of, 367
Southcottian Delusion, A Phase of the, 230
South-stack Lighthouse, 239
Spain, Wealth of, under the Moors, 235
Spider, Bite of the Tarantula, 13
Spiders Fond of Music, 157
Spirit Drinker, An Aged, 228
Spontaneous Combustion, 431
Sports of the Lower Classes, 155
Sportsman, A Royal, 443
Springs, Intermittent, 455
Stage Coach in 1760, 155
Stag-Hunt in the 16th Century, 511
Stags like Cattle, Driving, 208
Stamps, Antique Roman, 448, 643
Standards, Ancient Banner and, 396, 583
State Coach in 1796, 156
Statue, Metal, the Largest in the World, 454
Steam boat, Facsimile of the First, 301
Stevens's Specific, 50
St. George's Cavern, 421
St. James's Square, 123
St. Paul's, Old, 162
St. Paul and the Viper, 125
St. Winifred's Well, 303
Sticks, Old Walking, 387
Stirrups, 571
Stomach Brush, 55
Stoneware, 649
Strasburg, Curious Custom at, 185
Strength, Feats of, in 1789, 9
Street Cries of Modern Egypt, 401
Stuff Ball at Lincoln, Origin of the, 49
Sultan, City of the, 103
Sun and Moon, Worship of the, 81
Superstition in 1856, 538
—— Curious, 424
—— Death caused by, 124
—— in France, 519
—— Vitality of, 474
Sweating Sickness, 110
Sweets, Artificial, 579
Sword, Curious Antique, 596
—— Executioner's, 340
—— The Hawthornden, 353
—— The Seton, 356
—— Fish and Whales, 565
Sword-Breaker, An Ancient, 672
Taking a Man to Pieces, 79
Tapestry, The Bayeux, 642
Tar and Feather, Notices to, 38
Taxation, Universality of, 318
Tea, 94
Tea-Drinkers, The First, Puzzled, 532
Teapot, The, 482
Temple of Pou-tou, The, 673
—— at Simonbong, 620
Temples of Brambanam, 442
Terrier, Anecdote of a, 358
Thames, Frost Fair on the, 106
—— The First Bridge over the, 428
Thanksgiving Day in 1697, 527
Theatre, Roman, at Orange, 366
Theatres in the Time of Shakespeare, 597
The First Hermits—Why so Called, 125
The Ruling Passion, 32, 188
Theodora de Verdion, 207
Thief Caught in his own Trap, The, 77
—— Singular Discovery of a, 115
Thugs, The, 574
Tiger Cave at Cuttack, 361
Tilbury Fort, 189
Time, Division of, in Persia, 633
Tobacco, Origin of the Use of, 57
Toilet, Absurdities of the, 536
—— Boxes, Egyptian, 381
Tomb, Chinese, 508
—— of Cæcilia Metella, 477
—— of Darius, 560
Tomb of the Emperor Maximilian at Inspruck, 590
"Too Late," quoth Boice, 489
Tope, the Sanchi, 389
Topers, Georgians as, 511
Toping in the Last Century, 314
Torture, 639
—— Chamber at Nuremberg, 615
Tower of the Thundering Winds, 93
Trajan, Arch of, at Beneventum, 112
Trance, A, 354
—— at Will, 462
Trap-door Spider, 383
Travelling, Common, 220
—— in Olden Times, 108, 162
—— in the United States, 208
Treaty-Stone at Limerick, 563
Tree, Extraordinary Situation for a, 313
Trees, Age of, 521
—— that Grow Shirts, 62
Tripod, Ancient, 549
Trivial Circumstances, A Great Result from, 605
Tumbrel, The, 2
Tunisians, Ingenuity of the, 652
Turban, The, in Arabia, 618
Turkish Mode of Reparation, 326
Twin-Worm, Extraordinary Formation of the, 136
Types, the Invention of, 152
Umbrella, Anglo-Saxon, 624
Upas Tree, 123
Useful and the Beautiful, 647
Vampire, The Blood-sucking, 417
Varnish-Tree of the Japanese, 615
Vases, Ancient, 337
—— Greek, 169
—— Greek, Prices of, 385
—— Roman, in Black Ware, 373
—— Sepulchral, of Greek Pottery, 616
—— Sepulchral, of Ancient Egypt, 607
—— Teutonic, Hut-shaped, 580
Vauxhall, 380
Venetians, The, 428
Vengeance, Novel Mode of taking, 586
Ventriloquist, a Female, 62
Vesuvius, Crater of, in 1829, 165
Vinegar on the Skin, Effect of, 115
Vishnu, Incarnations of, 645
Volcanic Eruption in Japan, 601
Volcano of Jurullo, Formation of the, 163
Volition, Suspended, 199
Voltaire, English Letter of, 422
Vow, Singular Hindoo, 658
Wagers, Curious, 373
Walking-Sticks, Old, 387
Wall, Governor, Execution of, 154
Wallace, the Hero of Scotland, 99
War Boat, A Dyak, in Borneo, 540
—— Dance of the Dyaks of Borneo, 540
—— Chariot of Ancient Egypt, 365
Warwick, the King-Maker, 527
Washing Account, Method of Keeping, 3
Washington, 583
Watch, An Antique, 368
—— presented by Louis XIII. to Charles I. of England, 640
Watches, the First in England, 515
Water for Old London, Supply of, 282
—— Preservative Power of Coal-pit, 25
—— Supply of, for London, in Olden Times, 546
—— Snakes, Battle of, 470
"We hae been", 47
Weapon, Ancient, 660
—— A Poison, 672
Weaver-Bird, The Sociable, 440
Wedding, A, A Hundred Years Ago, 640
Weight, Reducing, 85
Whipping Prisoners, 175
Whitehall, Ceiling of, 121
Whitsuntide, at Durham Cathedral, 8
Why a Man Measures more in the Morning than in the Evening, 75
Wife, Diving for a, 479
Wigs, 17, 31
Will, Eccentric, 209
William the Conqueror, Courtship of, 555
Willow, Weeping, Introduction of the, 148
Wind Mills, The First, 577
Witch-Testing, at Newcastle, in 1649, 21
Wolves in England, 441
Woman, The Hairy, of Burmah, 677
Woman's Cleverness, 260
Women of England, The, 159
—— in Former Times, 127
Wonderful Escape, 215, 300
Wren's (Sir Christopher) Cost of Churches, 171
—— —— —— Report, 183
Writing Materials, 481
Writings, Terra Cotta, 466
Yorkshire Tike, The, 24
Yorkshire in the Last Century, 283
Ten Thousand Wonderful Things

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