Ranz des Vaches, | 173 |
Rats, Destructive Force of, | 463 |
Ravilliac, Execution of, | 132 |
Receipts, Quaint, | 153 |
Red Sea, Luminous Appearance of the, | 454 |
Regiments, The Modern Names of, | 639 |
Reichstadt, The Duke de, | 435 |
Relics, | 393 |
—— A Group of, | 261 |
—— Rescued, | 618 |
Remarkable Events and Inventions, | 145 |
Revenge, New Mode of, | 423 |
Rheumatism, Strange Cure for the, | 201 |
Rhinoceros, First in Europe, | 655 |
Richardson, the Showman, | 251 |
Ringing the Changes, | 192 |
Rings, Calcinated, | 408 |
Rites, Hindoo, Cruelty of, | 627 |
Roads in 1780, | 327 |
Rock of Cashel, | 352 |
Romans in Britain, Dress of Native Females at that Period, | 86 |
Rouen, The Great Bell of, | 650 |
Royal Touch, The, | 42 |
Royal Giants, Specimens of, | 121 |
—— Prisoner, Expenses of, | 260 |
Sack Pot, Old English, | 521 |
Sacro Catino, The, | 608 |
Sadler's Wells, | 112 |
Saint George, Tomb of, | 281 |
Saint Lawrence, | 464 |
Sálagrám, Hindoo Adoration of the, | 589 |
Sand Columns in Africa, | 610 |
Sandwiches, Origin of the, | 563 |
Sardonyx Ring, with Cameo Head of Queen Elizabeth, in the possession of Rev. Lord Thynne, | 373 |
Scape Goat, Camel as a, | 190 |
Sceptre, Ivory, of Louis XII., | 476 |
School, Chinese, | 525 |
School Expenses in the Olden Time, | 427 |
Science and Perseverance, Triumphs of, | 123 |
Scottish Wild Cattle, | 278 |
Scriptural Antiquities, | 215 |
Sea, Phosphorescence of the, | 418 |
Sea Serpent, Immense, | 42 |
Sea-Urchin, Wonderful Construction of, | 475 |
Second Sight, | 65 |
Seeing Two Generations, | 211 |
Self-Nourishment, | 315 |
Selkirk and the Dancing Goats, | 22 |
Sepulchral Vase from Peru, | 320 |
Sermons, Anecdotes in, | 147 |
Serpent, Anecdote of a, | 85 |
Seven, The Number, | 354 |
Sèvres Porcelain, Prices of, | 487 |
Sex, Change of, | 189 |
"Sforza," Origin of the Title, | 554 |
Shakspeare's Jug, | 575 |
Sham Prophets, | 319 |
Sharks, The Queen's, | 203 |
Sheba, The Queen of, | 518 |
Sheep Killer, Hunting a, | 268 |
Shell Fish, in 1675, Price of, | 178 |
Shetland, The Noss in, | 324 |
Shield, Ancient Danish, | 420 |
Shilling, Cutting a Wife off with a, | 359 |
Shocking Depravity, | 117 |
Shoes, Long-toed, Origin of, | 646 |
Shrine, Curious Figures on a, | 202 |
Shrine of St. Sebald at Nuremberg, | 271 |
Simoom, The, | 662 |
Skin, Human, a Drum made of, | 398 |
Slave Advertisements, | 25 |
Slave Trade, Iniquities of the, | 175 |
Slaves, Recent Prices of, | 435 |
Sleep, Protracted, | 483 |
—— State of the Mind during, | 350 |
Sleeper, An Extraordinary, | 28 |
Smoking, Attachment to, | 322 |
Snake Charmers, | 299 |
Snakes, Power of Fascination in, | 64 |
Snow Storm, Memorable, | 327 |
Snuff Boxes, Ancient, | 209 |
Snuff, Time Wasted in taking, | 512 |
Something like a Feast, | 129 |
Somnambulism, | 72 |
Sound, Phenomena of, | 367 |
Southcottian Delusion, A Phase of the, | 230 |
South-stack Lighthouse, | 239 |
Spain, Wealth of, under the Moors, | 235 |
Spider, Bite of the Tarantula, | 13 |
Spiders Fond of Music, | 157 |
Spirit Drinker, An Aged, | 228 |
Spontaneous Combustion, | 431 |
Sports of the Lower Classes, | 155 |
Sportsman, A Royal, | 443 |
Springs, Intermittent, | 455 |
Stage Coach in 1760, | 155 |
Stag-Hunt in the 16th Century, | 511 |
Stags like Cattle, Driving, | 208 |
Stamps, Antique Roman, | 448, 643 |
Standards, Ancient Banner and, | 396, 583 |
State Coach in 1796, | 156 |
Statue, Metal, the Largest in the World, | 454 |
Steam boat, Facsimile of the First, | 301 |
Stevens's Specific, | 50 |
St. George's Cavern, | 421 |
St. James's Square, | 123 |
St. Paul's, Old, | 162 |
St. Paul and the Viper, | 125 |
St. Winifred's Well, | 303 |
Sticks, Old Walking, | 387 |
Stirrups, | 571 |
Stomach Brush, | 55 |
Stoneware, | 649 |
Strasburg, Curious Custom at, | 185 |
Strength, Feats of, in 1789, | 9 |
Street Cries of Modern Egypt, | 401 |
Stuff Ball at Lincoln, Origin of the, | 49 |
Sultan, City of the, | 103 |
Sun and Moon, Worship of the, | 81 |
Superstition in 1856, | 538 |
—— Curious, | 424 |
—— Death caused by, | 124 |
—— in France, | 519 |
—— Vitality of, | 474 |
Sweating Sickness, | 110 |
Sweets, Artificial, | 579 |
Sword, Curious Antique, | 596 |
—— Executioner's, | 340 |
—— The Hawthornden, | 353 |
—— The Seton, | 356 |
—— Fish and Whales, | 565 |
Sword-Breaker, An Ancient, | 672 |
Taking a Man to Pieces, | 79 |
Tapestry, The Bayeux, | 642 |
Tar and Feather, Notices to, | 38 |
Taxation, Universality of, | 318 |
Tea, | 94 |
Tea-Drinkers, The First, Puzzled, | 532 |
Teapot, The, | 482 |
Temple of Pou-tou, The, | 673 |
—— at Simonbong, | 620 |
Temples of Brambanam, | 442 |
Terrier, Anecdote of a, | 358 |
Thames, Frost Fair on the, | 106 |
—— The First Bridge over the, | 428 |
Thanksgiving Day in 1697, | 527 |
Theatre, Roman, at Orange, | 366 |
Theatres in the Time of Shakespeare, | 597 |
The First Hermits—Why so Called, | 125 |
The Ruling Passion, | 32, 188 |
Theodora de Verdion, | 207 |
Thief Caught in his own Trap, The, | 77 |
—— Singular Discovery of a, | 115 |
Thugs, The, | 574 |
Tiger Cave at Cuttack, | 361 |
Tilbury Fort, | 189 |
Time, Division of, in Persia, | 633 |
Tobacco, Origin of the Use of, | 57 |
Toilet, Absurdities of the, | 536 |
—— Boxes, Egyptian, | 381 |
Tomb, Chinese, | 508 |
—— of Cæcilia Metella, | 477 |
—— of Darius, | 560 |
Tomb of the Emperor Maximilian at Inspruck, | 590 |
"Too Late," quoth Boice, | 489 |
Tope, the Sanchi, | 389 |
Topers, Georgians as, | 511 |
Toping in the Last Century, | 314 |
Torture, | 639 |
—— Chamber at Nuremberg, | 615 |
Tower of the Thundering Winds, | 93 |
Trajan, Arch of, at Beneventum, | 112 |
Trance, A, | 354 |
—— at Will, | 462 |
Trap-door Spider, | 383 |
Travelling, Common, | 220 |
—— in Olden Times, | 108, 162 |
—— in the United States, | 208 |
Treaty-Stone at Limerick, | 563 |
Tree, Extraordinary Situation for a, | 313 |
Trees, Age of, | 521 |
—— that Grow Shirts, | 62 |
Tripod, Ancient, | 549 |
Trivial Circumstances, A Great Result from, | 605 |
Tumbrel, The, | 2 |
Tunisians, Ingenuity of the, | 652 |
Turban, The, in Arabia, | 618 |
Turkish Mode of Reparation, | 326 |
Twin-Worm, Extraordinary Formation of the, | 136 |
Types, the Invention of, | 152 |
Umbrella, Anglo-Saxon, | 624 |
Upas Tree, | 123 |
Useful and the Beautiful, | 647 |
Vampire, The Blood-sucking, | 417 |
Varnish-Tree of the Japanese, | 615 |
Vases, Ancient, | 337 |
—— Greek, | 169 |
—— Greek, Prices of, | 385 |
—— Roman, in Black Ware, | 373 |
—— Sepulchral, of Greek Pottery, | 616 |
—— Sepulchral, of Ancient Egypt, | 607 |
—— Teutonic, Hut-shaped, | 580 |
Vauxhall, | 380 |
Venetians, The, | 428 |
Vengeance, Novel Mode of taking, | 586 |
Ventriloquist, a Female, | 62 |
Vesuvius, Crater of, in 1829, | 165 |
Vinegar on the Skin, Effect of, | 115 |
Vishnu, Incarnations of, | 645 |
Volcanic Eruption in Japan, | 601 |
Volcano of Jurullo, Formation of the, | 163 |
Volition, Suspended, | 199 |
Voltaire, English Letter of, | 422 |
Vow, Singular Hindoo, | 658 |
Wagers, Curious, | 373 |
Walking-Sticks, Old, | 387 |
Wall, Governor, Execution of, | 154 |
Wallace, the Hero of Scotland, | 99 |
War Boat, A Dyak, in Borneo, | 540 |
—— Dance of the Dyaks of Borneo, | 540 |
—— Chariot of Ancient Egypt, | 365 |
Warwick, the King-Maker, | 527 |
Washing Account, Method of Keeping, | 3 |
Washington, | 583 |
Watch, An Antique, | 368 |
—— presented by Louis XIII. to Charles I. of England, | 640 |
Watches, the First in England, | 515 |
Water for Old London, Supply of, | 282 |
—— Preservative Power of Coal-pit, | 25 |
—— Supply of, for London, in Olden Times, | 546 |
—— Snakes, Battle of, | 470 |
"We hae been", | 47 |
Weapon, Ancient, | 660 |
—— A Poison, | 672 |
Weaver-Bird, The Sociable, | 440 |
Wedding, A, A Hundred Years Ago, | 640 |
Weight, Reducing, | 85 |
Whipping Prisoners, | 175 |
Whitehall, Ceiling of, | 121 |
Whitsuntide, at Durham Cathedral, | 8 |
Why a Man Measures more in the Morning than in the Evening, | 75 |
Wife, Diving for a, | 479 |
Wigs, | 17, 31 |
Will, Eccentric, | 209 |
William the Conqueror, Courtship of, | 555 |
Willow, Weeping, Introduction of the, | 148 |
Wind Mills, The First, | 577 |
Witch-Testing, at Newcastle, in 1649, | 21 |
Wolves in England, | 441 |
Woman, The Hairy, of Burmah, | 677 |
Woman's Cleverness, | 260 |
Women of England, The, | 159 |
—— in Former Times, | 127 |
Wonderful Escape, | 215, 300 |
Wren's (Sir Christopher) Cost of Churches, | 171 |
—— —— —— Report, | 183 |
Writing Materials, | 481 |
Writings, Terra Cotta, | 466 |
Yorkshire Tike, The, | 24 |
Yorkshire in the Last Century, | 283 |