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List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Concept of healing mechanisms in microcapsule- (left column) and holl...Figure 1.2 Intrinsic healing mechanisms for thermosetting polymers. (a) Homogene...Figure 1.3 Images of a single PDMS microcapsule subjected to uniaxial tension at...Figure 1.4 (I)—SEM micrographs of crack in a coating with PU/PUF microcapsules (...Figure 1.5 (I)—Scheme of the sunlight induced healing mechanism: the crack break...Figure 1.6 Steel substrates coated with (a) CC1, (b) CC2 and (c) self-healing co...Figure 1.7 SEM images of the scratch of (a) BS-55, (b) CS-55, (c) SH-55, (d) BS-...Figure 1.8 (I) 2-ureido-4[1H]-pyrimidinone (UPy), and a scheme showing its assoc...Figure 1.9 (I) Diels Alder reversible reaction. (II) (a) Synthesis of the tetraf...Figure 1.10 (I) Mechanopatterning of two different samples of thiol-ene based el...Figure 1.11 (I) Transesterification reaction between two β-hydroxyester groups. ...Figure 1.12 (I) Vitrimer with disulphide exchangeable bonds; cut and healing seq...Figure 1.13 (I) Healing efficiency of a TPU with different weight fractions of F...Figure 1.14 (I). (a)–(b) Optical microscopy images showing a healed sample, and ...Figure 1.15 (a) Pictures of the healing process of a PCL/PLA film containing Ag ...
2 Chapter 2Scheme 2.1 Synthesis and representative structures for Novolac and Resole.Scheme 2.2 Synthesis of a 1,3-benzoxazine and production of a polybenzoxazine th...Scheme 2.3 Synthesis of end-chain coumarine functional benzoxazine macromonomers...Scheme 2.4 Synthesis of polybenzoxazine with augmented hydrogen bonds.Figure 2.1 The images of cut-healed PPO-Benz/Benz-COOH films.Scheme 2.5 Simplified mechanism of inverse vulcanization reaction of a benzoxazi...Scheme 2.6 Synthesis of recyclable and self-healable poly(benzoxazines-co-sulfid...Figure 2.2 Stress–Strain (%) behavior of 5 times chopped and healed PPOBenz40%–B...Scheme 2.7 Curing and subsequent light induced healing of PPO-Benz/BisBDiox syst...Figure 2.3 AFM pictures of PPO-Benz/BisBDiox before (a, c) and after irradiation...Scheme 2.8 Synthesis of polybenzoxazine-succinic anhydride thermoset.Figure 2.4 (a) Images showing the healing on the surface of sample film (b) Stor...Scheme 2.9 The structures of ortho functional mono and dibenzoxazines and their ...Scheme 2.10 Synthesis of polybenzoxazine-epoxy SMP.Figure 2.5 Photographs of polybenzoxazine-epoxy samples showing original (a), te...Scheme 2.11 Synthesis of crosslinked PCL-benzoxazine.Figure 2.6 Images for PCL/benzoxazine materials; Bending tests of PCL-(OH2)/ ben...Scheme 2.12 Synthesis of Poly(Si-Bz) from bis(3-aminopropyl) terminated polydime...Figure 2.7 The images of cured Poly(Si-Bz)/FeCl3 film after healing. Arrow indic...Figure 2.8 Images of shape recovery behavior of cured Poly(Si-Bz)/FeCl3 film.Scheme 2.13 Metal–ligand bond breakage and reforming at certain temperature chan...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Classification scheme of self-healing systems.Figure 3.2 Schematic representation of thermally reversible Diels–Alder (DA) rea...Figure 3.3 Self-healing illustration of common encapsulation methods, (a) hollow...Figure 3.4 SEM images to trace the healing process of the scratch. (Reused with ...Figure 3.5 Illustration of the TOCNs cross-linked ENR network based on epoxy-aci...Figure 3.6 Schematic diagram of chemical reaction between ENR and CABt (Adapted ...Figure 3.7 Schematic diagram of hybrid rubber network in cured ENR/CABt composit...Figure 3.8 Schematic representation of the chemical reaction between: (a) NR and...Figure 3.9 Schematic presentation of carbon black filler network (Reprinted with...Figure 3.10 Healing efficiency of tensile strength with different carbon black c...Figure 3.11 Proposed scheme of self-healing mechanism in epoxidized natural rubb...Figure 3.12 SBR vulcanized with different values of the ratio accelerant/sulfur ...Figure 3.13 Dielectric parameters (e” and s”) as function of frequency at −25 °C...Figure 3.14 (a) Stress–strain curves of SBR-FS/M2 = 3/1 with 5% of MWCNT-FA and ...Figure 3.15 Tensile strain measurements to characterize the self-healing process...Figure 3.16 Process followed to the sample reclamation (Adapted with permission ...Figure 3.17 Reaction scheme for the conversion of BIIR with butylimidazole for p...Figure 3.18 Stress–strain measurements to characterize self-healing behavior in ...Figure 3.19 Bi-layer of BIIR and BIIR-CNT. Repeated healing test under water, th...Figure 3.20 Bi-layer of BIIR and BIIR-CNT in a steel substrate to evaluate corro...Figure 3.21 Stress–strain curves of the silicone elastomer and composites before...Figure 3.22 Tensile stress–strain curves of virgin, healed and recycled silicone...Figure 3.23 Tensile stress–strain curves of self-healed composite foams with dif...Figure 3.24 Evaluation of self-healing efficiency of PDMS-UI-x composites for di...Figure 3.25 Stress–strain curves for a silicone supramolecular with different PM...Figure 3.26 Reversible metathesis reaction of aromatic disulfides 1a–b and 2 (Ad...Figure 3.27 Chemical structure of bis[4-(3-hydroxypropyloxy)phenyl]disulfide (S3...Figure 3.28 Schematic diagram of the healing reaction in PU (Adapted with permis...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Structure of polymer–rubber composites obtained from waste tires [1].Figure 4.2 (a) Schematic is describing of shape memory effect measurement. (b) T...Figure 4.3 Ionic association and self-healing. (Top) Schematic representation of...Figure 4.4 (a) Photos illustrating the healing processes of the UV-cured rubbers...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Possible mechanisms of indigenous healing of cementitious material (a...Figure 5.2 Healing of cracks over a period of 28 days (a) 0 day, (b) 1 day, (c) ...Figure 5.3 Schemetic representation of bacterium precipitating calcium carbonate...Figure 5.4 Calcite formation from the encapsulated bacteria, Adapted from Ref. [...Figure 5.5 Cracks closure representation on (a) 0, (b) 3, (c) 7, and (d) 28 days...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Required features of self-healing agents for development of self-heal...Figure 6.2 Classification of self-healable polymeric materials [2].Figure 6.3 A view of net-point along with reversible switching of shape memory m...Figure 6.4 Category of stimuli responsive shape memory polymeric materials [2].Figure 6.5 Self-cleaning approach through (a) super hydrophilic surface along wi...Figure 6.6 (a) Self-healing process of coumarin-based polyurethane under UV irra...Figure 6.7 (a) SEM images of non-irradiated and UV irradiated PUE and PUC, (b) f...Figure 6.8 (a) SEM images of the conductor with (1) cutoff area on its surface, ...Figure 6.9 Healing process of (a) (I-III) Cu2+-BDT hydrogel (5.64 wt%) and (IV-V...Figure 6.10 (a) (I–III) The GO-B-PVA-KCl hydrogel self-healing cycle under atmos...Figure 6.11 (a) Structural feature and shape memory performance of the developed...Figure 6.12 Artificial shape memory flower based on the MWCNT-CPPC composite, (b...Figure 6.13 Cyclic shape memory performance of the artificial flower governed vi...Figure 6.14 (a) 3D view of encapsulated polymeric solar cells, (b) encapsulated ...Figure 6.15 (a) Chemical formula of FA and PPA along with crystalline structure ...Figure 6.16 (a) Cross sectional SEM photograph of polymeric solar cell with 500 ...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Fiber and capsule based approaches for self-healable systems [14].Figure 7.2 The methods for the construction of self‐repairing materials. Capsula...Figure 7.3 View of fabrication procedure of silica/polyurea hybridized self-repa...Figure 7.4 View of coaxial electrospun method [43].Figure 7.5 (a) Dual coaxial electrospinng core–shell fibers incorporated into un...Figure 7.6 (a) SEM of resin-PAN (left), Cure-PAN (right) core–shell nanoscale fi...Figure 7.7 Fabrication of core–shell nanofiber using emulsion electrospinning ap...Figure 7.8 Representation of fabrication nanofibers healing materials, (b) Macro...Figure 7.9 (a) View of creation of self-repairing materials embedding the core–s...Figure 7.10 (a) Core–nanofiber shell with self‐healing capability into the lamin...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Schematic representations of conventional polymer, supramolecular pol...Scheme 8.1 Deterioration and recovery reactions of PC [33].Scheme 8.2 Mechanism of polymerization and repair for Diels-Alder cross linked p...Scheme 8.3 Schematic representation of the self-healing concept via reversible D...Scheme 8.4 Schematic representation of the synthesis of the maleimide methacryla...Scheme 8.5 Schematic representation of the copolymerization of AMA, FMA, and MIM...Scheme 8.6 Steps for grafting of maleimide groups on carbon fiber surface [42].Figure 8.2 Section views of first trial sample using X-ray tomography [50].Figure 8.3 Section views of second trial sample using X-ray tomography [50].Scheme 8.7 Synthesis of acylhydrazones and representation of its functionalities...Scheme 8.8 Modification of acylhydrazones by dialdehyde exchange and dihydrazine...Figure 8.4 Sol-gel phase transition of the covalent polymer gel in response to a...Figure 8.5 Sol–gel phase transition of the covalent polymer gel in response to a...Scheme 8.9 Synthesis of the dynamic polymer (P1) by polycondensation of the mono...Scheme 8.10 Demonstration of chemical structure of the double crosslinked system...Scheme 8.11 Crosslinking diagram of a (A) single crosslinked network and (B) a d...Figure 8.6 Optical microscope images after different healing conditions: (a) 4 h...Scheme 8.12 Inactive species (1) is fragmented into two radical species: A nitro...Figure 8.7 Healing of specimens in 3 healing cycles [76].Scheme 8.13 Chemical structures of DABBF—noncleaved and cleaved forms [79].Figure 8.8 Self-healing behavior of cross-linked polymer gels (one piece is tint...Scheme 8.14 Synthesis of boronic ester network materials via photoinitiated thio...Scheme 8.15 Mechanism of healing proposed by Cash et al. [80].Scheme 8.16 Hydrogen bonds between two PUy groups [82].Scheme 8.17 Complexation of perylene by complementary π-π stacking with the chai...Scheme 8.18 Model structure of chain-folding bis-pyrenyl group and chain-folding...Figure 8.9 Self-healing “phase diagram” showing ballistic puncture-reversal as a...Scheme 8.19 Schematic representation of the synthesis of triazole-pyridine-based...
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Number of publications on self-healing materials in corrosion protec...Figure 10.2 SECM images of the epoxy coating, including zinc phosphate immersed ...Figure 10.3 Schematic demonstration of the self-healing process of the PEO coati...Figure 10.4 FE-SEM–EDX elemental map of mild steel coated with MMT-Zn-BIA immers...Figure 10.5 Surface morphologies of PEO coatings following electrochemical corro...Figure 10.6. Results of salt spray test for the coating systems (a) without LDH,...Figure 10.7 UWT spectra of the ECN signals obtained for blank (a), SC (b), SCN (...Figure 10.8. A schematic presentation for the LDHs protection mechanism with dif...
10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Self-healable conductors for healing cracks and cuts.Figure 11.2 Self-healable elastomers of efficiency 100% and near 100%.Figure 11.3. Schematic representation of various applications [30–34].Figure 11.4. (a) Conductive self-healing material, (b) wooden mannequin embedded...Figure 11.5. Reversible dynamic self-healing process [2].Figure 11.6 Schematic representation of polymer and nickel particles [15].Figure 11.7 Polymer healing process [5].Figure 11.8 Conductive unit: (a) Multiple layer of microelectronic device, (b) i...Figure 11.9. Conductive wire self-healable: (a) Originalself-healable conductive...Figure 11.10. Schematic transistor with ionic liquid structure [64].Figure 11.11 (a) AgNWs/(bPEI/PAA–HA) film circuit with LED: (a1 to a6) various s...Figure 11.12. Self-healing conductive composite materials.Figure 11.13 Self-healing process of conductive composite [77].Figure 11.14. Redox-initiated self-healing coating [83].
11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 (a) Self-healing electrode made by LCGO and AgNW solution. (b) Photo...Figure 12.2 FTIR spectra of grafted CNC and CNF and various composites [Reprinte...Figure 12.3 (a) Compositional schematic multifunctional material. (b) The self-h...Figure 12.4 (a) The schematic preparation process of the TC-Gel and (b) the corr...Figure 12.5 (a) Typical tensile and (b) compression stress–strain curves of TC-G...Figure 12.6 (a) Ion conductive self-healing hydrogel. (b) Cut-and-contact self-h...Figure 12.7 Effects of MEK vapor treatment on Ag NWs/h-PDMS. (a) SEM micrographs...Figure 12.8 Two pieces of organogel were placed together and stretched without f...Figure 12.9 Schematic illustration of self-healing of the capacitive device and ...Scheme 12.1 Structure of compound 1 and compound 2 [14].Figure 12.10 AgNW/polymer-based pressure sensor fabrication (steps 1–7) and the ...Figure 12.11 Illustration of pressure sensor made by polyvinyl alcohol/cellulose...Figure 12.12 (a) Illustration of Pressure sensor (b) capacitance change of senso...Figure 12.13 (a) The five independent sensors conformally adhered to five finger...Figure 12.14 application for early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. [Reprinted ...Figure 12.15 Resistance changes of the electronic skin in response to facial exp...Figure 12.16 PC/rGO/PVA hydrogel electrode used to detect signals for the (a) EC...Figure 12.17 (a) LSCM images for of microcracks with a tensile strain of 0, 10, ...Figure 12.18 (a) The chameleon images (from Guangzhou Yingmeiqing Information Te...
12 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Illustration of autonomous and non-autonomous self-healing mechanism...Figure 13.2 Schematic layout of self-healing mechanism.Figure 13.3 Intrinsic and extrinsic self repairing materials.Figure 13.4 Self-healing mechanism (a) Capsule-based, (b) Vascular, (c) Hollow g...
13 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Classification of S-H materials.Figure 14.2 Flowchart depicting the different strategies for designing S-H mater...Figure 14.3 (a) The histogram showing the trend in the publications based on S-H...Figure 14.4 Schematic illustration of S-H in stimuli-responsive S-H polymers.Figure 14.5 The plot depicting the trend in the publications based on stimuli-re...Figure 14.6 (a) Schematic representation depicting the S-H capability of DA base...Figure 14.7 Microcapsules decorated superhydrophobic shape memory micropillar ar...
14 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Schematic of (a) monomers, (b) copolymers, and (c) supramolecular po...Figure 15.2 (a) Photograph of gels formed by the 1:1 Zn2+:AMP mixture at differe...Figure 15.3 (a) Photographs of Zn/AMP gels after disruption and vortexing and re...Figure 15.4 Mechanical reconfiguration of crystals during the thermally and mech...Figure 15.5 AFM images of form II terephthalic acid at (010) plane; (a, b) Topog...Figure 15.6 Visualization of self-healing in CNCs: (I) initial sample, (II) cut ...Figure 15.7 (a) Cellulose chemical structure and its TEM image, (b) Chemical str...Figure 15.8 Graphene based self-healing materials [25].Figure 15.9 Capsule and fiber based approaches for self-healing [26].Figure 15.10 Schematic of self-healing methods for corrosion protection [26].Figure 15.11 (a) Reaction system of the monomer DCPD enduring ring-opening metat...Figure 15.12 Schematic of process for fabricating polyurea/silica hybrid self-he...Figure 15.13 Corrosion healing of samples (a) without capsules and (b) with micr...Figure 15.14 Schematic representation of fabrication of core–shell self-healing ...Figure 15.15 TEM images of (a) resin-infused core–shell NFs and (b) curing-liqui...
15 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Organization of self-healing materials based on their chemistry [11]...
16 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Classification based on mechanism of self-healing [10, 12].Figure 17.2 Concept of microencapsulation [12].Figure 17.3 Concept of microvascular network [12].Figure 17.4 (a) HGF spaced at 70 µm, (b) Bonding of HGF with base matrix, (c) Re...Figure 17.5 (a) HGF spaced at 200 µm, (b) uniform spacing of HGF, (c) Bonding of...Figure 17.6 AFM images of fracture surfaces [7].Figure 17.7 FESEM images of fracture surface of delaminated region [7].Figure 17.8 (a) Experimental procedure of electrospinning, (b) Composite embedde...Figure 17.9 Healing efficiency with weight percentage of healing agent [21].Figure 17.10 Microscopic image (a) Damaged region, (b) Self-healed region [23].Figure 17.11 Schematic view of DA self-healing process [17].Figure 17.12 Randomly distributed EP Capsules and AM-HGB in epoxy matrix [26].Figure 17.13 Incorporation of UV-triggered self-healing of SiO2 microcapsules em...Figure 17.14 Cross section of multi layered self-healing composite.Figure 17.15 Mass variation of composite during oxidation [28].Figure 17.16 Weight variation of composite [29].Figure 17.17 SEM images (a) surface morphology of specimen oxidized at 700 °C, (...
17 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Fabrication of biological and engineering materials through differen...Figure 18.2 A micro-capsule self-healing process [15].Figure 18.3 The process of self-healing of supramolecular material: (A) when the...Figure 18.4 Possible application of self-healing materials in different fields o...Figure 18.5 Self-healable systems for self-healing bone cement [17].Figure 18.6 Analysis of extremely perceptive, mechanically docile, and autonomou...Figure 18.7 Aspects of self-healable vascular material for internal damage [120]...Figure 18.8 An outline of bio-based self-healable structural color hydrogels [14...Figure 18.9 An outline of support of nanofibers for repairing articular cartilag...
18 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 The applications of self-healing conductive materials in different a...Figure 19.2 Autogenic healing process with physical, chemical and mechanical cau...Figure 19.3 A schematic representation of autonomic healing process [30].Figure 19.4 (A) Schematic of autonomic healing process of PUDA/CNTs composite as...Figure 19.5 (a) Traditional and self-healing polymer electrodes in silicon based...Figure 19.6 Self-healing process of (A) PVT-40%EMITFSI electrolytes [79], (B) So...
19 Chapter 20Figure 20.1. Schematic illustration showing repair mechanism in intrinsic and ex...Figure 20.2. Scanning Electron Micrograph and size distribution of microcapsules...Figure 20.3. Shows schematics (A) self-healing mechanism of microcapsules filled...Figure 20.4. Comparation between biological and synthetic self-healing processes...
20 Chapter 21Figure 21.1. Stages involved in autonomic system during the process of self-heal...Figure 21.2. Stages involved in a non-autonomic system during the process of sel...Figure 21.3. Process involved in the self-healing.