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List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Step by step process for mortality prediction.Figure 1.2 The FLANN based mortality prediction model.Figure 1.3 Convergence characteristics of FA-FLANN based mortality prediction mo...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The different level of organization of protein.
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Diabetes dataset class distribution.Figure 3.2 Class distribution of hepatitis dataset.Figure 3.3 Flow chart of the tasks carried out in this chapter.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Basic architecture and components of e-health architecture.Figure 4.2 Healthcare 4.0 protection and security necessities.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Steps involved in Data mining process. http://www.lastnightstudy.com/...Figure 5.2 Components of data mining system. https://www.ques10.com/p/9209/expla...Figure 5.3 Major Social media sites. https://www.securitymagazine.com/articles/8...Figure 5.4 Social network representation using graph. https://www.javatpoint.com...Figure 5.5 An example of clustering. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2013/1...Figure 5.6 Partition clustering [18].Figure 5.7 Hierarchical clustering [19].Figure 5.8 Obstacle in Constraint-Based Clustering [42].Figure 5.9 Decision tree [42].Figure 5.10 Categorization of social media data [43].Figure 5.11 Frame work for proposed system.Figure 5.12 Basic steps of page rank algorithm. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/...Figure 5.13 Output generated after Pre processing step. Stop Word algorithm has ...Figure 5.14 (a) Pre processing; (b) Graph clustering.Figure 5.15 Apply k-mean algorithm.Figure 5.16 Generation of clustering data.Figure 5.17 Output of K-means algorithm.Figure 5.18 Apply back propagation algorithm.Figure 5.19 Result of clustering.Figure 5.20 Classified data.Figure 5.21 Performance comparison of proposed algorithm and other existing meth...Figure 5.22 Execution time.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Bioinformatics tools used in cancer research.Figure 6.2 Cancer genomic databases based on bioinformatics.Figure 6.3 Procedure of SELDI-MS-TOF based on bioinformatics.
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Big Data: 6 V’s.Figure 7.2 Google research trend IoT Health and Big Data Health.Figure 7.3 Big Data Flow from its sources to storage, analytics, and visualizati...Figure 7.4 Healthcare IoT system architectureFigure 7.5 Healthcare IoT monitoring architecture [10].
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 BSA saline droplets at different initial PBS concentrations (Ø): The ...Figure 8.2 (I–IV) shows the time evolution of the first-order statistical (FOS) ...Figure 8.3 (I–IV) show the comparison of the averaged gray level co-occurrence m...Figure 8.4 (I–IV) show the time evolution of the gray level co-occurrence matrix...Figure 8.5 The images of the dried films of BSA-saline are captured after 24 h a...Figure 8.6 Histograms depicting the counts of the pixels along the y-axis, and t...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Neural network architecture.Figure 9.2 Basic architecture of DNN.Figure 9.3 Basic structure of CNN.Figure 9.4 Basic structure of DBN.Figure 9.5 Basic architecture of RNN.Figure 9.6 Basic architecture of DA.Figure 9.7 Summary of the proposed model.
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Percentages of data mining techniques applied to Alzheimer’s studies...Figure 10.2 Percentages of data mining techniques applied to Dementia’s studies ...Figure 10.3 Percentages of data mining techniques applied to depression studies ...Figure 10.4 Percentages of data mining techniques applied to Schizophrenia and b...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Image depicting prostate cancer cell segmentation (Source—Alan Parti...Figure 11.2 Basic neural network design.Figure 11.3 Various neural network architectures. (a) Recurrent Neural network, ...Figure 11.4 An illustration of a typical CNN architecture for pixel RGB images (...Figure 11.5 (a) Input Image, (b) Convolutional filter and (c) Convolved output v...Figure 11.6 Average versus max pooling with a stride of 2.Figure 11.7 Basic CNN architecture for image classification [55].Figure 11.8 Image denoising of brain MR image by DnCNN network [26].
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 TNM system of staging.Figure 12.2 Factors affecting cancer prognosis.Figure 12.3 Levels of medical imaging.Figure 12.4 General steps of image processing.Figure 12.5 Artificial intelligence tools are used for detection, characterizati...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Data mining process.Figure 13.2 Generic model of classification.Figure 13.3 Filter approach.Figure 13.4 Wrapper approach.Figure 13.5 Snapshot of classifiers in WEKA.Figure 13.6 Classifiers performance.