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Measure Applications Partnership Driving Selection of Measures


The NQF has been named as a consensus endorsement agency, as required by Section 3014 of the ACA. In the habit of convening multistakeholder groups, it is expected to provide input to HHS, through federal government appointment, on the selection of performance measures for public reporting and performance‐based payment programs. In 2010, MAP was designed to service this purpose by an NQF board work group. MAP was designed as a two‐tiered structure that includes a standing multistakeholder coordinating committee to provide direction to and synchronize with the second tier of advisory work groups. The coordinating committee establishes the strategy for the partnership. The work groups identify measurement gaps across settings, prioritize measures, and recommend areas for realignment. NQF through the coordinating committee recommends to HHS measures for use in public reporting, performance‐based payment, and other programs.

MAP reviews standardized performance measures and makes recommendations to HHS for 18 federal programs that use measures for public reporting or payment purposes, including MIPS. NQF reported that in 2018 it updated its measures portfolio by reviewing and endorsing or re‐endorsing 38 measures and removing 40 measures. NQF also worked to remove measures from the portfolio for a variety of reasons, such as measures no longer meeting endorsement criteria; harmonization between similar measures; replacement of outdated measures with improved measures; and lack of continued need for measures where providers consistently perform at the highest level. This continuous refinement of the measures portfolio through the measures maintenance process ensures that quality measures remain aligned with current field practices and health care goals. Measure set refinements also align with HHS initiatives, such as the Meaningful Measures Initiative at CMS (https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/06/26/2019‐13626/secretarial‐review‐and‐publication‐of‐the‐national‐quality‐forum‐2018‐activities‐report‐to‐congress).

MAP includes more than 150 healthcare leaders and experts representing 100 private‐ and public‐sector organizations. MAP volunteers represent consumers, purchasers, employers, health plans, clinicians and providers, communities and states, suppliers, and federal agency liaisons. At least one nursing organization, the ANA, has been a member of the coordinating committee, and several nursing organizations have representatives. Individual nursing leaders and content experts have been appointed through a nominations process to the various work groups. (https://www.qualityforum.org/MAP_Initiates_Review_of_Performance:Measures_for_Federal_Programs.aspx).

Quality and Safety in Nursing

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