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Quality Alliances Influence Policy Actions through a Professional Lens


Various professions have followed a model similar to that of NQF while determining their own efforts to influence the measurement of quality, support quality improvements, and take action at a national policy level. From a positive perspective, these alliances create a pipeline for their profession’s or specialty’s representation at national stakeholder tables, for grooming nominees with the expertise to inform measure development and policy setting, and for providing national leadership for the overall quality agenda. Each faces similar challenges, including that of determining membership and governance structures and dues for long‐term financial sustainability. Each needs to coordinate with other stakeholders and standard setters among its own discipline in order to lead with one voice. Externally, each alliance forms a coherent, coordinated, and consistent approach to quality and measurement that moves the health care system forward as a whole, without becoming counterproductive. Most alliances have some combination of stakeholders among their membership or board that reflects other disciplines, as well as federal agencies such as AHRQ, CMS, or NQF, to provide some level of transparency, consistency, and connectedness. Financial support of each alliance varies, but for most, ongoing sustainability becomes a challenge to the mission of the stakeholders.

Quality and Safety in Nursing

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