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1.2. A history of phyto- and zoogeographical classification 1.2.1. Terminology


The goal of finding a phyto- and zoogeographical classification united 18th and 19th century plant and animal geographies. It is important to note that the term biogeography only appeared in the latter half of the 19th century; Jordan (1883) coined it in German, and Merriam (1892) in English; however, neither author defined the term. The above OED definition of biogeography may have first appeared in Nelson (1978), 90 years after it was first coined2. Regardless, it would be historically incorrect to use the term biogeography for any theory, aims or methods used by 18th and 19th century plant and animal geographers. The term biogeography gained popularity in the latter half of the 20th century. I will use the terms plant and animal geographies, botanical geography, and phytogeography and zoogeography to suit the parlance of the time.


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