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2.5. Expanding parametric models 2.5.1. Time-heterogeneous models
ОглавлениеBIB and DEC models assume constant rates of dispersal and extinction as part of the CTMC process governing range evolution. As with molecular evolutionary models, relaxation of these assumptions has gone in the direction of allowing for rates to vary over time and across lineages, the so-called time-heterogeneous CTMC models. In the case of BIB, Bjelec et al. (2014) extended the DTA model to allow for the overall dispersal rate to vary across time slices in a stratified phylogeny; they used a piecewise-constant stochastic process in which rates of migration are constant within a given time slice but change between time slices. The temporal boundary (breakpoint) between two time slices may be estimated from the phylogenetic and distribution data alongside the biogeographic parameters.
A similar approach was implemented in the time-stratified, “epoch” DEC model (Ree and Smith 2008; Landis 2017): the phylogeny is divided into time intervals, and each interval is assigned a different set of values that scale the baseline dispersal rate according to paleogeographic information; for example, the availability of temporal land bridges facilitating migration between continents (Buerki et al. 2011). Time-stratified DEC models can also be used in biogeographic dating (Landis 2017). Rather than assuming a single CTMC process over time, DEC is allowed to shift between different Q matrices at discrete time points, based on paleogeographic evidence. Phylogeny, molecular dating and biogeographic parameters are jointly estimated using hierarchical BI. Paleogeographic data, that is, the formation of dispersal corridors and barriers over time, is used to inform the rates of a piecewise-constant epoch DEC model, and these time-dependent CTMC probabilities are used in turn to inform estimates of species divergence times in the phylogeny; for example, species can only diverge in allopatry if a paleogeographic barrier is present (Landis 2017).
Another exciting approach is the modeling of non-stationary CTMC models, where the equilibrium frequencies are allowed to change at discrete time points between time slices (Sanmartín 2020). Changes in area carrying capacities could result from a global extinction event that wipes out the biota of an island, decreasing its standing carrying capacity, and thus changing the stationary properties of the CTMC dispersal process. The point in time when there is a change in equilibrium frequencies and also the intensity of the extinction event (which might vary between areas) can be estimated by BI (Sanmartín 2020). Alternatively, the CTMC process may never attain equilibrium, or start with different values at root, such as in a directional CTMC process (Klofstein et al. 2015).