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Modeling of AAA Assuming Rigid Walls


We analyze an aneurism at the straight aorta domain, where aorta proximal and distal to the AAA bulge is idealized as straight rigid tube and branching arteries are excluded. The model has ratio D/d = 2.75 and geometry generated according to Figure 1.5 (D and d are diameters of the bulge and aorta, respectively). The data are: blood density is ρ = 1.05 g/cm3; kinematic viscosity (Newtonian fluid) ν = 0.035 cm2/s, d = 12.7 mm. The inflow velocity is defined by the flux function given in Figure 1.6. The FE mesh consisted of approximately 8000 3D 8‐node brick elements.

The results for the velocity and pressure at peak systole t/T = 0.16 are shown in Figure 1.7. The velocity disturbance in the region of the aneurism is notable. Also, the region of maximum pressure is located inside AAA.

Figure 1.7 Velocity field (left panel) and pressure distribution (right panel) for peak systole t/T = 0.16 of AAA for the model with D/d = 2/75, d = 12.7 mm.

Computational Modeling and Simulation Examples in Bioengineering

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