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TriPort System (Olympus)
ОглавлениеThis single‐port device is inserted into a 1.5‐ to 2‐cm abdominal incision by directing the internal ring of the wound retractor through the incision (Video 6.3). A small amount of sterile lubricant can be applied to the inner retractor ring to aid in insertion. The inner ring is released from the supplied introducer within the incision to the abdominal cavity. The ring is then adjusted to sit just on the inside of the incision. The transparent sleeve attached to this inner ring is pulled up and away from the patient while the outer ring is simultaneously pushed down toward the incision. The inner and outer rings of this entry system are firmly pushed together while the plastic sleeve is pulled to ensure the rings are tight against the abdominal wall. The excess transparent plastic sleeve is cut, allowing 1–2 cm of excess to be folded into the incision. The soft plastic trocar cap is then firmly fitted to the outer ring. The insufflator tubing is then attached, and the abdomen is insufflated to 8–10 mmHg with carbon dioxide using a pressure‐regulating mechanical insufflator. Advantages to using this device are similar to those of the other wound retractor devices: the wound retractor sleeve is able to accommodate a wide range of body wall thicknesses, up to 10 cm, and the soft outer cap can be removed and reattached repeatedly during the procedure to allow tissue extraction without compromising the ability to reinsufflate the abdomen.