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Preoperative Fasting Period (NPO Guidelines)


In order to decrease the risk of aspiration, a preoperative fasting period is typically required of patients undergoing an anesthetic procedure. The usual prohibition is nothing to eat or drink after midnight prior to the day of surgery, with the intent that a patient having surgery in the morning will have a completely empty stomach for the procedure. There has been some debate recently about the preoperative fasting guidelines in recognizing the need to make them as patient‐friendly as possible while also recognizing that due to individual differences in gastric emptying there may be situations where patients will not have a completely empty stomach despite adhering to the fasting guidelines. Currently, the ASA recommends “light” solid food up to six hours before and clear liquids two to three hours prior to undergoing anesthesia. The goal is to minimize the risk of aspiration due to a full stomach while at the same time avoiding dehydration and hypoglycemia from prolonged fasting. Diabetic patients may require individualized fasting guidelines because they are especially susceptible to hypoglycemia and may also have delayed gastric emptying due to gastroparesis. Young children are another group for whom special consideration may be necessary when prescribing preoperative fasting guidelines.

Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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