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 Etiology: patient risk factors, preoperative infection and inflammation, smoking, surgical time, surgical trauma, inadequate irrigation during surgery

 Management: prevention, irrigation, debridement, medicated packing

Alveolar osteitis (AO), or “dry socket,” is a clinical diagnosis with an incidence of 1–37% [1,4–7]. This wide range can best be explained by the lack of a uniform clinical definition of AO, with some studies defining AO as pain that requires the patient to return to the surgeon's office, while other definitions are simply based on a clinical diagnosis of AO, which is also variable. In addition, some studies report only those teeth that required surgical, versus nonsurgical, extraction, or use varied surgical protocols [5–8]. The average incidence of AO in a private practice setting based on a survey of AAOMS members was 6.5% [6]. Contributing factors to the development of AO include the use of oral contraceptives, smoking, increasing age, female gender, presence of pericoronitis, length of surgery, surgical trauma, and compromised medical status [6–8].

AO is often described as the loss, lysis, or breakdown of a fully formed blood clot prior to its maturation into granulation tissue in the extraction socket. Patients may present with a myriad of symptoms and signs approximately three to five days following tooth extraction. The most common complaints are pain, breath malodor, and a foul taste that do not respond well to oral analgesics and often keep a patient awake at night. Clinically, a gray‐brown clot, or the complete absence of an organized clot, may be present in the extraction socket. Food debris may or may not be present, and the surrounding tissues may be erythematous and edematous. The site is exquisitely tender to palpation and often patients will have referred pain to other areas of the head and neck, including the ear, eye, or temporal and frontal regions.

The incidence of AO can effectively be decreased through a variety of interventions, all of which focus on decreasing the bacterial load at the surgical site. Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% presurgical socket irrigation or mouth rinsing either with or without postoperative rinses has shown to be beneficial in decreasing the AO incidence [7–9]. Copious irrigation and lavage of the surgical site with normal saline have also been reported to effectively decrease AO. In one study, normal saline was as effective as pre‐ and postoperative rinses with chlorhexidine, and “Cepacol.” Others have demonstrated no significant difference between pulse lavage and hand syringe irrigation. Intra‐alveolar antibiotics, specifically tetracycline, lincomycin, and clindamycin, may also decrease the incidence of AO [8]. Postoperative antibiotics have not consistently shown an ability to influence the development of AO, and the evidence to support preoperative or intraoperative systemic antibiotics is controversial [3, 7, 8]. Most studies do not demonstrate a significant difference. Overall, proper surgical technique with minimal iatrogenic tissue trauma, copious irrigation, and the use of chlorhexidine rinses or topical antibiotics have shown promise in decreasing the incidence of AO.

The aim in the management of AO is to relieve the patients' pain until adequate maturation of the healing socket may occur. Most treatment paradigms focus on gentle irrigation with or without mechanical debridement, with the placement of obtundent dressings (e.g. iodoform gauze lightly soaked with benzocaine, eugenol, balsam of Peru, and chlorobutanol). Interestingly, there is very little evidence to support the use of a particular dressing or medicament over another. Commonly, iodoform gauze and eugenol are used to “pack” the socket and this packing is changed q.d. or q.o.d. [4, 8]. Eugenol is a member of the phenylpropanoid class of chemical compounds and is beneficial due to its inhibition of neural transmission and neurotoxicity. Iodoform is an organoiodine compound that has antibacterial properties and has been used since the early twentieth century as an antiseptic wound dressing. Most commercially available dry socket pastes or dressings include eugenol in combination with various other medicaments such as guaiacol, chlorobutanol, balsam of Peru, and butamben. The use of gelfoam as a carrier for eugenol materials and as an obtundent dressing has also been reported. Patients should be seen regularly for follow‐up to ensure elimination of symptoms, and if non‐resorbable iodoform packing is used, patients should be seen to change or eventually remove the packing. This is important since if the patient's pain is resolved, they may not return for a follow‐up and a nonresorbable material can lead to infection. It is important to avoid the use of eugenol and other neurotoxic chemicals in the presence of an exposed inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) or lingual nerve (LN). The use of systemic antibiotics has not been shown to be efficacious, and is not recommended for treatment of AO [8]. Typically, patients will have resolution of symptoms within 3–5 days; however, in certain patients it may require 14 days for complete resolution [4, 8]. In summary, AO is one of the more common complications of third molar surgery. Its incidence can be decreased though a combination approach of preoperative rinses, irrigation, and/or local antibiotic application and its treatment is straightforward (Algorithm 2.1).

Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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