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2.1.3 Sensors for the Internet of Things


The Internet of Things (IoT) encourages our lives by associating electronic gadgets and sensors through interior networks. IoT utilizes smart gadgets and the Internet to give inventive answers for different difficulties and issues identified with different business, public, and private enterprises around the world. IoT has become a significant part of our daily life that we can look about us. When all is said in done, IoT is an advancement that coordinates different savvy frameworks, systems, shrewd gadgets, and sensors. We also use quantum and nanotechnology in terms of memory, measurement, and unimaginable speeds. This can be seen as a prerequisite for creating an innovative business plan with security, reliability, and collaboration [2, 21].

Here are 9 of the most popular IoT sensors:

1 1. Temperature

2 2. Moisture

3 3. Pressure

4 4. Adjacent

5 5. Surface

6 6. Accelerometer

7 7. Gyroscope

8 8. Gas

9 9. Infrared [2].

Bioinformatics and Medical Applications

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