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2.6 Future Scope, Limitations, and Possible Applications


The forthcoming examination is required to investigate how AI can customize treatment choices for singular patients to a clinician. The nature of data that AI gains from is likewise significant and an expected boundary to the far-reaching selection of exactness medication. The size of data needed for deep learning and the variety of strategies utilized makes it hard to obtain an away from of how precisely AI frameworks may function in genuine practice or how reproducible they might be in various clinical contexts.

Forthcoming exploration openings are necessary to address “social inclination” in AI calculations and sufficient advances should be taken to abstain from compounding medical care differences when utilizing AI apparatuses to save patients are famous. Tolerant security should be ensured and more noteworthy straightforwardness into algorithmic. Fairness is expected to guarantee acknowledgment of AI by suppliers and patients.

IoT solutions for healthcare that collect, transmit, and visualize data in complex intelligent systems via wearable and field sensor networks can facilitate analytics, activity detection, and decision-making. AI and ML technologies play a significant role in this transition, but their implementation requires computational power. It is often only available using cloud services.

In fact, with the increasing amount of data generated by sensors, the performance of ML-based cloud processing has several weaknesses for various reasons.

Bioinformatics and Medical Applications

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