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2.1.7 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Health Informatics


AI showed up in medical services during the 1970s. The main AI frameworks are basically information-based decision support systems, and the principal AI methods are utilized to foresee the classification standards of label sets. These first frameworks function admirably. Nevertheless, it is not commonly used in real patients. One of the reasons is that these systems are independent and have nothing to do with the patient’s electronic medical records. Another reason is that the skill communicated in the information on these master frameworks shows that the created framework is not worthy here [13].

After winning several championships in focusing on artificial neural networks and improving complex learning, substance abuse became a new learning method. In May 2019, a team from Google and New York University announced that deep learning models used to analyze lung cancer could improve precision, and the investigation immediately covered numerous newspaper and magazine title texts.

Bioinformatics and Medical Applications

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