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A physical or numerical grid-model is handled until a structural shape is found, in compliance with the architectural intents. This way, Frei Otto designed the Multihalle of Mannheim using hanging funicular nets and photogrammetry (Otto and Hennicke 1974), see Figs. 5-6. Nowadays, this form-finding stage would probably be done by computer, relying on numerical methods such as dynamic relaxation or force density.

Fig. 5 Hanging net

Fig. 6 Resulting structure

An alternative method has been proposed by the Navier laboratory to achieve this form-finding stage by computer. Based on a dynamic relaxation algorithm which considers the elements bending stiffness, it leads to new shapes where free outlines express the grid natural stiffness (Douth, Baverel and Caron 2006 & 2007).

Rethinking Prototyping

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