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ОглавлениеThis structure of 300m² was the first gridshell in composite materials (GFRP) to receive an audience. It had to get a certificate of approval that involved administrative requirements and EUROCODE justifications, a first for such a structure. Beyond the technical performance, this large scale project designed to house up to 500 people at a time has shown the economic relevance of this concept. It became reality thanks to key partnerships including T/E/S/S and Viry.
Solidays Festival
Each year in June, Solidarité Sida organizes the Solidays Festival. It is a music festival that attracted around 160,000 people during four days and raised about 1.7 million Euros in 2011. It is also a forum. Its purpose is to raise awareness about AIDS and raise funds for medical research and outreach initiatives. The gridshell structure was designed to house the forum during the festival.