Читать книгу Biodiesel Production - Группа авторов - Страница 30
2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 The Necessity for Biodiesel
ОглавлениеThe current energy scenario around the world can be summed up as an ever‐increasing demand for energy per capita, while fossilized energy reserves being limited are projected to last less than half a century [1]. Since energy demands cannot be reduced without impacting the advancements in our daily life, the most obvious solution would be to harness renewable sources of energy for consumption and in fuel development. Additionally, the emissions from petrofuels comprise mostly of nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulphur oxides (SOX), CO2, and other potent greenhouse gases (GHGs), which contribute massively in global warming and acid rain, causing climate changes and soil acidification [2]. One of the most promising fuels that can meet the exorbitant demands in the transport sector is biodiesel, emitting mostly CO2. Biodiesel also has zero hydrocarbon, particulate, and smoke release with minimal NOX and SOX emissions.