Читать книгу Perovskite Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications - Группа авторов - Страница 4
List of Tables
Оглавление1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Types of perovskite structures.Table 2.2 Band gap of different ABX3 materials [32].
2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Various perovskite single crystals with their size and functional properties...
3 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Structure transformations of MAPbX3.Table 10.2 Crystal systems and temperatures of CsSnI3.Table 10.3 Measured structure parameters of CH3NH3PbI3.Table 10.4 Measured photovoltaic parameters of CH3NH3PbI3-xClx devices.Table 10.5 Measured structural parameters of the present perovskite compounds.Table 10.6 Measured photovoltaic parameters of CH3NH3Pb1-xSbxI3 devices.Table 10.7 Measured photovoltaic parameters of the CH3NH3PbI3(Cl) devices.Table 10.8 Compositions and crystal orientations of the present perovskite cryst...Table 10.9 Photovoltaic parameters and orientation indices of the present device...Table 10.10 Estimated compositions and tolerance factors of the present perovski...Table 10.11 Photovoltaic parameters of the perovskite solar cells.Table 10.12 Energy gaps, lattice constants and surface coverage of the perovskit...Table 10.13 Measured photovoltaic parameters and lattice constants of CH3NH3PbI3...Table 10.14 Measured photovoltaic parameters of MAPbI3/(DPPS) perovskite solar cells...Table 10.15 Measured compositions of the present perovskite solar cells.Table 10.16 Microstructural parameters of MAPbI3 crystals...