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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Deaths from haemorrhage reported to the CEMDs, 1976–2018 Figure 2.2 Maternal mortality from venous thromboembolism, 3‐year rolling ra...

2 Chapter 3Algorithm 3.1 Structured approach to emergencies in the obstetric patient

3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The ‘Swiss cheese’ model Figure 4.2 Similar package design of two different medications

4 Chapter 5Algorithm 5.1 Scottish national MEWS chart: (a) front of MEWS chart

5 Chapter 6Algorithm 6.1 Shock Figure 6.1 (a) Manual uterine displacement in the pregnant woman. (b) Fiftee...Figure 6.2 Clinical parameters following increasing blood loss in the pregna...

6 Chapter 7Algorithm 7.1 The Sepsis SixFigure 7.1 Approach for implementation of the new WHO definition of maternal...Figure 7.2 Sepsis Trust UK Sepsis Screening Tool for Acute Assessment

7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Sites for IO needle placement: tibial and humoral

8 Chapter 9Algorithm 9.1 Cardiac disease in pregnancy. Figure 9.1 Causes of maternal death 2016–2018 Figure 9.2 Inferior and lateral STEMI. There is ST elevation in leads II, II...Figure 9.3 Total occlusion of the ostium of the circumflex artery (a), with ...Figure 9.4 Think Aorta Figure 9.5 Types of dissection per Stanford and DeBakey Figure 9.6 Axial CT angiogram of aortic dissection Figure 9.7 Bat wing or butterfly sign in pulmonary oedema Figure 9.8 Four chamber zoomed image of mitral regurgitation with colour Dop...Figure 9.9 Short PR interval with a wide QRS complex and slurred onset of th...

9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Head tilt/chin lift Figure 10.2 Jaw thrust Figure 10.3 Oropharyngeal airway Figure 10.4 Anatomical landmarks for surgical cricothyroidotomy Figure 10A.1 Oropharyngeal airway in situ Figure 10A.2 Pocket mask in situ using a jaw thrust technique Figure 10A.3 Inserting a laryngeal mask airway Figure 10A.4 Laryngeal handshake Figure 10A.5 Surgical cricothyroidotomy kit

10 Chapter 11Algorithm 11.1 Adult advanced life support (modified for pregnancy) Algorithm 11.2 Adult basic life support in community settings Figure 11.1 Obstetric cardiac arrest

11 Chapter 12Algorithm 12.1 Amniotic fluid embolism

12 Chapter 13Algorithm 13.1 Pulmonary thromboembolism

13 Chapter 14Algorithm 14.1 Newborn resuscitation algorithm Figure 14.1 Heart rates for babies who received immediate umbilical cord cla...Figure 14.2 Response of a mammalian fetus to total, sustained asphyxia start...Figure 14.3 Effects of lung inflation and a brief period of ventilation on a...Figure 14.4 Response of a neonate born in terminal apnoea. In this case lung...Figure 14.5 Neutral position in neonates Figure 14.6 Two‐person jaw thrust Figure 14.7 Bag–mask ventilation with a one‐handed chin lift Figure 14.8 Hand‐encircling technique for chest compressions

14 Chapter 15Algorithm 15.1 Modified trauma call timeline Figure 15.1 TRAUMATIC mnemonic

15 Chapter 17Figure 17A.1 Chest drain kit

16 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Correct seatbelt wearing

17 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 High‐ and low‐risk factor decision process for cervical spine mo...Figure 20.2 Immobilisation of the cervical spine using blocks, tape and head...Figure 20.3 Myotomes/dermatomes used for sensory and motor testing

18 Chapter 22Algorithm 22.1 Burns Figure 22.1 Percentage burn by body area

19 Chapter 23Algorithm 23.1 Abdominal emergencies

20 Chapter 25Algorithm 25.1 Neurological emergencies Figure 25.1 (a) Fundoscopy examination showing papilloedema. (b) Normal reti...Figure 25.2 MRI images demonstrating posterior reversible encephalopathy syn...Figure 25.3 Magnetic resonance venography of a filling defect showing extens...Figure 25.4 Computed tomography scan of the head showing blood in the subara...

21 Chapter 27Algorithm 27.1 Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

22 Chapter 28Algorithm 28.1 Major obstetric haemorrhage Figure 28.1 B‐Lynch brace suture

23 Chapter 33Figure 33.1 Ventouse delivery. (a) Note how far back the posterior fontanell...Figure 33.2 Forceps delivery. (a) Forceps blades correctly applied – lying a...Figure 33.3 Pajot’s manoeuvre. (a) Incorrect interpretation – the forceps ha...Figure 33.4 Kielland’s forceps showing: (a) correct grip (10 cm diameter) an...

24 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 (a) McRoberts’ manoeuvre. (b) McRoberts’ manoeuvre with suprapub...

25 Chapter 37Figure 37.1 Disimpaction of the fetal breech Figure 37.2 Flexion of the fetal head Figure 37.3 The pelvic grasp or grip Figure 37.4 Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit manoeuvre Figure 37.5 Application of non‐rotational forceps to the aftercoming head (K...Figure 37.6 Placement of the hands for delivery using Bracht’s technique...Figure 37.7 Delivery of the head using Bracht’s technique (an assistant shou...

26 Chapter 39Figure 39.1 Third degree tear (grade 3b) with the external anal sphincter (E...Figure 39.2 ’Buttonhole’ tear (arrow) in the rectum with an intact anal sphi...Figure 39.3 Instruments specifically used for repair of anal sphincter traum...Figure 39.4 Third degree tear (grade 3b) demonstrating an intact internal an...Figure 39.5 Model representation of an end‐to‐end repair with figure of eigh...Figure 39.6 Model representation of an overlap repair of full thickness tear Figure 39.7 Purpose‐built teaching model demonstrating anal sphincter anatom...

27 Chapter 40Figure 40.1 Drew–Smythe catheter Figure 40.2 Blond–Heidler wire saw

28 Chapter 41Algorithm 41.1 Master algorithm for obstetric general anaesthesia and failed...Figure 41.1 Safe obstetric general anaethesia Figure 41.2 The decision whether to proceed with surgery Figure 41.3 The ALMA Medical company version of the head elevation laryngosc...Figure 41.4 Management after failed tracheal intubation Figure 41.5 Obstetric failed tracheal intubation Figure 41.6 Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate Figure 41.7 Antidote to local anaesthetic Figure 41.8 Management of high and total spine block

29 Chapter 42Figure 42.1 The Modified Physiological Triage Tool 24 (MPTT‐24) triage sieve...

Managing Medical and Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma

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