Читать книгу Reflections for Lent 2021 - Guli Francis-Dehqani - Страница 5

About Reflections for Lent


Based on the Common Worship Lectionary readings for Morning Prayer, these daily reflections are designed to refresh and inspire times of personal prayer. The aim is to provide rich, contemporary and engaging insights into Scripture.

Each page lists the lectionary readings for the day, with the main psalms for that day highlighted in bold. The collect of the day – either the Common Worship collect or the shorter additional collect – is also included.

For those using this book in conjunction with a service of Morning Prayer, the following conventions apply: a psalm printed in parentheses is omitted if it has been used as the opening canticle at that office; a psalm marked with an asterisk may be shortened if desired.

A short reflection is provided on either the Old or New Testament reading. Popular writers, experienced ministers, biblical scholars and theologians contribute to this series, all bringing their own emphases, enthusiasms and approaches to biblical interpretation.

Regular users of Morning Prayer and Time to Pray (from Common Worship: Daily Prayer) and anyone who follows the Lectionary for their regular Bible reading will benefit from the rich variety of traditions represented in these stimulating and accessible pieces.

The book also includes both a simple form of Common Worship: Morning Prayer (see pages here-here) and a short form of Night Prayer, also known as Compline (see pages here-here), particularly for the benefit of those readers who are new to the habit of the Daily Office or for any reader while travelling.

Reflections for Lent 2021

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