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ОглавлениеChu/Garvey, S. 10.
Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 69; Mayer, S. 222.
Gitterman, S. 145; Chu/Garvey, S. 9; Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 22, 71 u. 79 f.
Chu/Garvey, S. 9 m.w.N.; ähnliche Zahlen bei Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 59.
E.O. 10340 (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 585 f. (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579 ff. (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 667 ff. (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 680 u. 702 (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 681 (1952).
The Federalist Papers Nr. 70, S. 426: Energy in the executive is a leading character in the definition of good government.
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 682 (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 683 ff. (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 701 (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 587 (1952) (Justice Black).
Hierzu ausführlich Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 597 ff. (1952) (Justice Frankfurter).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 587 ff. (1952) (Justice Black).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 587 f. (1952) (Justice Black).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 631 f. (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 635 ff. (1952) (Justice Jackson); s.a. Brugger, S. 73 f.
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 655 (1952) (Justice Jackson).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 610 f. (1952).
Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer, 343 US 579, 511 f. (1952) (Justice Frankfurter).
Currie, S. 40.
Barron/Dienes, 8. Aufl., S. 167; Brugger, S. 75; Levinson, S. 107; zweifelnd auch Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 6 u. 29.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2037 ff.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2055; ähnlich Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 60 …reluctance to get involved.; Bradley/Morrison, Columbia Law Journal 113 (2013), 1097, 1111 … deference to patterns of governmental practice …
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2056 m.w.N.; Chu/Garvey, S. 10; Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 69.
Chu/Garvey, S. 10; Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 69; Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2057.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2056 f. u. 2074; Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 71.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2060 f.
E.O. 12.954 (1995).
Chamber of Commerce v. Reich, 74 F. 3d, 1322, 1339 (1996).
Rattigan v. Holder, 689 F.3d 764, 769 f. (D.C. Cir. 2012).
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2065.
Old Dominion Branch v. Austin, 418 U.S. 264, 273 ff. (1974); Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2071 u. 2076.
Sea-Land Services v. Interstate Commerce Commission, 738 F. 2d 1311, 1314, (D.C. Cir. 1984).
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2071.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2066.
Clinton v. City of New York, 524 US 417, 428, 438 (1998); Slattery/Kloster, S. 1, 3.
United States v. Windsor, 133 S.Ct. 2675, 2688 (2013).
Tushnet, S. 81.
Tushnet, S. 81 f.; s.a. Bradley/Morrison, Columbia Law Journal 113 (2013), 1097, 1107 m.w.N.; A.A. Levinson, S. 45; Amar (2006), S. 179 u. 559, n. 1 für eindeutig verfassungswidrige Gesetze.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2071 f. u. 2074 m.w.N. aus der Rechtsprechung.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2079.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2079.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2079.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2077.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2080 f.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2081.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2081 m.w.N.
Newland, Yale Law Journal 124 (2015), 2026, 2082.
Mayer, S. 223; als zu weitgehend bewertet dies Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 34; generell zum Machtzuwachs der Exekutive auch Issacharoff, S. 19, 35 ff.
Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 78 u. 81; Tushnet, S. 179.
The Federalist Papers Nr. 47, S. 294 f.; Branum, Journal of Legislation 28 (2002), 1, 13 ff. u. 20.
BVerfGE 125, 175, 223; 133, 112, 132; 139, 19, 45 ff.; 143, 38, 53 f.; s.a. Morlok/Michael, Rn. 343 ff.; Sachs, in: ders., GG, Art. 20, Rn. 113 ff.; Jarass/Pieroth, Art. 20, Rn. 71 ff.; Sodan/Ziekow, § 7, Rn. 25 ff.
Art. 48 WRV.