Читать книгу The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being - Hale Dwoskin - Страница 13

Don’t Believe Anything I Say


Please don’t believe anything in this book unless you can prove it for yourself. Just because something is said in writing does not make it so. Especially with authorities of any kind, there is a tendency simply to accept what is said on hearsay or belief. Lester strongly believed that we should avoid doing this with our teachers. Instead, we should allow ourselves to stay open to a teacher’s message as an experiment in growing. We should only accept what he or she teaches once we can verify it through our own direct experience. He called this “taking it for checking.”

I suggest that you take for checking everything you’re exposed to in this book. Give yourself permission to be as open to the message as you can be without accepting it on blind faith. The material will have much more value for you once you’ve explored and applied it, or checked it, under real life conditions.

The ideas in The Sedona Method may appear to contradict what you’ve learned from other methods and modalities. But there’s no need to throw out the other material that you’ve learned. Merely set it aside, as best you can, while you explore this book. I highly recommend that you suspend comparison and judgment, if only for the moment. Once you’ve had time to draw your own conclusions, you can then go back and compare this material to everything else you’ve learned and see where it fits. People usually find releasing a wonderful adjunct to the other techniques and therapies they already use.

Contradiction is inevitable when you compare different paths or traditions of growth. This does not necessarily invalidate the different points of view. When it comes to self-discovery, if you can embrace multiple possibilities, you’ll find yourself understanding and applying the insights you gain on a deeper, more heartfelt, and much more useful level. There are many rays that lead to the one sun.

The Sedona Method: Your Key to Lasting Happiness, Success, Peace and Emotional Well-being

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