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About the Book
Оглавление“You don’t have to know all the answers, you just need to know where to find them.”
– Albert Einstein
There’s a story I like to tell whenever I address an audience of nonprofit fundraisers. It speaks to what I think of as the single greatest obstacle standing in our way as a community, and especially as a sector – the mistaken notion that when we raise money for an important cause, somehow we’re begging for alms, holding out our tin cup.
The story is about a young college student in a philosophy class. One day, the professor greeted his audience of 100 master’s and doctoral students with a question. “Is this glass half full, or half empty?” he asked.
The students spent the entire 90-minute class debating and discussing, but as you might imagine, they never solved the age-old riddle. This especially frustrated one of the students, whose family had made great sacrifices to put him through school, even after he finished his undergraduate studies.
He huffed and puffed on his way home, where his grandmother, Gertrude, was there waiting for him.
“How was class today?” she asked as soon as he walked in the door, but the student was upset and didn’t want to talk about it. She pressed him, as grandmas are prone to do, and finally he told her about his experience.
“Well, if you really want to know, it was incredibly frustrating. We had a hundred master’s and doctoral students sitting around for an hour and a half, and all we did is debate if the glass were half full, or half empty.”
His grandmother, with only a second-grade education, didn’t miss a beat.
“Well son, it depends on whether you’re pouring or drinking.”
Pouring.. or drinking. Brilliant. And the reason I share this story with fundraisers every chance I get is that I believe the tin cup approach to fundraising is based on a failure of perception. We mistakenly think of ourselves as the drinkers, relying on the charitable contributions of others to conduct our work. And although it may feel like that at times, nothing is further from the truth.
We are the pourers. What we do as a sector, as a Movement with a capital “M,” is connect people with resources to the change they want to see in the world. Fundraising is holy work in my mind, and we’re privileged and honored to do it for causes we believe in. The world needs us – we are a conduit, a channel. And through us, the world finds the resources and support it needs to thrive, or at least to improve in some small way, one dollar, peso, or pound at a time.
Book Overview and Purpose
Our goal when writing this book was to offer a useful, unique resource to you, the reader. Laila and I may not know you, but we’ve been where you are. You’re passionate, creative, and committed to your cause. Maybe you have resources, expertise, and contacts at your disposal, as we have these past years, or maybe you’re like us years ago, starting nonprofits with no budget, no plan, and no experience. Either way, this book will serve you. After more than a decade in the sector, we’ve seen lots of fundraising books, but there’s nothing like what we’ve pulled together in these pages. This book is the first comprehensive, practical guide to all aspects of nonprofit fundraising around the globe.
Ultimately, this is a reference manual, and not every fundraiser needs to know about every tactic or strategy. It’s unlikely that you’ll read this book straight through, and that’s OK; Nonprofit Fundraising 101 is intended to be your yellow pages for social change. Apply it as needed. Keep it on your desk and when you decide to pursue your first government grant, or your executive director charges you with creating a fundraising plan for your nonprofit, it’ll be there. Break it out when you get ready to launch a new crowdfunding campaign or finally commit to taking your cause mobile. Or simply refer to the various Resource Reviews and the Book Partners if you’ve already mastered the basics and are looking for resources to advance your professional development.
Use the book as you see fit and, please, share it with colleagues and peers. All of us can learn a lesson from Chapter 9 interviewee, Kay Sprinkel Grace, who once quipped, “We need to tilt our silos on their sides, and turn them into pipelines.”
Book Structure and Style
To make the book as readable as possible, we’ve crafted a consistent framework for all of the chapters, which is in line with the one used in Nonprofit Management 101:
• Introduction: Each entry starts with a short overview of why a busy nonprofit leader like you should take 20 to 30 minutes out of his or her schedule to learn more about this topic. Which kinds of nonprofits can benefit from this strategy, and what does this approach have to offer your cause?
• Critical Skills and Competencies: This portion typically contains 70 to 80 percent of the content for each chapter, and is where you’ll find the step-by-step framework for success in each respective arena. We’ve done our best to distill each interviewee’s comments and insights into a how-to formula for success, presented in a logical progression with several main headlines, each of which is followed by a few paragraphs to fill in the specifics.
• Conclusion: A paragraph at the end of each chapter helps to underscore key points and takeaways, reminding you of some of the highlights and crucial components of the formula for success.
• Do’s and Don’ts: These are bullet point lists of concrete, actionable tips from within the chapter and beyond, each of which is distilled down to a sentence or two to make it as easy as possible to digest.
• About the Experts: Brief bios for each chapter’s interviewees are included at the end of their respective chapters.
• Resource Review: The final component of each chapter is where you’ll find additional resources to learn more about that particular discipline. Many of these also offer helpful templates, resources, and reports to keep you updated as trends and technologies evolve. These resources are a treasure trove, so be sure to subscribe to the newsletters and blogs, read the annual reports and books, and rely on the links outlined here to keep abreast of industry trends and developments.
• Case Studies and Insets: Sprinkled throughout the chapters are a variety of case studies that showcase specific nonprofits’ experiences, with a focus on best practices and pitfalls to avoid. In addition, you’ll also find a range of insets that dive a bit deeper into a specific component mentioned in the chapter, or that provide templates, checklists, and more.
All the chapters are short and incredibly practical, and our goal with this book is not simply to leave you inspired, but inspired to action. Short and to the point, we share concrete, real-world insights, tips, and tools from globally recognized experts, and leave you with clear takeaways that you can put to work immediately, making you both more effective and efficient at serving your cause. As recovering executive directors and current fundraisers, we know you’re busy, and the last thing you need are pie-in-the-sky ideas and concepts that may make you think, but that fail to immediately help, and even transform, the way you go about your everyday work.
From a style standpoint, we strived to make the book easy to read and digest. Paragraphs are kept short to facilitate ideas sinking in, and we’ve used a conversational tone, since ultimately, we are talking directly to you. We’ve also formatted things in a way that aims to help you retain the most important ideas without you feeling like you have to bend every other page or break out that old, faded highlighter. To this end, important points and comments are italicized, while concrete takeaways and best practices are bolded and italicized throughout the book. You’ll see a wealth of the latter in each and every chapter, because for us, that’s what this publication is all about.
Admittedly, many of the interviewees and statistics are from the United States, but this book is intended for a global audience of experienced practitioners and emerging leaders, including university students and volunteers. To this end, we’ve done our best to ensure Nonprofit Fundraising 101 speaks to nonprofits, charities, and causes all around the world. So don’t worry if you’re just getting started, or if you’ve been in the sector for a decade. Similarly, there’s great content in here for organizations of all sizes. The tips and tools shared herein are relevant to organizations ranging from small, grassroots efforts with no paid staff, to well-established nonprofits with big budgets and a large team of paid professionals.
Common Themes
This book covers a wide range of fundraising topics; in fact, our goal was to address a truly comprehensive range of disciplines, offering readers one single book that provides at least a basic sense of everything you need to know. As such, there are a huge diversity of perspectives and topics represented in these pages, but three important common themes and ideas appear throughout:
Plan for Success: Many of the frameworks and formulas for success shared in the chapters start with – or even revolve entirely around – creating a solid plan. Planning is the lynchpin of any nonprofit’s success, and in fact you’ll often hear us share one of the questions we find most helpful when driving this process, “What does success look like?” Ask this question at every meeting, every strategy session, and reverse engineer how to achieve your ideal outcome. Take a moment to step back and envision your path before you dive into any activity or project to ensure you’re as impactful as possible. As Peter Drucker once noted: “Efficiency is about doing things right; effectiveness is about doing the right things.” Good planning helps you be both efficient, and effective.
Meet People Where They’re at: Several chapters speak to the notion that you cannot expect donors to come to you; you need to court and steward them where – and how – they’re most comfortable. Whether we’re talking about the importance of ensuring your website is mobile-compatible, talking about Facebook and Twitter, or underscoring the huge, continued role of more proven approaches like direct mail, the point is that, to be successful, you must take a dispassionate look at which channels and media are most appropriate for achieving your goals. Along those lines, this book contains some surprises. For example, did you know that 2013 was the first year in U.S. history that Baby Boomers were just as likely to give online versus by direct mail? Or did you realize that odds are, at least 40 percent of your nonprofit’s website traffic today comes from people on mobile devices? Keep an open mind and be willing to experiment with some of the ideas and tactics shared in this book, always with an eye toward the old mantra, “fail fast, fail forward.”
It’s Not About You: As we shared in the story at the beginning of this section, nonprofits are a channel, a conduit, between donors and impact. The most successful nonprofits and fundraisers communicate not about their work, needs, or impact, but rather about the impact the donor or prospect makes possible. Talk with people about what drives them to act and contribute – about what their past support has enabled or their future contribution will make possible – and revenue will follow. Several chapters build on this idea by speaking to the power of peer testimonials and creating a movement instead of a campaign. And remember, people want to be part of a winning team, so framing your work as powerfully as possible is critical. Always the inspiring and inspired communicator, Kay Sprinkel Grace shares two great sound bites that bring both of these key points home in Chapter 9 when talking about major donors:
“People don’t give to you; they give through you.”
“People don’t give to you because you have needs. They give to you because you meet needs.”
Flow of the Book
Nonprofit Fundraising 101 is broken into seven parts. After a Foreword from fundraising guru Lynne Twist, we kick things off with Part 1, where you’ll learn about a few crucial aspects of planning and maximizing human resources. How can you create a killer fundraising plan without killing yourself? How can you hire and train fundraising personnel and engage your board and key volunteers in fund development?
From there, Part 2 will help round out your infrastructure with a range of tools to track donors and gauge progress. You’ll learn how to use tools and technology to identify donor prospects and research their interests, hear about how a constituent relationship management platform can serve as a powerful donor database and coordinate all your communication and contacts, and finally how to collect the right data and personal stories to be able to gauge your efforts and convey impact to donors. All of this rolls up into a powerful organizational dashboard that your staff and board can use to quickly tell whether your nonprofit or program is on track, or if there are red flags that need to be addressed.
Then you’ll dive into the meat of the book: actual fundraising strategies. Part 3 focuses on all aspects of individual donors, which represent the lion’s share of nonprofit support, at least in the United States. We interviewed some of the sector’s best and brightest to ensure this book shares concrete tips and tools for a wide range of disciplines related to cultivating, soliciting, and stewarding supporters at all levels of your donor pyramid, ranging from grassroots supporters to major donors. Part 3 is also where you’ll find the specific channels for doing that, including direct mail, annual appeals, membership campaigns, and events, as well as learn about how to raise money from people both young and old.
Part 4 explores the exciting world of online giving, starting with tips for optimizing your website and email, which is where the majority of technology-based fundraising currently occurs, and then looking at social media and crowdfunding’s ability to turn your donors into fundraisers, and finally, what can be argued is the future of giving: mobile. Here our experts will share tips for doubling your online giving in just thirty days. And if you’re hoping to create the next ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, this is the section where you’ll hear from the folks who orchestrated that campaign via a detailed case study, as well as learning from a wide range of experts with decades of experience under their belts – and literally more than a billion dollars raised online between them. With their help, you can take your nonprofit into the future, today.
Parts 5 and 6 share a range of tips and tools for institutional giving. Learn how to identify the most likely prospects, secure the all-too-elusive call or meeting, and not only be invited to apply for foundation, corporate, or government support, but how to secure crucial pieces of information that will catapult your odds of success from 5 percent to 50 percent. The interviewees follow that with tips for writing a great proposal and how to monitor your progress and report back in a language that funders appreciate and expect. And beyond straight cash support, we’ve devoted a chapter to in-kind and media sponsors, as we’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative impact those partnerships can have on both a fledgling nonprofit and a well-established organization, even though they’re infinitely easier to secure.
Finally, the book ends with Part 7, where guest contributor Rick Aubry shares and explores the ins and outs of earned income for nonprofits. If you’re considering launching a social enterprise in an effort to diversity your revenue base, don’t miss this chapter. And as long as we’re in the world of social enterprise, what better way to wrap things up than with an inspiring Afterword by Kiva.org founder Premal Shah.
Again, this book is a reference guide, so feel free to skip around. Pick the chapters that you find most compelling and useful today, and don’t be surprised when other topics pop up on your radar as times goes by. After all, change is the very essence of life, and it’s ultimately the goal of all nonprofits, isn’t it?
Fundraising Ethics
We’d be remiss if we neglected to introduce this book without a quick note on fundraising ethics and, most notably, commission-based fundraising. As you implement the best practices shared in the coming pages, always remember that the public expects you to be honest, accountable, and transparent. The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Code of Ethical Standards (www.afpnet.org/files/ContentDocuments/CodeofEthics.pdf) provides a comprehensive overview of ethical aspirations and boundaries for fundraisers. An ethical fundraiser applies the Code of Ethics and all relevant laws and regulation to their work.
In particular, unlike the corporate world, in the nonprofit sector, donors and funders can mandate exactly how their gifts are to be used. You are ethically and legally bound to use funds as directed by the donor. If someone states he wants his donation or grant to be used exclusively for a specific program, or even a particular line item in your budget, then you need to take all proper measures – especially bookkeeping, accounting, and measuring program expenditures – to ensure those funds are used as directed.
Whether you’re a consultant or a paid staff member, remember that in the nonprofit sector, commission-based fundraising is considered unethical. Standard 21 in the AFP Code of Ethical Standards addresses this principle. Deviating from this simple guideline can have devastating implications for your nonprofit and on donor relationships. Supporters want to know their gifts go to the mission-based work of your organization, not to a glorified salesperson. This, too, is very different from the corporate world, where performance-based compensation is common. In short, in the nonprofit or social sector, every fundraiser is expected to do his or her best to represent the organization or client, and to be paid fairly for work out of the organization’s budget.
As you begin, or continue, your journey doing your best to represent a cause you care deeply about, may this book serve as a useful guide – to you, to your cause, to the people whose lives you make better every day you go about your work, and ultimately to the public trust we serve as fundraisers.