Читать книгу Nonprofit Fundraising 101 - Heyman Darian Rodriguez - Страница 8

Part I
Planning for Success and Preparing Your Team
Chapter 1
Creating a Fundraising Plan


“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

– Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Your organization has a mission, and to accomplish it you need to raise money. But where do you start? That’s simple: with a plan. You need a clear set of objectives, and a map of how you aim to get there. Your fundraising plan will be unique to your nonprofit. Every organization has different needs, goals, strengths, and priorities, and your fundraising plan will address and incorporate these in a written document.

Being strategic about fundraising in this way generates better results, creates efficiency, and ensures everyone involved is on the same page and accountable. It will also allow you to evaluate progress and assess the effectiveness of different fundraising channels, facilitating strategic shifts when necessary.

The rest of this book will help you understand each of the various fundraising channels and tactics, enabling you to make informed decisions when creating your fundraising plan. But before you dive in, remember to take stock of what you have going for you and your cause, and to look at what you’re already doing successfully if you’ve already launched the organization. Your plan is a living document wherein you’ll spell out your proposed recipe for success, and its goal is helping you focus on your strengths, while challenging you to identify new opportunities. Be mindful of the resources you have and don’t stretch them too thin, but also bring an open mind to considering assets you’ve underutilized or ignored and look at how you can put them to work.

To learn more about the basics of creating a nonprofit fundraising plan, I sat down with Andrea McManus, president of the nonprofit consultancy The Development Group, and she outlined the six things you need to know to succeed when creating an effective fundraising plan.

Critical Skills and Competencies

1. Understand the Big Picture

Creating a fundraising plan means answering two basic questions: How much money do you need to raise? and Who do you plan on raising it from? In your plan, you’ll create realistic program goals based on the expenses of running your programs and organization today – assuming you have some past experience with the work – as well as aspirational goals that inspire your team by clarifying exactly what kind of additional impact is possible if you secure even more resources and support.

Your plan will also be a vehicle for detailing your sources of revenue and how much income you expect from each, whether it’s individual donors, corporations, foundations, the government, or earned income. It is critical to have multiple, diverse sources of revenue, so that if you unexpectedly lose one, you still have others to rely on.

Once you’ve identified your revenue sources, perhaps benefiting from the rest of the book to determine which channels are most appropriate for you, you’ll articulate your strategies and tactics for each source. If you plan to raise money from individuals, will you be cultivating and asking major donors, running an annual fund, doing direct mail, online fundraising, or utilizing other approaches? Will you be soliciting businesses and corporations for gifts of cash or in-kind donations? While many of the remaining chapters of this book, especially those related to marketing and donor communication, propose a “less is more” style, when planning for success, the more detailed your vision, the more likely you are to succeed.

2. Know Your Finances

Now that you have a sense of everything your fundraising plan is meant to accomplish, and some of the various sections it will include, let’s get into it. Knowing how much money you need to raise starts with good financial planning. You can’t create a fundraising plan without a budget. How much does the work you do cost? What are your programmatic, fundraising, and overhead expenses? Once you know your expenses, you need to figure out how you will pay for them; in other words, how will you raise the money to pay for them? And don’t forget that fundraising itself costs money. You can’t raise money without spending money.

Dispelling the Overhead Myth

At least in the United States, the IRS dictates that all nonprofit expenses be classified as either program, fundraising, or administrative. This adds not only an extra layer of bookkeeping, but also creates some difficulties with fundraising, since some donors and funders will ask for their contributions to be allocated only for programs. Others still will want to know whether more than 80 percent of the funds you raise go toward programs, a common industry benchmark.

Part of your job as a fundraiser will be using the tactics outlined in this book to convey the importance of not just some of your work, but all of it. Just as you cannot provide medical attention only to the lungs and expect someone to stay healthy, you’ll need to refine your ability to make the case for “general operating support” or “unrestricted gifts,” both of which are discussed in detail in the sections on individual donors and foundations.

For now, we’ll focus on dispelling the notion that staff payroll, rent, and utilities should all be categorized as overhead. Not true: the staff time spent implementing programs is a program-related – not an overhead – expense. The way to calculate overall payroll allocations, which are also used for rent and utilities, is as follows:

• Have staff members break down how they spend a typical week in a spreadsheet. No need to get too specific; simply create 8 to 12 “buckets” for their time, for example, client meetings, fundraising calls, answering email, etc.

• Assign a time estimate for how many hours of each week is spent on each bucket; an average over time is sufficient.

• Allocate each bucket: What percentage of that activity relates to programs, versus fundraising, versus purely administrative details?

• Based on this, you can use a fairly simple spreadsheet formula to figure that employee’s overall allocation, that is, what percentage of his or her time is spent on programs versus fundraising versus administrative duties.

• After doing this for each paid staff member, you can factor in each person’s compensation to weight his or her personal allocation, and then combine everyone into an overall staff allocation.

• Use this same allocation for staff-related expenses, such as benefits, rent, utilities, and so forth.

3. Create a Process

Developing an effective fundraising plan cannot be done in a silo by the fundraiser alone. Involve your executive director, senior staff, and board members. Assemble your team and outline the process you’ll go through to create the plan, so everyone knows what to expect. Here are the steps McManus suggests:

1. Assess your environment, both internally and externally. Internally, look at things like organizational priorities, programs, and resources, including staff, technology, and capabilities. Capabilities should include expertise in fundraising, marketing, and other key areas. Externally, discuss things like fundraising trends, best practices, industry benchmarks, and how peer organizations (those doing similar work with similar budgets) are succeeding at fundraising.

2. Assess your donors, both current and aspirational. What kind of support can you conservatively expect from your current donors and prospects? What does your current donor base look like, and what do you want it to look like? Gaining a realistic sense of how much money you can raise from your base, combined with other potential strategies, will enable you to determine the feasibility of the financial goals you’ll tackle later in the discussion.

3. Outline your goals. In order to achieve the impact your organization envisions, what kind of fundraising infrastructure and results are needed? A couple examples are included below to help kick-start your discussion, but don’t just think about financial targets from different channels, although those are certainly crucial. Consider also the kinds of capacity that you as an organization need to build to thrive, for example, increasing board participation in fundraising and contributions; launching your first successful crowdfunding campaign, etc.

4. Identify your objectives. What are the three or four (or more) things you need to accomplish in order to achieve the big-picture goals and strategies you’ve outlined? Break down the goal into the elements required to ensure it happens. Again, some examples to get you thinking are below.

5. Identify your tactics. This is where you get into the nitty-gritty details, breaking down each objective one more step. In other words, the who, what, when, where, and how. Who will you be raising money from, and how? What are the concrete actions that need to occur to achieve your objectives? Be very specific and include measurable goals, such as: We will apply for six grants from private foundations by the end of the second quarter.

6. Identify your budget and resources. How much will it cost to raise this money, and who will do it? Do you have the necessary tools in place, including a CRM platform, staff, subscriptions to foundation or donor prospecting databases, marketing and communications support, an online fundraising platform, etc.?

Once you’ve outlined your process, assign responsibilities and create deadlines. Keep people accountable by assigning them duties and clarifying who is personally charged with ensuring the fulfillment of each tactic, as well as deadlines for each.

4. Document the Plan

Once you’ve gone through the steps in this process and answered all the relevant questions, it’s time to document your plan. Without a written plan, you have no plan at all. This document should be specific, but also as short as possible and easy to read. Organize the plan by two to five goals and associate each goal with three to six objectives, and then associate each objective with tactics. Assign a lead person and deadline for each tactic.

Here is an example:

ABC 2016–2018 Fundraising Plan

Goal 1: To build a strong and adequately resourced fundraising infrastructure that includes staff and volunteer resources, technology, policies and procedures, and professional development that provides a foundation for fundraising sustainability and growth as required.

Objective 1: Build fundraising personnel resources.

Tactic 1: Hire a Development Associate. Lead: Development Director. Deadline: 8/10/16.

Tactic 2: Secure at least one skilled volunteer to help with administrative fundraising tasks. Lead: Development Associate. Deadline: 1/12/17.

Objective 2: Build a strong board with reach and influence, as well as fundraising and giving capacity.

Tactic 1: Create and implement a board member agreement detailing board responsibilities, including financial and fundraising commitments. Lead: Development Director. Deadline: 11/10/16.

Tactic 2: Recruit at least three new board members able to contribute major gifts and facilitate introductions to major donors. Lead: Development Committee. Deadline: 6/15/17.

Objective 3: Build a strong annual fund program that will contribute sustainable revenue toward operating expenses.

Tactic 1: Select and implement a CRM platform to serve as our donor database. Lead: Development Director. Deadline: 3/15/17.

Tactic 2: Build prospect list with 15,000 mailing and 25,000 email addresses. Lead: Marketing Director. Deadline: 5/1/17.

Tactic 3: Select and implement an online fundraising platform. Lead: Development Director. Deadline: 6/15/17.

Tactic 4: Create an editorial calendar mapping out all 2018 mail and email solicitations, plus major marketing communications. Lead: Development Director. Deadline: 9/15/17.

Goal 2: To increase fundraising revenues by 25 % and raise $1,000,000 in FY 2017/18.

Objective 1: Increase revenues from foundations by 30 %.

Tactic 1: Research, qualify, and prioritize 10 new foundation sources each year. Lead: Development Associate. Deadline: 6/30/16-18.

Tactic 2: Prepare Letters of Intent and/or grant proposals according to foundation deadlines. Lead: Development Associate. Deadline: FY according to required deadlines.

Tactic 3: Maintain schedule for research, qualification, prioritization, grant preparation, and follow-up. Lead: Development Associate. Deadline: Ongoing.

Objective 2: Build a strong and compelling Case for Support for fundraising purposes.

Tactic 1: Consult with staff, volunteers, donors, and clients regarding why they give and key messages. Lead: Development Director. Deadline: 3/30/16.

Tactic 2: Draft key messages and circulate in small but representative group for feedback. Prepare final Case for Board Approval. Lead: Development Director. Deadline 6/30/16.

Tactic 3: Develop mini Cases of Support for each program. Lead: Development Director. Deadline: 9/30/16.

Tactic 4: Communicate Case messages through various formats, including print, proposals, social media, website, marketing, etc. Lead: Development Director. Deadline: 9/30/16.

5. Gather Your Prospects

Donor prospecting is absolutely crucial to fundraising. So much so that we’ve dedicated all of Chapter 5 to it. Your prospect list will be critical to the development and implementation of your fundraising plan. You will need it to assess your current donors and determine where to focus your efforts, as well as to identify new opportunities. Ideally, this information should be stored in your CRM or database (see Chapter 6), but you should export it into a spreadsheet to visualize the full list and better prioritize and discuss it with your team.

Assign a lead fundraiser to each prospect , so you know who is accountable and can provide updates during regular reviews. Create separate tabs for each type of prospect, especially foundations, companies, and individual donors. Add to the list regularly and review it frequently with your team to measure progress and identify fundraising opportunities. As detailed in Chapter 5, it’s helpful to implement a ranking system, even a simple one, to help you prioritize prospects and determine where to focus your efforts. How connected to your cause and organization are they, and what’s their giving capacity? Focus first on people in your inner circle, such as your board and close connections. Then think beyond the usual suspects, like the wealthy donors in your town known for their philanthropy. Try to identify people off of the radar who are connected to your cause, and devise a strategy for your most important prospects.

6. Keep It Alive

Once you’ve spent precious time and resources creating a solid fundraising plan that secures board approval, the worst that can happen is for it to sit on a shelf. Your plan must be a living document that guides your activities, and it must be updated or at least reviewed annually. At each review, involve the board, key staff, and volunteers and evaluate whether you are on point or falling behind. This will allow you to hold people accountable, make strategic decisions, and shift tactics as needed. It will also enable you to recognize and celebrate your successes, something too few of us fundraisers take the time to do! Use your objectives to create key performance indicators and include them in your organizational dashboard, as outlined in Chapter 7, so that evaluation of your fundraising efforts is integrated into the evaluation of your overall organizational health.


Muhammad Ali once said, “The fight is won or lost before I even get in the ring.” To succeed in fundraising you need to know where you’re going and how you’ll get there. How much money are you trying to raise? and Who are you going to raise it from? You need to be strategic and think long-term, but also clarify the interim steps required for you to succeed. Prosperity for your cause typically doesn’t come quickly; it comes from hard work, a well-conceived strategy, diligent execution, and the investment of time and resources. You need to identify your revenue sources, your resources, and your prospects before you get started to ensure a more mindful approach. Be crystal clear on both your strategies and tactics, and hold yourself and your team accountable to concrete deadlines. Engage key leadership, like your board, and volunteers in your efforts, and revisit your strategy and progress regularly with everyone involved. Create the systems to measure progress, learn from shortcomings, and celebrate successes. When done right, a fundraising plan will do all of this for you; it’s simply a matter of creating it thoughtfully, keeping it alive, and holding yourself to it.

Do’s and Don’ts


.. include as many key staff, board members, and volunteers as possible in your fundraising planning process.

.. review your prospect list in advance to ensure your goals are realistic and achievable.

.. build a diversified fundraising plan that includes goals and objectives, plus tactics that are assigned to an owner with a deadline for each.

.. review your tactics in the fundraising plan monthly.


.. create a fundraising plan without the input of your communications and marketing team, or one that lacks a budget to ensure implementation.

.. assume that all staff payroll, benefits, rent, and utilities are overhead or administrative expenses.

.. believe you have a fundraising plan in place if you fail to take the time to document it in writing.

.. create a fundraising plan without integrating your strategic plan into it.

About the Expert

Andrea McManus is president of The Development Group and a recognized leader in the nonprofit sector. With more than 29 years of experience in fund development, communications, media, public relations, and marketing, McManus has particular expertise in environments where major changes, restructuring, or transition require innovation, leadership, creativity, and an entrepreneurial attitude.

Resource Review

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) (www.afpnet.org)

AFP is a great resource for fundraisers. They have regional chapters all over the world that produce quality events, as well as a large international conference, and a storytelling conference. You can also find helpful resources on their website.

Future Fundraising Now (futurefundaisingnow.typepad.com)

Jeff Brooks is a regular contributor to Fundraising Success Magazine, and his blog is full of great posts and resources. Check out his podcast, “Fundraising Is Beautiful.”

Ahern Donor Communications (www.aherncomm.com)

Tom Ahern’s blog is a great source for case studies, sample critiques of fundraising materials, and links to useful resources.

The Fundraising Authority (www.thefundraisingauthority.com)

Find helpful resources including articles, webinars, books, and podcasts. Check out their “Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising” and the article, “How to Write a Successful Fundraising Plan.”

Joyaux, Simone P. Strategic Fund Development: Building Profitable Relationships That Last (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

This book focuses on long-term strategic fundraising, rather than the typical transactional approach that fails to nurture your most important donor relationships.

Network for Good’s Fundraising 123 blog (www.fundraising123.org)

Find a variety of posts and resources on all things fundraising, including the “Fundraising Planning Worksheet: A Tool for Creating Your Annual Fundraising Plan” by Mimi Ho and Priscilla Hung.

Nonprofit Quarterly (https://nonprofitquarterly.org)

A print and online publication that provides articles on a variety of nonprofit topics. Check out their webinars, and sign up for their daily digest.

M+R Lab (www.mrss.com/lab)

A free collection of articles and advice from a group of experienced nonprofit consultants; includes case studies and covers a wide variety of topics, including reports on industry benchmarks.

The Agitator (www.theagitator.net)

A great online blog from industry experts Tom Belford and Roger Craver that provides information and advice on nonprofit fundraising and marketing strategies.

Idealist (www.Idealist.org)

A very robust website that offers tons of links to useful resources and articles, plus it gives you access to a global community of volunteers and nonprofit peers.

Nonprofit Fundraising 101

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