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How to solve inner blockages

There are several ways in which you can release inner blockages. In this chapter, we will focus on simplified procedures, which will provide a remedy for the moment. The following chapters dive deeper into the individual approaches and enable you to strengthen your self-confidence in the long run, to develop positive thoughts and to change your habits in such a way that you become more successful and happier.

Rational argumentation

Blockages come from emotions. As such, they are not based on rational reasons. You can now use exactly this fact to take away their power. All you have to do is question the feeling. If you are afraid to talk to unknown people, just ask yourself where the fear comes from. Argue against it. Show yourself that nothing can happen to you if you talk to someone you don't know. The same works in all other situations where your emotions control you.

Bring the incident back.

Blockages are based on emotions from negative experiences made in childhood. Back then, you were at the mercy of the event. You haven't learned how to deal with situations like this yet. Today you can. Lie down on the couch or bed, close your eyes and bring the event from your memory back into your consciousness. This can result in a blockage due to several events, so you may have to repeat this step from time to time.

Once you have closed your eyes and relived the event, you can relive it with your present wealth of experience and possibilities and this time process it properly. You can see it as what it is. Let's take the example of the child who was beaten up for his opinion. This has caused a blockade. To bring this situation back now means to understand that the other was to blame and the child was right to speak his mind. The more detailed and lifelike you bring back your memory, the easier it is for you to take her power over you. All you have to do is play it through again and again and act in your mind's eye as you would do today.

Change your thoughts and emotions

By changing your thoughts and feelings, you directly address your problem. Don't wait up and start right away. Write all your negative thoughts on a piece of paper and add your negative feelings. Then just throw this leaf away and with it all negative thoughts and feelings. Then take a second leaf. Write down what you'd like to be like. Pick up this sheet and read it out at least once a day. With each repetition the second hand gets stronger and the first hand you threw away loses power.

Find the confrontation with the blockade.

Blockades have power because you don't challenge them. Every time you give in to them, they get a little stronger. But if you don't give in to them, they lose the same amount of power. At the same time, you experience the situation and make a new experience and this experience gives you a new feeling which then replaces the blockade.

Normally we do not like to leave our comfort zone, because there we feel safe and comfortable. But if you're afraid of talking to a woman or a man, find a bar, a club or a pub. Go over there. Don't force yourself to flirt with someone. Just be there and experience the situation until you feel comfortable. Then you go there and talk to the first woman or man and repeat this over and over again until you feel comfortable with it and then you also have success.

How To Release Inner Blockades

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