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This is about a voyage of discovery. Over its journey I discovered true friendship from quarters I had not expected, lost ‘friendships’ from quarters that surprised me, had my eyes opened by the simplest of gestures and experienced kindnesses that took my breath away.

Many of those are described in the following pages.

On the sailing front, I would like to thank the directors and staff at Clipper Ventures, creators of an extraordinary event that changes people’s lives. Not only did they deliver a great race, they also provided a string of opportunities to keep the wolf from the door when I returned home.

To Stuart Gibson, who ran our race with such elegance. The mixture of competitiveness, focus, dedication, professionalism, humour, humanity, humility and honesty set an astonishing example. You are a unique individual and a privilege to know. To you, Liz, Ben and my godson Oliver, my gratitude is never-ending.

To all of the crew of London, who proved to be such inspirational individuals battling against the conditions and, in some cases, their own demons. We have a unique, precious bond and the moments we shared have ensured friendships for life.

To dear Mirella Ricciardi, who urged me to write it all down, and to Brian McLaurin, who responded so warmly when I did. He introduced me to John Blake and turned an idea into a book with disarming ease. Without that introduction this book would not exist. At the publishers, my editors Adam Parfitt, Richard Dawes and Amy McCulloch, who guided me through the maze with gentle encouragement, reassurance and valued advice, for which I am hugely grateful.

To Barry and Wendy Taylor. Readers will see why you are so loved when they start to turn the pages.

To the numerous family members and friends, who provided such incredible levels of support and encouragement. Special thanks go to Marion and Jonathan Lloyd for publishing advice, the loan of their cottage in Norfolk for me to write in and for several days of fearless seafaring skills which demonstrated that only real sailors perform off Blakeney Point.

To Mum and Dad, Liz, Nicky and Gerry, whose support through e-mails and letters proved that family bonds are not dulled by miles. My father passed away a couple of years after my race ended and I’ll always be grateful that he lived my adventure as if he too was on-board.

And finally, to Anne, Holly and Michael, whose love, support and selflessness continue to amaze me on a daily basis. I hope you know that it is returned with interest.

Ian Dickens

Sea Change

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