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Things We Didn’t Have in the 1970s

Part Four

Fashion Sense

The 1970s has been described as the decade that fashion forgot. But who could possibly forget multi-coloured tank tops? Or gold lamé hot pants. Or flares. Flares had high waists with loads of buttons and enormous bell bottoms that quite often dragged along the floor. Colours were loud and garish. Yellows and oranges and pinks and purples. The patterns were psychedelic. I’m amazed that people left the house, although there were often power cuts, so at least they could still be seen in the dark. Aside from the Milk Tray Man in the advert, no one wore black (The Milk Tray Man was a man dressed all in black who used to break in to women’s bedrooms late at night and leave a box of chocolates on the bedside table; not creepy at all). If you see pictures of Elton John in the 1970s, the reason he looked so outlandish is because he was trying to outdo what everyone else was wearing on a daily basis.

To Be Someone

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