Читать книгу All sciences. №9, 2023. International Scientific Journal - Екатерина Александровна Селивёрстова, Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev, Екатерина Александровна Мулярчик (Буча) - Страница 9



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8. Otazhonov, S. M. The effect of deformation on the migration of defects in photosensitive thin films of cadmium silver telluride: Ag and PP. / S. M. Otazhonov, K. A. Botirov, M. M. Khalilov. // ISSN number 2308—4804. Science and Peace. – 2021. – №6 (94).

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13. Otazhonov, S.M. The effect of internal stress on the deformation characteristics of polycrystalline PbTe films with an excess of tellurium and lead /S.M. Otazhonov. Otajonov S.M., Akhmedov T., Usmonov Ya., Botirov K.A., Khalilov M.M., Yunusov N. ISSN 2308—4804. Science and the World. 2021. No.3 (91). Volgograd, 2021.

14. Otazhonov, S.M. Influence of group VII elements on the deformation sensitivity of polycrystalline films PbTe, PbS Otazhonov S.M., Rakhmonulov M.Kh., Khalilov M.M., Botirov K.A., Yunusov N. Scientific journal European Science Review No.1—2 2021 (January – February), doi.org/10.29013/ESR-21-1.2-35-38.

All sciences. №9, 2023. International Scientific Journal

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