Читать книгу The Tragedy of Islam - Imam Mohammad Tawhidi - Страница 21

My Marriage and Divorce


During my journey, I met a woman whom I can safely describe as one of the best people I had come across in my life. We got married in Iraq, as she was originally from one of its holy cities. She was the daughter of a respected scholar, and was a direct descendant of Prophet Mohammad. Because our marriage was traditional, only after marriage did we realize how different we were. She insisted on wearing a full burqa, while at times I would publicly wear a suit and tie instead of my religious robes and turban. My views, opinions, and the diplomacy work that I was and still am involved in were seen as unacceptable by her family.

Even though my wife came from a conservative family, I knew that her journey to Australia would have allowed her to see what life is like in the real world, giving her the freedom to release herself from the chains of her ignorant society. Within her ultra-conservative Muslim family, my friendships with Jewish and Christian faith leaders were considered out of bounds for a Muslim imam. With all of our disagreements on life, where to continue living and how, as well as interference from other family members, we agreed that a divorce was best for both of us. Her father was shocked that we had made this decision, as we were less than one year into the marriage.

When we went to legally file a divorce in the Iraqi Supreme Court, the guide at the door directed us to the “newlyweds’ area,” and was surprised to learn that we were there for a divorce. On our way out of the court, he apologized and told us that he had never seen such a friendly group coming to file for a divorce, hence he thought that we were there to register a marriage.

I don’t blame my ex-wife or her family for such a difficult period of my life. Instead, I blame our outdated traditions that are negatively influencing the lives and minds of this innocent generation.

Looking at all of the difficulties and challenges that I endured throughout the last two decades, I am very grateful that none of them have had a negative impact on me. I have seen people murdered in front of me, and I have lost dear people and valuable things in life, but I have always had the ability to move on with a clear mind – something I consider to be a blessing. Some of my friends wonder how I manage to prevent life’s difficulties from negatively impacting me, and my secret is: never have great expectations of anything or anyone, because if they fail to meet your expectations, you will be left hurt or disappointed.

The Tragedy of Islam

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