Читать книгу The Tragedy of Islam - Imam Mohammad Tawhidi - Страница 5



Allah – The Arabic word for “God.” Ayatollah – A title literally meaning “sign of God”, awarded to Shia Muslim experts on Islam. Caliph – An elected or appointed leader of Muslims. In Shia Islam, there can only be one caliph on earth at a time. Caliphate An Islamic state under the leadership of a caliph. Fatwa – An Islamic ruling or verdict issued by a recognized Islamic jurist or authority. It is considered a scholarly opinion that must be followed and emulated. Grand ayatollah – A Shia Muslim expert on Islam who has announced that they are an Islamic leader and who has a following. Grand imam – In the context of this book, “grand imam” means an imam who is highly revered and more prominent than a regular imam. Hadith – A narration, report, account, chronicle, or record of the traditions, sayings, and doings of Prophet Mohammad. Hijrah – The migration of Prophet Mohammad and his companions from Mecca to Medina in the year 622. Imam – In the context of this book, imam means Islamic leader. In Shia Islam, the word imam also means an infallible descendant of Prophet Mohammad, such as Imam Hussain. Islamic government – A government based on Sharia Law, which is not necessarily governed by a caliph. Examples include the Islamic republics of Pakistan and Iran. Islamic scholar – A recognized scholar on the Quran, and other Islamic teachings and scriptures. Islamism – A fundamentalist and hardline brand of Islam that revolves around a militant ideology and interpretation. Islamist – A Muslim who believes in utilising violence or militancy in order to spread fundamentalist and hardline brands of Islam. Muslims of both Shia and Sunni denominations can be Islamists. Islamists are activists who aim to establish the rule of Sharia Law. Jihad – The fundamental Islamic obligation to fight for the cause of God. Jihadist – An Islamist Muslim who engages in the act of jihad. Jurisprudence – The study of law. In this case, it is religious law. For example, Sharia Law is a combination of different sources of Islamic jurisprudence. Jurist – An expert on jurisprudence and the theory of law. Kaffir – The Arabic Islamic terminology to describe a disbeliever in Allah and or the Islamic religion. Mufti – A Sunni Muslim jurist who is qualified to deduce Islamic laws from the Quran and hadith and present them as authoritative legal opinions. Quranic – An attribution to the Quran. For example, Quranic verse means a verse from the Quran. Salafism – A hybrid of Wahhabism. Sayed – In the context of this book, a sayed is a descendant of Prophet Mohammad. Shaikh – An honorific title given to Arabian “leaders” or Islamic scholars regardless of nationality. Sharia Law – Islamic law that is derived from the religious precepts of Islam, mainly the Quran, its various interpretations and the hadith.

The Tragedy of Islam

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