Читать книгу The Tragedy of Islam - Imam Mohammad Tawhidi - Страница 25

Dear Reader


The previous pages contained what I believe is very important for you to know, as they present the journey and events that made me whom I am today.

What we Muslims claim to believe is not what our books teach, and most Muslims are in fact ignorant of what Islam’s theological and doctrinal books contain.

The following chapters are a gradual and intellectual exposé of the difficulties within Islamic thought, in all of its aspects and denominations; while pointing out the urgent need for reform. You will come to discover the true beliefs of the majority of Muslims regarding Allah and Mohammad, along with surrounding aspects of the religion such as the Quran and the family of Mohammad.

These disastrous beliefs are enough reason for Islam’s current governing bodies to review their teachings, and to amend their main sources of theology, philosophy, and doctrine.

As someone who lives and operates within Muslim societies, I am aware of the safety concerns that come along with writing about these topics. I have taken my safety as well as that of those around me into consideration, especially when writing the third chapter.

The Tragedy of Islam

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