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Why Use Mental Models?


“Why should I use a mental model?” This is probably one of the questions that prompted you to open this book—indeed, it’s a good one.

Using a mental model can advance several tasks for you—both from a tactical and a strategic standpoint. It can guide the design of the solution you are working on. It can help you, and your team, make good user and business decisions. And, it can act as a roadmap, ensuring continuity of vision and opportunity as the makeup of your team evolves over the next decade.

The Three C’s

You might notice that the three main reasons I use to describe the advantages of mental models all begin with the letter “C”:

 Confidence in Your Design—guide the design of the solution

 Clarity in Direction—make good user and business decisions

 Continuity of Strategy—ensure longevity of vision and opportunity

I thought this was a neat way to remember the reasons, especially if you have to persuade your CEO in the elevator why you want to create some mental models of your customers.

Mental Models

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