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4.5.3 Past Tense and Past Participle


In some dialects the verb in the past tense has distinctions in form for the indicative and subjunctive in the singular, though the subjunctive plural is always the same as the indicative plural. The third person singular of the indicative has the same form as the first person singular.

In the South and South‐West Midlands the past participle has the prefix i‐ or y‐, derived from Old English ge‐, unless there is some other prefix already present: so isiʒen, ‘come’, 3/111, ybuld, ‘built’, 12/1; but bigrowe, ‘overgrown’, 2/27, already has the prefix bi‐. Langland uses this y‐ prefix sometimes – compare ycrouned, 7a/59, with crouned, 7a/63 – but Gower rarely has it.

A Book of Middle English

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