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5.4.7 The Articles


Usage of the definite article is variable when proper names are accompanied by a noun. Expressions such as þe king Stephne, 1/1, are commoner in early use, and later it is Kyng Charles, 12/114; similarly Seint Jerom, 12/92, and even segge Jonas, ‘the man Jonah’, 8/409. When the noun follows the name there need be no article, especially in early texts: Martin abbot, 1/56, but Arðure þan kinge, 3/1, and Peres þe plouhman, 7b/124.

Both the definite and indefinite articles may be absent where Modern English would use them: which bar corone, ‘who was king’, 13/63; have an horn and be hayward, 7a/16; wæs god munec and god man, 1/72.

The adjectives ech and every may be followed by a: everich a grot, ‘every detail’, 5/490.

A Book of Middle English

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