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5.5 Adjectives and Adverbs 5.5.1 Position


Attributive adjectives most commonly precede the noun: not by soche a devoute and a meek blynde stering of love, bot by a proude, coryous and an ymaginatiif witte, 6/145–7. In verse they may follow the noun: sceld deore, ‘beloved shield’, 3/20; burn rych, ‘noble man’, 9/20. Two or more adjectives may be grouped around the noun: pore folke syke, 7b/147; wylde werbles and wyʒt, ‘wild and loud trillings’, 9/119; he milde man was and softe and god, 1/9–10. In Laʒamon’s Brut the adjective sometimes precedes the article or possessive pronoun: balde mine beornes, ‘my bold knights’, 3/133, mid aðelen his crafte, ‘with his excellent skill’, 3/11. Compare Shakespeare’s dear my lord.

A Book of Middle English

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